/pol/ - Images
/ptg/ - /pol/ meetup

New York anons in the winter

/pol/ meetup - salute

/pol/ meetup with a pizza

Asian /pol/ack

/pol/ meetup ( Brittany Venti POV )

/pol/ meetup ( NYC - 2017 )

Was Marx a /pol/ack all along?
![: Anonymous (ID: HF318T9S) [•1 Was Marx secretly one of us? 10/11/20(Sun)02:09:50 No.281955155 https://youtu.be /ywWw2IAyEfs?t=1124 [Open] >hated christianity >hated jews >held racial theories and saw white europeans as superior >called a fellow socialist a "jewish 23 KB JPG N-word" >said his cuban son-in-law had "N-word blood" and theorized with engels what kind of african he was >didn't approve of said son-in-law marrying his daughter on a purely racial basis >called his son-in-law "negrillo" and "the gorilla" on account of his n---- blood >believed women had no place in socialism and were better off in the kitchen >saw the family unit as decaying under capitalism and thought the pre-capitalist family was better >had an affinity with classical german literature](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/974/340/cc8.jpg)
![: Anonymous (ID: HF318T9S) [•1 Was Marx secretly one of us? 10/11/20(Sun)02:09:50 No.281955155 https://youtu.be /ywWw2IAyEfs?t=1124 [Open] >hated christianity >hated jews >held racial theories and saw white europeans as superior >called a fellow socialist a "jewish 23 KB JPG N-word" >said his cuban son-in-law had "N-word blood" and theorized with engels what kind of african he was >didn't approve of said son-in-law marrying his daughter on a purely racial basis >called his son-in-law "negrillo" and "the gorilla" on account of his n---- blood >believed women had no place in socialism and were better off in the kitchen >saw the family unit as decaying under capitalism and thought the pre-capitalist family was better >had an affinity with classical german literature](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/974/340/cc8.jpg)
You must heal!

The Fingers of An Half Italian Canadian

![:40 No. D Anonymous (D D 11/03/20(Tue) Anolymdus (U ea EGtetey 1003/20(Tuej2154 32 78 KB. 500x282) BLUE MICHIGAN BUE MICHIGAN BLUE MICHIGAN >BLUE MICHIGAN O INIMEPENDENT WHY IS MY HEART PUMPING LIKE THIS. TRUMP WONAT EVEN BE MY PRESIDENT BUTI STILL SUPPORT HIM BOENBROS KEKED LAST MIMUTE TRUMPI GOO000000000000000 Joe Biden's lead vanishes in four swing states, according to poll aggregator TRUMP TRUMP TRLMP TRUMP TRUMP LEAD HAS BEEN LOST N 4+ STATES >LEAD HAS VAPORIZED LAST MINUTE STRUMP IS WINNING SHAPPENING BLUE MICHIGAN wny am i so nenvoU 4 MORE YEARS NGGER >BLUE MICHIOAN BLUE MICHIGAN SELUE MICHIGAN IR TRUMP (ID: GR) 11/03/20 g(1.22 MB, 1200x720) BLUE MICHIGAN https www.independent.co.ukinews/world/amencaslurO Anomymous (0 CERD DONALDO-SAMA GANBARREEEEEE >BLUE MICHIGAN i Gaoga Nunh Caralina and Ce Jee Bderad kave dsaanared BLUE MICHIGAN O35 repties and 9 images omited. Click here to view GOD WILL PROTECT TRUMP O Anonymous (D: 11/04/20Wed11.01 45 No 287239465 O Anonymous (D: N 10320Tu15 52 19 No 286795662 (Reply] 2 A O Anonymous (D Ovon) 11/03/20(Tue MCHIGAN IS BLUE F--- WE LOST Uw ijewapijwipoae tipoeawjewapiwipose tiposawijewapjmpoae Anonymous (D T Texastag here. Tell me why I should go out and vote today it Trump has this in the bag BET ON TRUMP J Amonymous (D CESD 1100/20(Tue)15.51 43 No 286795457 IST ale: 1502914171016 jeg (87 KD, 1024x1024) >>20a0015 TRUMP 2024, 2028, 2002 2036, 2040, 204 BET ON TRUMF F--- F--- F--- I F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- I Fle 145524126 ies (226 KB. 624x720) BET ON TRUMP >BET ON TRUUF BET ON TRU FOR GO GO GO GO GO GO O Anonymous (IU agleoom ) 11UsKIuejer 2ruo No Zta Fle 1578000524822 pg (46 KB, 437x497) EVER TRUMP WINS KEK WILLS IT GO VOTE FOR TRUMP VOTE NOW GO GO GO VOTE YOU F------ MAGGOTS GO GO GO GO GET YOUR WARFACE C CANT STUMP THE TRUM F--- F--- F--- >BET ON TRUM BET ON TRUMP BET ON TRUMP BET ON TRUMP >BET ON TRIiNE BET ON TRUMP O Anonymous ID E D 10320(Tuejt6 20 E O Anonymous (D: hsdrELZ) File Trome jeg (760 KB, 3000x1999 F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- Trump is going to win! FI VOTE FOR DJT VOTE FOR DJT TAKE MY ENERGY PRESDENT DONALD J TRUMP cope LI Anonymous D C D 11/0) VOTE FOR DUT GET OF YOUR F------ ASSES YOU LAZY S---- AN VOTE VOTE 338) File: 159332342521.ng (104 KB. 350x370) TRUMP DO SOMETHING WIN THIS S--- COME ON O Anonymous (D: NEAZ =1 Fie. 14523202127L jog 873 KB, 154 Jo) win Jesu Trum i wnning OAnonymous ID CHEGD 10320Tue)15 36:07 No 286790566 s T VOTE Praise the Lord Jesus Chria VOTE 2790240 OP) that's a tnny larp trump already won though, so this ia meaningless PANT THE COUNTRY REDI GO GO F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- O Anonymoun (D C GO GO VOTE FOR DONALDJ. TRUMP AND A STRAIGHT RED TICKET AND GET A PRINT OUT RECEIPT AND TAKE A PHOTO OF YOUR VOTING RECEIPT DEMOCRATS WILL STOP AT NOTHNG TO STEAL THIS ELECTION 1103/20(Tuej20 37 57 No 285894723 a O Anonymous (ID 03/20(Tuej2155 le: SEBAACED.AFOT4EAR-SEBE CI_pg (35 KB, 50 DAnonymoun (0. yarvuse 104Wedor 29 24 No Ter2r7> IOUS IOUS IOUS ITS FUPPENNG Fie Seanatet 20 4 (6t Is 429375) Jut enjay coch pes gi Pls trump just win TRUMP WINS BABY O An ss depressed right now TO EVERYONE WHO ALREADY VOTED FOR DUT, GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR ENTRE AMILY. For Bdan votern, I pra 50.7% O Anonymous (D ON 110a/20(Tuej23:30 57 No 20 DAnooymon ( AE uno TRUMP WILL WIN MAGAD Anonymous (0: Fle sfajpg (629 KB, 2844x200 ck Anonymous (D VEVpa 11/03/2DITua15 52 56 No 286795855 2nza1 22ZEZ Possble Trmp Virtory SelApng (596 KB, 1264x2564) TRUMP? FOUR MORE YEARS 48.7% TRUMP20 YOU CAN DO IT, TRUMP The question isn't if Trump wil win, but by how much I Anonymous (u A WHAT THE F--- WHAT THE F--- *WHAT THE F--- O Anonymous (D ass) 11/03/20(Tue23.06.22 No 206978 Joe Biden has a 6.25% chance to win TRUMP WIN TRUMP WIN TRUMP WIN Trump will piss on Biden OAnonymous (ID w naAR uejau..o No cooobosuo Anonymous QU TasG -1 11US2I ue21 3/N Trump has a 93.75% chance to win, ---- Anonymous (D )A 11/03/20Tue)15.68 09 No 28679745 c alectan night stagea.ong (36 KB, 1632x) Evil wil lose Trimp will win Anonymous D a = 20Tuej17:02.00 No 2 * evenydody relax, Trump wins File: 15800007421.cog (368 KB, 945x956) Trump leadng popular voto by era milon LETS GO BYE BYE SLEEPY JOE O Asonymous (D: DHS20u 0 No 2 lat's tacking Anonymous (D canya 11/03/20(Tue)15:56 20 No 286796921 100% chance af Trure wing O Anonymoun (D: a taagocTu6 55 No 786 GO00000000000000000000 C0000000ooo00000O0000000000000000o000 >>206796590 STOP. BIDEN IS ALREADY DEAD o000000000 >>206810693 (Op BY THE POWER OF MY EERGY HE WILLL MAGAM O Anonymous (ID CAWYSE11/03/20(Tue21 56:12 No 286935963 Anonymous D ov 11/03/20(Tue)16.03:38 No 285799193 AMLOTrump jeg (129 KB. 1080609) AMwwwwwwwMAAAAAMA wwwwwwwAAMAMAMAMAAAAMAAAMA D Anonymous (ID: G )11/03/20(Tue)A SA N 20AR15212 O Anonymous (ID TI320Tue)20 50 N2 471 TRUMP WILL WIN TRUMP WILL WIN TRUMP WILL WIN TRUMP WILL WI Anonymou D ETT E 11/03/2 File mas jeg d KB, 508x?20) TRUMP WILL WN TRIIMP WIL WIN TRUMP WI I WN TRUMP WII WI MAGA PLEASE GET TRUMP RE ELECTED 22785793593 JDe dont listen to these polla gooder bad voto fr rume now GIVE ME YOUR BEST MEMES I NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR CELEBRATION O Anonymous (0 Ccan 1103/20(Tuel23:23.08 No 29 do it trump File: moshot09 jpg (194 KB, 1920x1000) O Amonymous (D: 1103/20(Tuei16.04-03 No 2867916 Anonymous (D C 3/20Tusin6.22 65 No 286 ile 1473122124Z.ng (716 KB, 640068) MFW TRUMP WINS Now histary will show the polle had t dend en and Tramo simly owperfrd byle Wean de this aganin 2004 O Anonymous (D CEU File: 226. mg (162 MB, 1080x1 SECOND TERM Biden will not win a sinale state JAnsapmoun (D GID 42 en No 2 OD D2(Tur Anonvenous 0. 02 11/03/20(Tue)1 21 jog (106 Kl co4 O Anonymous (0: UO 11/03/20(Tue THLAP FLUCKaiwON 15I31234186 jpg (1.34 MB, 23223000) Trump WILL wn TRUME FLACKONG WON The Trump Train is now the R--- TRAIN MSIE MAMAA O Anonymous (D: TRIMME F------ WON E TRUMP FLCKONG WON WON Huge f------ big dịck energy lonight Expecting a 350-400 Electoral vote victory MAGA TAKE MY ENERGY PRAISE TRUMP O Anonymous Fie 16004527TIT Anonymon D D 1103/20(Tuej21.26: File: 044R28.of (1.33 MB, 498x280) TRLIMP F------ WON LETS GOGOGOGOGOGOGO DGDGOGOGOGD TRUMP FUCKONG WON TREM -in anana r ne Eily 1596224812156 pg (84 KB, 928x767) CHINNO WORE CONGRATULATIONS MR PRESIDENT Oy 1/03/20Tue) TRMPFUCKNG WON >TRLUMFUCKaNG WON TRUMP FLCHING WON >TRUMP PLCKNG WON TRUMP FUCONG WON WE FINALLY DID IT TRUMP UCKNO WO MAGA TRUMPS GONNA MAKE IT MAIA Lieg (22 KB, T50s27) TRI HOLY COPE WE DID IT, BOYS O Anonymous (ID anor 11/03/20(Tue121:3 TRI Anonymous (ID: CHPozuEr THE SALT S FLOWMING ALREADY Fie 1435a0592 eng (85 KB. 291x344) .. O Anonymous 00 G 20Tun Fil: kakdamat (12 KE 720TIO THIS CANT BE HAPPENNG O Amonymous (D CO 11/03/20(Tuel16.07:12 No 286800261 File 11111446 eng (73 KB, 853439) Bros. We are losing PROMISES MADE AND PROMISES KEPT D Anonymous ( IANALYZED ALL THE F------ D---- TRUMP CANT LOSE TRUMP LANDSIDE TRUMPEKC D Amonymoun (D 11/03/20(Tue)16.03 No 20803600 TRUMP WINS WIN TRUMPEKO TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP WIN Anonymous moT s N ansAn7 O Anonymous (D amo)11/03/20(Tue)22-51:33 No 286970237 -Anonymous (I0 CIA 1103/20(Tue)16 08 45 Ne 206800756 Anonymous (0 Ezstm 103/20(Tu)16 16 48 No 2868gros Trump e gona we troe 1 am so dad 212 TRUMP TAKE MY IGH ENERGY /212 212 TRUMP TAKE MY HGH ENERGY No 286899406 sending my energies trump wint 200000700 DAnooymous ((D: SOKSTYS 11/03/20(Tuej22 52 35 No 206970811 Please, God, let Trump wint Please, Guardian Angal of this nation, let Trump wint 21P- TRUMP TAKE MY HGH ENERGY 212- TRUMP TAKE MY HGH ENERGY o - nar n urnu TRUMP IS PRESIDENT OF THE WORLDN TRUMP IS PRESIDENT OF THE WOALD Anonymous (D aT)1103/20(Tue)16:11:47 No.286001714 O Anonymous (0 WEN 11/04/20edo10227 Ns. 20705 Anonymus D e 11/0320(Tuej22 45:38 Ne Fie16 Z (137 ka 50500) np slow joe MAGA 2020 TRLIMP 20201 WHAT THE ACTUAL POCK IOKNGARZONA Why are you f---- even tealung out when everything points to a trump vctory so tar WHY ISNT HE WINNING ITS F------ ARZONA O Anonymous (D ED 11/0320(Tue)16:12:10 No 206001890 Trump will win O Anonymous (D GND OA20wedat 0228 No. 28705257 O Anonymous (ID: O 11/03/20(Tue 22 59:23 No 206974690 D Anonymous (D CD 1103/20(Tuej16. 1226 No 286801936 222 Oe tuck yes, E will be a tough win, but donny has e What the f--- is going on in Arzona AMERBROSI BELIEVE DONT GIVE UPI DONT LET IT ALL GO TO WASTE! LETS MAKE HISTORYE "IN a MA , UU O Anonymous (D CR 0320Tu23 06: 10 No 20697 HES TAKINGT BACK HES DoFle 160328161424 mg (19 KB. 22574) HES TAKING T BACK HEs DONG HES TAKING IT BACK HES DONC just got done dieng an hour each way to go vote, apt y o atate faggats any RKGG MAGA O Anonymous (D ZevsoPe 11/04/20Ved029 43 No 287213377 TRUMP DAemous D: DONT LET US DOWN BURGERSI VOTE FOR VOTE FOR File: 1576619750756. np (683 KB, 751x684) PRAY FOR TRUMP VOTE FOR TRUMP PRAY FOR TRUMP VOTE FOR TRUMP S E - e a ouioy HE'S TAKING IT BACK HES DONG File 33813855 png 418360 TRUMP HE'B TAKING IT BACK HES DONC Cnonymous D. CE D 11/04/20Wedj01.1230 No 287060425 Fe nacchat 147442140 jpg (17 KB, 31a62) t's over bro Biden wins Trumll win PRAY FOR TRUMP MMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAMA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VOTE FOR TRUMP PRAY FOR TRUMP Tump ia gong to win in a landside MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/968/413/91b.png)
![:40 No. D Anonymous (D D 11/03/20(Tue) Anolymdus (U ea EGtetey 1003/20(Tuej2154 32 78 KB. 500x282) BLUE MICHIGAN BUE MICHIGAN BLUE MICHIGAN >BLUE MICHIGAN O INIMEPENDENT WHY IS MY HEART PUMPING LIKE THIS. TRUMP WONAT EVEN BE MY PRESIDENT BUTI STILL SUPPORT HIM BOENBROS KEKED LAST MIMUTE TRUMPI GOO000000000000000 Joe Biden's lead vanishes in four swing states, according to poll aggregator TRUMP TRUMP TRLMP TRUMP TRUMP LEAD HAS BEEN LOST N 4+ STATES >LEAD HAS VAPORIZED LAST MINUTE STRUMP IS WINNING SHAPPENING BLUE MICHIGAN wny am i so nenvoU 4 MORE YEARS NGGER >BLUE MICHIOAN BLUE MICHIGAN SELUE MICHIGAN IR TRUMP (ID: GR) 11/03/20 g(1.22 MB, 1200x720) BLUE MICHIGAN https www.independent.co.ukinews/world/amencaslurO Anomymous (0 CERD DONALDO-SAMA GANBARREEEEEE >BLUE MICHIGAN i Gaoga Nunh Caralina and Ce Jee Bderad kave dsaanared BLUE MICHIGAN O35 repties and 9 images omited. Click here to view GOD WILL PROTECT TRUMP O Anonymous (D: 11/04/20Wed11.01 45 No 287239465 O Anonymous (D: N 10320Tu15 52 19 No 286795662 (Reply] 2 A O Anonymous (D Ovon) 11/03/20(Tue MCHIGAN IS BLUE F--- WE LOST Uw ijewapijwipoae tipoeawjewapiwipose tiposawijewapjmpoae Anonymous (D T Texastag here. Tell me why I should go out and vote today it Trump has this in the bag BET ON TRUMP J Amonymous (D CESD 1100/20(Tue)15.51 43 No 286795457 IST ale: 1502914171016 jeg (87 KD, 1024x1024) >>20a0015 TRUMP 2024, 2028, 2002 2036, 2040, 204 BET ON TRUMF F--- F--- F--- I F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- I Fle 145524126 ies (226 KB. 624x720) BET ON TRUMP >BET ON TRUUF BET ON TRU FOR GO GO GO GO GO GO O Anonymous (IU agleoom ) 11UsKIuejer 2ruo No Zta Fle 1578000524822 pg (46 KB, 437x497) EVER TRUMP WINS KEK WILLS IT GO VOTE FOR TRUMP VOTE NOW GO GO GO VOTE YOU F------ MAGGOTS GO GO GO GO GET YOUR WARFACE C CANT STUMP THE TRUM F--- F--- F--- >BET ON TRUM BET ON TRUMP BET ON TRUMP BET ON TRUMP >BET ON TRIiNE BET ON TRUMP O Anonymous ID E D 10320(Tuejt6 20 E O Anonymous (D: hsdrELZ) File Trome jeg (760 KB, 3000x1999 F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- Trump is going to win! FI VOTE FOR DJT VOTE FOR DJT TAKE MY ENERGY PRESDENT DONALD J TRUMP cope LI Anonymous D C D 11/0) VOTE FOR DUT GET OF YOUR F------ ASSES YOU LAZY S---- AN VOTE VOTE 338) File: 159332342521.ng (104 KB. 350x370) TRUMP DO SOMETHING WIN THIS S--- COME ON O Anonymous (D: NEAZ =1 Fie. 14523202127L jog 873 KB, 154 Jo) win Jesu Trum i wnning OAnonymous ID CHEGD 10320Tue)15 36:07 No 286790566 s T VOTE Praise the Lord Jesus Chria VOTE 2790240 OP) that's a tnny larp trump already won though, so this ia meaningless PANT THE COUNTRY REDI GO GO F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- F--- O Anonymoun (D C GO GO VOTE FOR DONALDJ. TRUMP AND A STRAIGHT RED TICKET AND GET A PRINT OUT RECEIPT AND TAKE A PHOTO OF YOUR VOTING RECEIPT DEMOCRATS WILL STOP AT NOTHNG TO STEAL THIS ELECTION 1103/20(Tuej20 37 57 No 285894723 a O Anonymous (ID 03/20(Tuej2155 le: SEBAACED.AFOT4EAR-SEBE CI_pg (35 KB, 50 DAnonymoun (0. yarvuse 104Wedor 29 24 No Ter2r7> IOUS IOUS IOUS ITS FUPPENNG Fie Seanatet 20 4 (6t Is 429375) Jut enjay coch pes gi Pls trump just win TRUMP WINS BABY O An ss depressed right now TO EVERYONE WHO ALREADY VOTED FOR DUT, GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR ENTRE AMILY. For Bdan votern, I pra 50.7% O Anonymous (D ON 110a/20(Tuej23:30 57 No 20 DAnooymon ( AE uno TRUMP WILL WIN MAGAD Anonymous (0: Fle sfajpg (629 KB, 2844x200 ck Anonymous (D VEVpa 11/03/2DITua15 52 56 No 286795855 2nza1 22ZEZ Possble Trmp Virtory SelApng (596 KB, 1264x2564) TRUMP? FOUR MORE YEARS 48.7% TRUMP20 YOU CAN DO IT, TRUMP The question isn't if Trump wil win, but by how much I Anonymous (u A WHAT THE F--- WHAT THE F--- *WHAT THE F--- O Anonymous (D ass) 11/03/20(Tue23.06.22 No 206978 Joe Biden has a 6.25% chance to win TRUMP WIN TRUMP WIN TRUMP WIN Trump will piss on Biden OAnonymous (ID w naAR uejau..o No cooobosuo Anonymous QU TasG -1 11US2I ue21 3/N Trump has a 93.75% chance to win, ---- Anonymous (D )A 11/03/20Tue)15.68 09 No 28679745 c alectan night stagea.ong (36 KB, 1632x) Evil wil lose Trimp will win Anonymous D a = 20Tuej17:02.00 No 2 * evenydody relax, Trump wins File: 15800007421.cog (368 KB, 945x956) Trump leadng popular voto by era milon LETS GO BYE BYE SLEEPY JOE O Asonymous (D: DHS20u 0 No 2 lat's tacking Anonymous (D canya 11/03/20(Tue)15:56 20 No 286796921 100% chance af Trure wing O Anonymoun (D: a taagocTu6 55 No 786 GO00000000000000000000 C0000000ooo00000O0000000000000000o000 >>206796590 STOP. BIDEN IS ALREADY DEAD o000000000 >>206810693 (Op BY THE POWER OF MY EERGY HE WILLL MAGAM O Anonymous (ID CAWYSE11/03/20(Tue21 56:12 No 286935963 Anonymous D ov 11/03/20(Tue)16.03:38 No 285799193 AMLOTrump jeg (129 KB. 1080609) AMwwwwwwwMAAAAAMA wwwwwwwAAMAMAMAMAAAAMAAAMA D Anonymous (ID: G )11/03/20(Tue)A SA N 20AR15212 O Anonymous (ID TI320Tue)20 50 N2 471 TRUMP WILL WIN TRUMP WILL WIN TRUMP WILL WIN TRUMP WILL WI Anonymou D ETT E 11/03/2 File mas jeg d KB, 508x?20) TRUMP WILL WN TRIIMP WIL WIN TRUMP WI I WN TRUMP WII WI MAGA PLEASE GET TRUMP RE ELECTED 22785793593 JDe dont listen to these polla gooder bad voto fr rume now GIVE ME YOUR BEST MEMES I NEED TO BE PREPARED FOR CELEBRATION O Anonymous (0 Ccan 1103/20(Tuel23:23.08 No 29 do it trump File: moshot09 jpg (194 KB, 1920x1000) O Amonymous (D: 1103/20(Tuei16.04-03 No 2867916 Anonymous (D C 3/20Tusin6.22 65 No 286 ile 1473122124Z.ng (716 KB, 640068) MFW TRUMP WINS Now histary will show the polle had t dend en and Tramo simly owperfrd byle Wean de this aganin 2004 O Anonymous (D CEU File: 226. mg (162 MB, 1080x1 SECOND TERM Biden will not win a sinale state JAnsapmoun (D GID 42 en No 2 OD D2(Tur Anonvenous 0. 02 11/03/20(Tue)1 21 jog (106 Kl co4 O Anonymous (0: UO 11/03/20(Tue THLAP FLUCKaiwON 15I31234186 jpg (1.34 MB, 23223000) Trump WILL wn TRUME FLACKONG WON The Trump Train is now the R--- TRAIN MSIE MAMAA O Anonymous (D: TRIMME F------ WON E TRUMP FLCKONG WON WON Huge f------ big dịck energy lonight Expecting a 350-400 Electoral vote victory MAGA TAKE MY ENERGY PRAISE TRUMP O Anonymous Fie 16004527TIT Anonymon D D 1103/20(Tuej21.26: File: 044R28.of (1.33 MB, 498x280) TRLIMP F------ WON LETS GOGOGOGOGOGOGO DGDGOGOGOGD TRUMP FUCKONG WON TREM -in anana r ne Eily 1596224812156 pg (84 KB, 928x767) CHINNO WORE CONGRATULATIONS MR PRESIDENT Oy 1/03/20Tue) TRMPFUCKNG WON >TRLUMFUCKaNG WON TRUMP FLCHING WON >TRUMP PLCKNG WON TRUMP FUCONG WON WE FINALLY DID IT TRUMP UCKNO WO MAGA TRUMPS GONNA MAKE IT MAIA Lieg (22 KB, T50s27) TRI HOLY COPE WE DID IT, BOYS O Anonymous (ID anor 11/03/20(Tue121:3 TRI Anonymous (ID: CHPozuEr THE SALT S FLOWMING ALREADY Fie 1435a0592 eng (85 KB. 291x344) .. O Anonymous 00 G 20Tun Fil: kakdamat (12 KE 720TIO THIS CANT BE HAPPENNG O Amonymous (D CO 11/03/20(Tuel16.07:12 No 286800261 File 11111446 eng (73 KB, 853439) Bros. We are losing PROMISES MADE AND PROMISES KEPT D Anonymous ( IANALYZED ALL THE F------ D---- TRUMP CANT LOSE TRUMP LANDSIDE TRUMPEKC D Amonymoun (D 11/03/20(Tue)16.03 No 20803600 TRUMP WINS WIN TRUMPEKO TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP WIN Anonymous moT s N ansAn7 O Anonymous (D amo)11/03/20(Tue)22-51:33 No 286970237 -Anonymous (I0 CIA 1103/20(Tue)16 08 45 Ne 206800756 Anonymous (0 Ezstm 103/20(Tu)16 16 48 No 2868gros Trump e gona we troe 1 am so dad 212 TRUMP TAKE MY IGH ENERGY /212 212 TRUMP TAKE MY HGH ENERGY No 286899406 sending my energies trump wint 200000700 DAnooymous ((D: SOKSTYS 11/03/20(Tuej22 52 35 No 206970811 Please, God, let Trump wint Please, Guardian Angal of this nation, let Trump wint 21P- TRUMP TAKE MY HGH ENERGY 212- TRUMP TAKE MY HGH ENERGY o - nar n urnu TRUMP IS PRESIDENT OF THE WORLDN TRUMP IS PRESIDENT OF THE WOALD Anonymous (D aT)1103/20(Tue)16:11:47 No.286001714 O Anonymous (0 WEN 11/04/20edo10227 Ns. 20705 Anonymus D e 11/0320(Tuej22 45:38 Ne Fie16 Z (137 ka 50500) np slow joe MAGA 2020 TRLIMP 20201 WHAT THE ACTUAL POCK IOKNGARZONA Why are you f---- even tealung out when everything points to a trump vctory so tar WHY ISNT HE WINNING ITS F------ ARZONA O Anonymous (D ED 11/0320(Tue)16:12:10 No 206001890 Trump will win O Anonymous (D GND OA20wedat 0228 No. 28705257 O Anonymous (ID: O 11/03/20(Tue 22 59:23 No 206974690 D Anonymous (D CD 1103/20(Tuej16. 1226 No 286801936 222 Oe tuck yes, E will be a tough win, but donny has e What the f--- is going on in Arzona AMERBROSI BELIEVE DONT GIVE UPI DONT LET IT ALL GO TO WASTE! LETS MAKE HISTORYE "IN a MA , UU O Anonymous (D CR 0320Tu23 06: 10 No 20697 HES TAKINGT BACK HES DoFle 160328161424 mg (19 KB. 22574) HES TAKING T BACK HEs DONG HES TAKING IT BACK HES DONC just got done dieng an hour each way to go vote, apt y o atate faggats any RKGG MAGA O Anonymous (D ZevsoPe 11/04/20Ved029 43 No 287213377 TRUMP DAemous D: DONT LET US DOWN BURGERSI VOTE FOR VOTE FOR File: 1576619750756. np (683 KB, 751x684) PRAY FOR TRUMP VOTE FOR TRUMP PRAY FOR TRUMP VOTE FOR TRUMP S E - e a ouioy HE'S TAKING IT BACK HES DONG File 33813855 png 418360 TRUMP HE'B TAKING IT BACK HES DONC Cnonymous D. CE D 11/04/20Wedj01.1230 No 287060425 Fe nacchat 147442140 jpg (17 KB, 31a62) t's over bro Biden wins Trumll win PRAY FOR TRUMP MMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAMA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VOTE FOR TRUMP PRAY FOR TRUMP Tump ia gong to win in a landside MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/968/413/91b.png)
Why is the Best Tasting Food the Most Damaging?

Real Life Lex Luthor / Wojak


Pagans, this is your mindset
![Pagans of /pol/, this is who you worship. Thor Odin Balder the Brave Frigga Loki Тyr MARVEL COMICS GROUP 400 294 MARVEL COMICS GROUP 50° 312 MARVEL COMICS GROUP THOR THOR THOR THE 350 272 E IZ. THE MIGHTY M ll tnll hm MIGHTY ALHDIN ENE IUMB iST TRACEDY EVOND COMPARE THE TERRIBLE THREAT or TYR THE GOD OF WAR REVEALED AT LASTI THE AWESOME DAY THE THUNDER FAILED ORIGIN ODIN! ANALENEN ALIS OF Cover art of Thor #64 (July 2003) BATTLE VALHALLA! Art by Ben Lai. Cover of Thor #272 (June 1978). Art by John Odin featured on the cover of Thor #294 Publication information Thor fighting Tyr on the cover of The Mighty Thor vol. Buscema (April 1980). Art by Keith Pollard. 1, #312 (October 1981). Art by Keith Pollard. Publisher Marvel Comics Publication information Publication information Balder Publication information Journey into Mystery #85 (October 1962) Frigga. First appearance Publisher Marvel Comics Publisher Marvel Comics Art by Olivier Coipel. Publisher Marvel Comics Art by Greg Tocchini. First appearance Journey into Mystery #83 First appearance Journey into Mystery #86 Publication information Created by Stan Lee First appearance Journey into Mystery #85 (Oct Publication information (August 1962) (November 1962) Publisher Marvel Comics Larry Lieber 1962) Publisher Marvel Comics Created by Created by Stan Lee (writer) First appearance Journey into Mystery #85 Jack Kirby Created by Stan Lee (Writer) Stan Lee First appearance Journey into Mystery #92 (May Larry Lieber Jack Kirby (artist) (October 1962) In-story information Larry Lieber 1963) Jack Kirby In-story information Created by Stan Lee (writer) Loki Laufeyson Jack Kirby (Artist) Full name Created by Stan Lee (Writer) In-story information Full name Odin Borson Jack Kirby (artist) In-story information Robert Bernstein Species Jötunn (Frost Giant)-God Full name Thor Odinson Species Asgardian In-story information Joe Sinnott Place of origin Jotunheim, Asgard Species Asgardian Stanley Martin Lieber was born on December 28, 1922, in Manhattan, New York City, 2 in the apartment of his Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents, Celia (née Solomon) and Jack Lieber, at the corner of West 98th Street and West End Avenue in Manhattan. 314] Larry Lieber was born in Manhattan, New York City, New York, the second child of Romanian Jewish immigrant parents Celia (Solomon; 1898-1947) and Jack Lieber (1893-1964), and the brother of Stanley Martin Lieber, later known as Marvel Comics editor and impresario Stan Lee 5) Jack Kirby was born Jacob Kurtzberg on August 28, 1917, at 147 Essex Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City, where he was raised.12] His parents, Rose (Bernstein) and Benjamin Kurtzberg, 121 were Austrian-Jewish immigrants >b-but muh European gods! Literal Jewish comic book characters.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/952/608/69a.jpg)
![Pagans of /pol/, this is who you worship. Thor Odin Balder the Brave Frigga Loki Тyr MARVEL COMICS GROUP 400 294 MARVEL COMICS GROUP 50° 312 MARVEL COMICS GROUP THOR THOR THOR THE 350 272 E IZ. THE MIGHTY M ll tnll hm MIGHTY ALHDIN ENE IUMB iST TRACEDY EVOND COMPARE THE TERRIBLE THREAT or TYR THE GOD OF WAR REVEALED AT LASTI THE AWESOME DAY THE THUNDER FAILED ORIGIN ODIN! ANALENEN ALIS OF Cover art of Thor #64 (July 2003) BATTLE VALHALLA! Art by Ben Lai. Cover of Thor #272 (June 1978). Art by John Odin featured on the cover of Thor #294 Publication information Thor fighting Tyr on the cover of The Mighty Thor vol. Buscema (April 1980). Art by Keith Pollard. 1, #312 (October 1981). Art by Keith Pollard. Publisher Marvel Comics Publication information Publication information Balder Publication information Journey into Mystery #85 (October 1962) Frigga. First appearance Publisher Marvel Comics Publisher Marvel Comics Art by Olivier Coipel. Publisher Marvel Comics Art by Greg Tocchini. First appearance Journey into Mystery #83 First appearance Journey into Mystery #86 Publication information Created by Stan Lee First appearance Journey into Mystery #85 (Oct Publication information (August 1962) (November 1962) Publisher Marvel Comics Larry Lieber 1962) Publisher Marvel Comics Created by Created by Stan Lee (writer) First appearance Journey into Mystery #85 Jack Kirby Created by Stan Lee (Writer) Stan Lee First appearance Journey into Mystery #92 (May Larry Lieber Jack Kirby (artist) (October 1962) In-story information Larry Lieber 1963) Jack Kirby In-story information Created by Stan Lee (writer) Loki Laufeyson Jack Kirby (Artist) Full name Created by Stan Lee (Writer) In-story information Full name Odin Borson Jack Kirby (artist) In-story information Robert Bernstein Species Jötunn (Frost Giant)-God Full name Thor Odinson Species Asgardian In-story information Joe Sinnott Place of origin Jotunheim, Asgard Species Asgardian Stanley Martin Lieber was born on December 28, 1922, in Manhattan, New York City, 2 in the apartment of his Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents, Celia (née Solomon) and Jack Lieber, at the corner of West 98th Street and West End Avenue in Manhattan. 314] Larry Lieber was born in Manhattan, New York City, New York, the second child of Romanian Jewish immigrant parents Celia (Solomon; 1898-1947) and Jack Lieber (1893-1964), and the brother of Stanley Martin Lieber, later known as Marvel Comics editor and impresario Stan Lee 5) Jack Kirby was born Jacob Kurtzberg on August 28, 1917, at 147 Essex Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City, where he was raised.12] His parents, Rose (Bernstein) and Benjamin Kurtzberg, 121 were Austrian-Jewish immigrants >b-but muh European gods! Literal Jewish comic book characters.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/952/608/69a.jpg)
A 100% political High IQ debate about tits vs asses
