It's a mystery

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Now that's corny

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Just little

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
German is so literal

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Good to know

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
He didn't lie

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Right... of course

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
If they don't ace that something is wrong

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Amin Abed

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
They're gonna lose it

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Uh... sure

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Only the lefts until then

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
They really didn't

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Definitely visible

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth