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/tg/ - The Girls Try and Play FATAL

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Soup King
Soup King

in reply to Quiet_boi

1. No one person chooses to play FATAL, it always a group decision and it always starts with "Hey guys, wouldn't it be funny if…"

2. I have no idea to be honest as I don't really know any porn artists apart from Shadman. And the only reason why I know about him is because people on KYM and 4chan keep talking about him and posting his tamer stuff.

However, that would explain the vast amount of porn websites cropping up during my reverse image search of the image.

I am almost as old as the Internet itself, so I was wise enough not to click on any of them.

3. No, I was introduced to it on /tg/ when people kept saying "Roll for Anal Circumference."

After reading about the 4 mile wide anus, I decided to look into it further.

That was my first mistake.

In case you're interested, here's an honest attempt to play FATAL seriously and it went as hilariously awfully as you'd expect it would.


Is it bad that I've already got a really good idea of what this artist primarily draws despite having only this image?

What is it about these types of artists all having a seemingly similar art style?


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