It was cracked

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Ba dum tsss

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
So cute!

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
They aren't wrong

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
A little wet

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Yeah, I can, I swear

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Got 'em

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
They did ask...

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
My favourite pain

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Who is froggy?

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
They didn't say tomatoeS

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Wow, amazing

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth
Water does have low sugar

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth

/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth