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the seer tells you your future is to become an evil overlord
![O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)22:44:57 No.77258684 E >>77258795 >>77258841 >>77258846 >>77259110 >>77259185 >>77259502 >>77259512 >>77259542 >>77259547 >>77259604 >>77259675 >>77260073 >>77260098 >>77260138 >>77260167 >>77260179 >>77260305 >>77260306 >>77260343 >>77260523 >>77260555 >>77260641 >>77261441 >>77261856 >>77262808 >>77263036 >>77263262 >>77263387 >>77263425 >>77263450 >>77263495 >>77263534 >>77263918 >>77264075 >>77264864 >77265016 >>77265085 >>77265305 >>77265493 >>77267292 >>77267403 >>77267456 >>77268464 >>77269193 >>77270017 >>77270076 >>77270136 >>77270167 >>77270251 >>77270255 >>77270944 >>77270994 >>77271661 >>77271751 >77272038 >>77272096 >>77272227 >>77275864 >>77279260 >>77279328 >>77279673 >>77279829 >>77280713 >>77281875 >After reading your character's future, the seer tells them this: "It is your destiny to become the greatest enemy of the light that this world shall ever see. Never shall there even be a villain who can compare to you." How does your character react to this? Hard Mode: Provided that you accept that this is your character's destiny, how would they go about fulfilling this prophecy? O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:20:56 No.77259085 >>77259142 >>77259465 Oh boy, prophecies, those always go over wellI. I guess first order of business is to kill the seer so she doesn't go telling everyone that they should try and stop me. After that, just keep doing what I was doing, I guess. Either she's wrong, and I shouldn't worry, or she's right, and fate will figure it out. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:25:55 No.77259142 >>77259201 >>77259213 >>77259465 >>77259085 >I guess first order of business is to kill the seer Sounds like something a great and terrible villain would do upon hearing this prophesy. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:31:22 No.77259213 ► >>77259142 Lol this. So, SO many prophecies come to pass when the villain tries to stop it from happening. Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:51:14 No.77259465 ► >>77259085 >>77259142 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdqnvxiHu_Oc [Remove] The Prophecy Hotline Watch later Share DON'T O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:30:13 No.77259201 >>77269881 >>77259142 It's just pragmatic. If this chick goes around saying l'll become a great evil, do you know how many scores of Paladins will kick down my door? Better to keep her quiet, permanently O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)15:57:01 No.77269881 >>77259201 Yeah unless somebody starts investigating the Seer's death and finds out what her very last prophecy was. And now, you've got EVERYONE on your ass; because they think you're up to something and killed the only witness. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)00:43:51 No.77260167 >>77263316 >»77267587 File: Mikhailos, the redeemed p(...).jpg (58 KB, 704x824) >>77258684 (OP) "So be it then. If I cannot be a beacon of hope for this world, then I shall be a hammer that tempers its virtue. I shall perform such acts of villany that heroes will have no choice but to rise against me. I shall be the one against whom the light's mettle will be tested. The world will find unity either against me, or under me." O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)00:57:21 No.77260305 ► >>77261652 File: Spoiler Image (74 KB, 1300x737) >>77258684 (OP) I will accept this terrible purpose. I shall become the obstacle humanity needs to overcome to reach its ultimate potential. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)03:54:08 No.77261652 ► >>77260305 Could it be? Is... is that... WATER!? AHHHH I'M DECOMPOSING! DON'T SAVE ME SIONA O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)00:57:33 No.77260306 ► File: 3AF6C1F2-1926-4A54-B331-2(..).gif (2.95 MB, 500x500) >>77258684 (OP) Great, If my fate is to become a villain then I will strike a deal with fate. I WILL NOT do anything bad until I'm a king with a harem. Because it is my fate to be a villain, this must happen. Upon fate granting my wishes, I wll fulfill my end of the deal. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)08:03:19 No.77263387 ► >>77258684 (OP) Set about my ambition to take over the world assured that I can beat the competition. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)09:07:18 No.77263918 ► >>77264156 >>77258684 (OP) Question: Is the seer always right or is it some s----- carnie-bunkum? O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)09:25:44 No.77264156 >>77263918 Traditionally it's a self-fulfilling prophecy brought on by trying to avoid it. So, malarkey, but very advanced. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)11:14:06 No.77265598 ► File: 1592547389859.jpg (72 KB, 520x664) My character is a believer in the absolute and unavoidable fate. That is, like, her entire thing. So her reaction will be >Well s---, gotta begin kicking puppies. I don't want to, but the stars will punish me if I disobey, and l'll end up doing it anyway. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:13:47 No.77268361 File: A9271C21B1F950F853086E570(..).jpg (19 KB, 637x358) *Smiles* Well then lets you and me get this party started. Oh yes you heard right. You keep on staring into that crystal ball of yours and give me a heads up on what's too come. In return you'll be a made ma- er lady. You want a palace? I know just the place to build one. Servants? There's a town not far from here I'm sure we can talk them into working for you. Boys? Girls? I can rustle you up some fine specimens. Whaddaya say? We have a deal? I can sweeten some more if like. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:49:05 No.77259435 >>77259447 >>77259562 >>77271703 OK. So, what do you say to the offer of becoming my totalitarian empire's second in command? According to you, I've got the potential to become an absolute dictator. Considering my present position in life, I doubt this is plausible without my having a serious Outside Context Problem as an advantage over the rest of the world. That's where you and your ability to predict the future come in. http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/visionsofabetterworld >The decision was made. Foundation researchers finally received permission to conduct a large-scale system of exposure to SCP-028. Dozens of people would be sent through the empty storage yard every day and thoroughly interviewed and, if need be, interrogated to determine what they had learned. Every scrap of information would be recorded, analyzed and, if deemed sufficiently valuable, released to the general public. >The first month alone resulted in designs for a cold-fusion plant that could power a city the size of London indefinitely, the composition of a fertilizer that would break down harmlessly in seawater and the name of the designer of SCP-914. The Foundation, through its numerous fronts, was rapidly able to improve the quality of life of almost every human on Earth, providing the world with the technologies and knowledge it needed to become a better place. >Then James Harrison Reuben walked through the yard. >James Harrison Reuben was a cable repairman from Topeka, Kansas. A blue-collar worker in a simple, menial job. A perfect receptacle for knowledge. We sent him in with visions of new advancements and beautiful new technologies dancing through our heads. >He came out with the knowledge of how to conquer the world. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:50:07 No.77259447 >>77259562 >>77271703 >>77259435 >It's been seven years since then. His armies and death squads march through the streets of every city in the world. Every battle is a devastating victory: how can it be otherwise, when he has perfect knowledge of all our battle plans before they even happen? It is only a matter of time before he overruns our final stronghold. >l'm sending this message out through our wide-band radio transmitter on the off chance that someone will get this message. I'm doing this because the last transmission of our intelligence operatives, before they went dark, shows that Reuben is building space ships. Hundreds of them, lined up in ranks stretching across the Florida coastline. >But I can't shake the feeling that maybe this is all part of his plan as well... O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:20:55 No.77268464 ► File: the_grand_magus_by_oneste(.).jpg (170 KB, 1280x1888) >>77258684 (OP) I seek out a place where a great evil or injustice is occurring, and in a moment where I might intervene and prevent it - I stand by and do nothing. In doing so, I fulfil the prophecy, making it a broader metaphor about the evils of inaction. There is no greater enemy of light than the apathetic fool who who allows evil to prosper and succeed. With this done, I avoid a more literal interpretation of the prophecy, and the resulting life of infamy, torment, and inevitable destruction at the hands of the forces of light. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:53:04 No.77259502 ► >>77258684 (OP) He'd probably immediately assume corruption in the 'light' and kick off a purge. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)16:18:09 No.77270255 File: 1806_by_morkardfc_dccr8db-pre.jpg (45 KB, 827x967) >>77258684 (OP) if you are a virtuous man and the world becomes opposed to you, it is the world that is wrong being a cleric means never having to question that clearly this world is destined to fall into such depravity that even "light" becomes a vile thing and by God I am all that stands between the world and that hateful destiny O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)15:09:28 No.77269193 >>77258684 (OP) Take it literally, get put on house arrest at a rural agricultural property with a large dwelling, and then operate a particle accelerator to make some low mass, short lifespan black holes. Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)16:13:45 No.77270167 ► >77270203 >>77258684 (OP) I decide to leave the world at large, get lost in some massive forest or jungle and live out the rest of my life as a hermit O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)16:15:26 No.77270203 >>77270289 >>77270167 An accident while making a fire lights the forest on fire. An extended period of drought and poor management has left the forest ripe for fire, and within a month nearly a continent of woodland and grassland has been burned away. You did this. You ruined the world. GG O Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)05:48:17 No.77280160 ► "Oi wots this c--- sayin'? Oi'll neveh turn on ingerland and the queen'?" Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)18:25:34 No.77272227 > >>77258684 (OP) I start going after every light source I can. I blow every candle, shatter every lantern, douse every fire and smother every torch. Long as I live, no light shall shine upon the land.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/016/348/a8e.png)
![O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)22:44:57 No.77258684 E >>77258795 >>77258841 >>77258846 >>77259110 >>77259185 >>77259502 >>77259512 >>77259542 >>77259547 >>77259604 >>77259675 >>77260073 >>77260098 >>77260138 >>77260167 >>77260179 >>77260305 >>77260306 >>77260343 >>77260523 >>77260555 >>77260641 >>77261441 >>77261856 >>77262808 >>77263036 >>77263262 >>77263387 >>77263425 >>77263450 >>77263495 >>77263534 >>77263918 >>77264075 >>77264864 >77265016 >>77265085 >>77265305 >>77265493 >>77267292 >>77267403 >>77267456 >>77268464 >>77269193 >>77270017 >>77270076 >>77270136 >>77270167 >>77270251 >>77270255 >>77270944 >>77270994 >>77271661 >>77271751 >77272038 >>77272096 >>77272227 >>77275864 >>77279260 >>77279328 >>77279673 >>77279829 >>77280713 >>77281875 >After reading your character's future, the seer tells them this: "It is your destiny to become the greatest enemy of the light that this world shall ever see. Never shall there even be a villain who can compare to you." How does your character react to this? Hard Mode: Provided that you accept that this is your character's destiny, how would they go about fulfilling this prophecy? O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:20:56 No.77259085 >>77259142 >>77259465 Oh boy, prophecies, those always go over wellI. I guess first order of business is to kill the seer so she doesn't go telling everyone that they should try and stop me. After that, just keep doing what I was doing, I guess. Either she's wrong, and I shouldn't worry, or she's right, and fate will figure it out. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:25:55 No.77259142 >>77259201 >>77259213 >>77259465 >>77259085 >I guess first order of business is to kill the seer Sounds like something a great and terrible villain would do upon hearing this prophesy. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:31:22 No.77259213 ► >>77259142 Lol this. So, SO many prophecies come to pass when the villain tries to stop it from happening. Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:51:14 No.77259465 ► >>77259085 >>77259142 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdqnvxiHu_Oc [Remove] The Prophecy Hotline Watch later Share DON'T O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:30:13 No.77259201 >>77269881 >>77259142 It's just pragmatic. If this chick goes around saying l'll become a great evil, do you know how many scores of Paladins will kick down my door? Better to keep her quiet, permanently O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)15:57:01 No.77269881 >>77259201 Yeah unless somebody starts investigating the Seer's death and finds out what her very last prophecy was. And now, you've got EVERYONE on your ass; because they think you're up to something and killed the only witness. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)00:43:51 No.77260167 >>77263316 >»77267587 File: Mikhailos, the redeemed p(...).jpg (58 KB, 704x824) >>77258684 (OP) "So be it then. If I cannot be a beacon of hope for this world, then I shall be a hammer that tempers its virtue. I shall perform such acts of villany that heroes will have no choice but to rise against me. I shall be the one against whom the light's mettle will be tested. The world will find unity either against me, or under me." O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)00:57:21 No.77260305 ► >>77261652 File: Spoiler Image (74 KB, 1300x737) >>77258684 (OP) I will accept this terrible purpose. I shall become the obstacle humanity needs to overcome to reach its ultimate potential. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)03:54:08 No.77261652 ► >>77260305 Could it be? Is... is that... WATER!? AHHHH I'M DECOMPOSING! DON'T SAVE ME SIONA O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)00:57:33 No.77260306 ► File: 3AF6C1F2-1926-4A54-B331-2(..).gif (2.95 MB, 500x500) >>77258684 (OP) Great, If my fate is to become a villain then I will strike a deal with fate. I WILL NOT do anything bad until I'm a king with a harem. Because it is my fate to be a villain, this must happen. Upon fate granting my wishes, I wll fulfill my end of the deal. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)08:03:19 No.77263387 ► >>77258684 (OP) Set about my ambition to take over the world assured that I can beat the competition. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)09:07:18 No.77263918 ► >>77264156 >>77258684 (OP) Question: Is the seer always right or is it some s----- carnie-bunkum? O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)09:25:44 No.77264156 >>77263918 Traditionally it's a self-fulfilling prophecy brought on by trying to avoid it. So, malarkey, but very advanced. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)11:14:06 No.77265598 ► File: 1592547389859.jpg (72 KB, 520x664) My character is a believer in the absolute and unavoidable fate. That is, like, her entire thing. So her reaction will be >Well s---, gotta begin kicking puppies. I don't want to, but the stars will punish me if I disobey, and l'll end up doing it anyway. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:13:47 No.77268361 File: A9271C21B1F950F853086E570(..).jpg (19 KB, 637x358) *Smiles* Well then lets you and me get this party started. Oh yes you heard right. You keep on staring into that crystal ball of yours and give me a heads up on what's too come. In return you'll be a made ma- er lady. You want a palace? I know just the place to build one. Servants? There's a town not far from here I'm sure we can talk them into working for you. Boys? Girls? I can rustle you up some fine specimens. Whaddaya say? We have a deal? I can sweeten some more if like. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:49:05 No.77259435 >>77259447 >>77259562 >>77271703 OK. So, what do you say to the offer of becoming my totalitarian empire's second in command? According to you, I've got the potential to become an absolute dictator. Considering my present position in life, I doubt this is plausible without my having a serious Outside Context Problem as an advantage over the rest of the world. That's where you and your ability to predict the future come in. http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/visionsofabetterworld >The decision was made. Foundation researchers finally received permission to conduct a large-scale system of exposure to SCP-028. Dozens of people would be sent through the empty storage yard every day and thoroughly interviewed and, if need be, interrogated to determine what they had learned. Every scrap of information would be recorded, analyzed and, if deemed sufficiently valuable, released to the general public. >The first month alone resulted in designs for a cold-fusion plant that could power a city the size of London indefinitely, the composition of a fertilizer that would break down harmlessly in seawater and the name of the designer of SCP-914. The Foundation, through its numerous fronts, was rapidly able to improve the quality of life of almost every human on Earth, providing the world with the technologies and knowledge it needed to become a better place. >Then James Harrison Reuben walked through the yard. >James Harrison Reuben was a cable repairman from Topeka, Kansas. A blue-collar worker in a simple, menial job. A perfect receptacle for knowledge. We sent him in with visions of new advancements and beautiful new technologies dancing through our heads. >He came out with the knowledge of how to conquer the world. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:50:07 No.77259447 >>77259562 >>77271703 >>77259435 >It's been seven years since then. His armies and death squads march through the streets of every city in the world. Every battle is a devastating victory: how can it be otherwise, when he has perfect knowledge of all our battle plans before they even happen? It is only a matter of time before he overruns our final stronghold. >l'm sending this message out through our wide-band radio transmitter on the off chance that someone will get this message. I'm doing this because the last transmission of our intelligence operatives, before they went dark, shows that Reuben is building space ships. Hundreds of them, lined up in ranks stretching across the Florida coastline. >But I can't shake the feeling that maybe this is all part of his plan as well... O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:20:55 No.77268464 ► File: the_grand_magus_by_oneste(.).jpg (170 KB, 1280x1888) >>77258684 (OP) I seek out a place where a great evil or injustice is occurring, and in a moment where I might intervene and prevent it - I stand by and do nothing. In doing so, I fulfil the prophecy, making it a broader metaphor about the evils of inaction. There is no greater enemy of light than the apathetic fool who who allows evil to prosper and succeed. With this done, I avoid a more literal interpretation of the prophecy, and the resulting life of infamy, torment, and inevitable destruction at the hands of the forces of light. O Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)23:53:04 No.77259502 ► >>77258684 (OP) He'd probably immediately assume corruption in the 'light' and kick off a purge. O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)16:18:09 No.77270255 File: 1806_by_morkardfc_dccr8db-pre.jpg (45 KB, 827x967) >>77258684 (OP) if you are a virtuous man and the world becomes opposed to you, it is the world that is wrong being a cleric means never having to question that clearly this world is destined to fall into such depravity that even "light" becomes a vile thing and by God I am all that stands between the world and that hateful destiny O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)15:09:28 No.77269193 >>77258684 (OP) Take it literally, get put on house arrest at a rural agricultural property with a large dwelling, and then operate a particle accelerator to make some low mass, short lifespan black holes. Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)16:13:45 No.77270167 ► >77270203 >>77258684 (OP) I decide to leave the world at large, get lost in some massive forest or jungle and live out the rest of my life as a hermit O Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)16:15:26 No.77270203 >>77270289 >>77270167 An accident while making a fire lights the forest on fire. An extended period of drought and poor management has left the forest ripe for fire, and within a month nearly a continent of woodland and grassland has been burned away. You did this. You ruined the world. GG O Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)05:48:17 No.77280160 ► "Oi wots this c--- sayin'? Oi'll neveh turn on ingerland and the queen'?" Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)18:25:34 No.77272227 > >>77258684 (OP) I start going after every light source I can. I blow every candle, shatter every lantern, douse every fire and smother every torch. Long as I live, no light shall shine upon the land.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/016/348/a8e.png)
Anon gives the wholesome truth

idk what to call this

The Girls Try and Play FATAL

The Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic

God of Anus

Roll for Anal Circumference

The Omegle Crusades: Princess Luna Buys a Used Camel

The Omegle Crusades: Marriage Counselling

The Omegle Crusades: Duel of the Rock Gods

The Omegle Crusades: Brogan Returns

The Omegle Crusades: Actually Role Playing as a Doctor

part 2

schizo anon gets played


The Omegle Crusades: Brogan the Barbarian
