WOW so fast

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
IN or overall?

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
That's way too fast

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Doubt fire

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Women's? No men's?

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Whale fact!

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Not your age

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Love you, mom

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Sweet music

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
They have a point

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Oh, yeah

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Banana bread

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Some assembly required

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Being real

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Okay, kid

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
An angle

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth