/tg/ - Images
Dark Jihad

Americans = WH High Elves

A Spell for Repelling /pol/

Wacky Hijinks Ensue

Quantum Lich
![Anonymous 10201 1mujt3 2011。16685377曰 15584827 I was ance trapped in a similar box with a wizand As pat of our quest to destroy cabal of high level liches l had been researching ichdom heady and had by that port fgued uta Bay to make myself ich and atar wating for my party to tae ma (they never dd, wera wene splis into two groups and tha othar two in my group got talapoted halt way around the world i, another trap > l tuned myself ireo a lich . remained brapped in that room for two hundred years before some adventurers accidentally brake me out. By that point I was haf mad AND a ich □ Anonymous 1020/11(Thu)13:22 No 16686403 Ξ You kil thase advanturas? □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)13 27 No 166354478 I went to hug the frst one who walked throughth door and sh shot a bot at my head I then killed them al and animated th roge who broke □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)13 29 No 166864668 Imagine thare surprise. In some alternate universe were thay ware the PCa, their dickhaad DM put a ich in a sealed chamber for a group of low level PCs Anonymous 10/20/11/Thu,13 35 No 16665623 Huh Hadat thought of inthat way What a complete d--- move Though I wl admit the exparience gave me new axparience for what t is ika being an undaad trapped in a dungaon My DM mada me oll a d20 for avery decade I w離down there to see what happened I ha d fetsteps twice and once heard someone yel Not a very fun!ing existence □ Anonymous 1020/11(Thu)13 39 No 16685565H 2 16685523 Day 4532 A small beetle found it's way into my chamber today t was the first chance Id had to soul drain something in decades, what a d □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)13.53 No 16686703 16636565 Day 22995 inaty days since I heard the foctsteps Decided this moming to stop screaming, whoever was hare has probably let Tomomow wil start counting the blocks i, the wal again Going to gue53 there 3re 4535 of them 53me last time □ Anonymous 102011(Thu)14 01 No 16686796曰 Day 45321 My experiment to imagine a new personality from bith up in my mind isnt going well He got beat up by imaginary bulias agan and imaginary school Also, the sound of this gnowing moss is dealeningI gotta do another scraping □ Anonymous 10.2011(Thu)14 07 No 166858508 Day 25668 Turned 100 today Figured it was an important day drew smley faces of blocks 2222. 1111, 3333, and 4444 1 then invited my new friends to a party It was racher awwand, I couldnt gat any conversation Sowing □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 07 No 166858513 Day 52903 Imaginary Larry had an interesting day today, as he kolled his fest kobold He kapt its severed head as a trophy That will teach them Lamy that will show those bastards □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 10 No 166858728 Day 2591 Reaized today that I have been wearing the same underwear for seven years I am disconcertingly bothered very little by this □ Anonymous 102011(Thu,14 21 No. 16085978曰 Day 56278 Treachery! Imaginary Larry (or Lord Lary as he styles himself now) has decided to retire rom adventuring Citing a long and successful career adding to the fact that he is getting older and wants to settle down with that cheap evish w---- his is aways with (I have wamed him about her why won't ha laten?) He has promised to stay in touch, to wite and stop by to viat, but clams that he seally ia looking forward to ratiramant Mutiny! We stil havent gotten the crown of fed thrones om he lair of the Red Wyrms! □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 26 No 1668603013 I just realzed how I could be the dream of a ich trapped in a treasuna room Cool □ Anonymous 102011(Thu)1428 No 166860438 Day 60341: Had that dream again where my mother and sister were making out naked agan My therapist sad that this is perfectly natural and not to search for too much meaning in my dreams 1am still bothered by this though. This is most ikely because I do not sleep and there is no therapist □ Anonymous 10aa11(Thu)1428 No 16686050A Day 665042 ve fnally re-ramembered how to speak common. Nota do not invent new languages when nong else can speak t i have to go to Lal and see f the blacksmith has fnished making my cat □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)1431 No 166360758 Play your naxt character as a guy who believes himself to be the product of a hatf insane/ bared lich in a treasure room's imagination □ Anonymous 10.2011(Thu)1431 No 166860808 Day 665093 Used some clothing fragments to make a doll for Larry's daughter Even though she's a half-elf chldren of any race deserve to have nice things. I am her godfather, after all. On a side note, I never considered how long my hair would get after not cutting it for so long it's rather appaling Anonymous 102011(Thu)14 36 № t6686118曰 Day 9496 Today I was finaly able to run up the side of the wall and do a double back ip while landing on my feet Wish someone was around to see it Wish I had spent the past few years trying to master something more productive □ 008 10-20/11(Thu)14 36 No 16686127曰 So what happens ifit turns ou卖to betrue? So what happens when thi皋character nevitably conas across a iché sealed ira treasure room and sets him free? Ce to麒ist? Contine on wth the 3derture 35 the Liches s maginary fhend? Become the lich? O Anonymous 1020/11mu)14 37 № t66861338 one side and 665100 ve got to show Larry this new mention of mne t's a thin matal plank sharpened along both edges and brought to a pont wrapped n leather on the other l think cal 、acar btw, Ive saved all this for my BigBad ich in an up coming campaign Im running Excellant Anonymous 1020/11mu)14 38 Na 16686140 Continue on with the adventure as the Liche's imaginary hend? This! you ane now a Lich's imaginary friend. it is time to adventure! □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)1440 No 16686163合 016競6140 And so begns .ngs newest fad Imaginary Lich Quest □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 40 No 16686167 It turns out that you were brought into exiatence by the pure belothat you actually axisted. So when you rescue the Lich. you could cantinue to adventure with him until it is ravealed that you are a igment of his imagination brought to Ife, at which point you probably caase to exist on the spot □ Anonym,ous 10/20/11(Thu)14 42 No 16686 180 1.78 MB, 352 240 1282473438882 pt ooking forward to tha □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)1446 ND 166862098 perhaps th-lich wil and he's ben·fragmert of your mind all along Maybe h phylacfphy broke years ago and you are his r* ncarnated soul □ 008 1020/ 1 1(Thu)14 46 № 16606214曰 But f you koll the Lich, maybe you could bacome him. □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14:46 No 16686219H Ther- ks actually·way ou but the Lich's shizophrenic mind has kept him from noticing t while Larry is actualy him, conquering the land and fueking Imagine thair taces whan thay enter the last crypt in tha BBEG's fartress af doom to find him graoting tham glesfully as his saours Then they possibly befriend him just to find out he is their enemy but he is also not F------ quantum lich □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu/14 47No 166362248 Imaginary Phylactery. Thats f------ brilliant □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14:49 No 166862418 Day 36525: Today is my hundredth year since I first entered this room. I decided that I would turn over a new leaf and wrote heart felt letters to both Nerva and Sony taling them that I ha e finally fig en tam for leaing me the placa all those years ago Neva that bastard halterim not bang spiteful he was born out of wedock), t5 probatiy sti alive Full figured Sonya 53dly most likely deceased she would be 124 d i seem to recal we hurnans dont usually live that long Stil, sel good to reieve myself of that anper. Cant seem to fnd the post office though □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 49 No 16686246 囚1462 KB 638x850 2029827734 58a7aafb28_apg) 10/20/11(Thu) 14 49 No 16636248 5i0-14 KB. 261x166, 1275069893777s jpg MY MIND IS BEING R---- INTO A PUDOLE OF QUIVERNG G00 □ Anonymous 102011(Thu]15:09 ND 166864468 81 KB, 540x540, PoohTrasToThink jpg) the The only way to be yourselffrorna trapped room is to create an imaginay character so vivid and tealistic tha, character actually materalzes in the real world and then opens the door to the room fom the outside Because the trapped room actualy magically anchantad nam for young wizards to studypractica trying to astral proiect ar talaknesis ther way out of theroom](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/027/680/2cb.jpg)
![Anonymous 10201 1mujt3 2011。16685377曰 15584827 I was ance trapped in a similar box with a wizand As pat of our quest to destroy cabal of high level liches l had been researching ichdom heady and had by that port fgued uta Bay to make myself ich and atar wating for my party to tae ma (they never dd, wera wene splis into two groups and tha othar two in my group got talapoted halt way around the world i, another trap > l tuned myself ireo a lich . remained brapped in that room for two hundred years before some adventurers accidentally brake me out. By that point I was haf mad AND a ich □ Anonymous 1020/11(Thu)13:22 No 16686403 Ξ You kil thase advanturas? □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)13 27 No 166354478 I went to hug the frst one who walked throughth door and sh shot a bot at my head I then killed them al and animated th roge who broke □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)13 29 No 166864668 Imagine thare surprise. In some alternate universe were thay ware the PCa, their dickhaad DM put a ich in a sealed chamber for a group of low level PCs Anonymous 10/20/11/Thu,13 35 No 16665623 Huh Hadat thought of inthat way What a complete d--- move Though I wl admit the exparience gave me new axparience for what t is ika being an undaad trapped in a dungaon My DM mada me oll a d20 for avery decade I w離down there to see what happened I ha d fetsteps twice and once heard someone yel Not a very fun!ing existence □ Anonymous 1020/11(Thu)13 39 No 16685565H 2 16685523 Day 4532 A small beetle found it's way into my chamber today t was the first chance Id had to soul drain something in decades, what a d □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)13.53 No 16686703 16636565 Day 22995 inaty days since I heard the foctsteps Decided this moming to stop screaming, whoever was hare has probably let Tomomow wil start counting the blocks i, the wal again Going to gue53 there 3re 4535 of them 53me last time □ Anonymous 102011(Thu)14 01 No 16686796曰 Day 45321 My experiment to imagine a new personality from bith up in my mind isnt going well He got beat up by imaginary bulias agan and imaginary school Also, the sound of this gnowing moss is dealeningI gotta do another scraping □ Anonymous 10.2011(Thu)14 07 No 166858508 Day 25668 Turned 100 today Figured it was an important day drew smley faces of blocks 2222. 1111, 3333, and 4444 1 then invited my new friends to a party It was racher awwand, I couldnt gat any conversation Sowing □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 07 No 166858513 Day 52903 Imaginary Larry had an interesting day today, as he kolled his fest kobold He kapt its severed head as a trophy That will teach them Lamy that will show those bastards □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 10 No 166858728 Day 2591 Reaized today that I have been wearing the same underwear for seven years I am disconcertingly bothered very little by this □ Anonymous 102011(Thu,14 21 No. 16085978曰 Day 56278 Treachery! Imaginary Larry (or Lord Lary as he styles himself now) has decided to retire rom adventuring Citing a long and successful career adding to the fact that he is getting older and wants to settle down with that cheap evish w---- his is aways with (I have wamed him about her why won't ha laten?) He has promised to stay in touch, to wite and stop by to viat, but clams that he seally ia looking forward to ratiramant Mutiny! We stil havent gotten the crown of fed thrones om he lair of the Red Wyrms! □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 26 No 1668603013 I just realzed how I could be the dream of a ich trapped in a treasuna room Cool □ Anonymous 102011(Thu)1428 No 166860438 Day 60341: Had that dream again where my mother and sister were making out naked agan My therapist sad that this is perfectly natural and not to search for too much meaning in my dreams 1am still bothered by this though. This is most ikely because I do not sleep and there is no therapist □ Anonymous 10aa11(Thu)1428 No 16686050A Day 665042 ve fnally re-ramembered how to speak common. Nota do not invent new languages when nong else can speak t i have to go to Lal and see f the blacksmith has fnished making my cat □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)1431 No 166360758 Play your naxt character as a guy who believes himself to be the product of a hatf insane/ bared lich in a treasure room's imagination □ Anonymous 10.2011(Thu)1431 No 166860808 Day 665093 Used some clothing fragments to make a doll for Larry's daughter Even though she's a half-elf chldren of any race deserve to have nice things. I am her godfather, after all. On a side note, I never considered how long my hair would get after not cutting it for so long it's rather appaling Anonymous 102011(Thu)14 36 № t6686118曰 Day 9496 Today I was finaly able to run up the side of the wall and do a double back ip while landing on my feet Wish someone was around to see it Wish I had spent the past few years trying to master something more productive □ 008 10-20/11(Thu)14 36 No 16686127曰 So what happens ifit turns ou卖to betrue? So what happens when thi皋character nevitably conas across a iché sealed ira treasure room and sets him free? Ce to麒ist? Contine on wth the 3derture 35 the Liches s maginary fhend? Become the lich? O Anonymous 1020/11mu)14 37 № t66861338 one side and 665100 ve got to show Larry this new mention of mne t's a thin matal plank sharpened along both edges and brought to a pont wrapped n leather on the other l think cal 、acar btw, Ive saved all this for my BigBad ich in an up coming campaign Im running Excellant Anonymous 1020/11mu)14 38 Na 16686140 Continue on with the adventure as the Liche's imaginary hend? This! you ane now a Lich's imaginary friend. it is time to adventure! □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)1440 No 16686163合 016競6140 And so begns .ngs newest fad Imaginary Lich Quest □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 40 No 16686167 It turns out that you were brought into exiatence by the pure belothat you actually axisted. So when you rescue the Lich. you could cantinue to adventure with him until it is ravealed that you are a igment of his imagination brought to Ife, at which point you probably caase to exist on the spot □ Anonym,ous 10/20/11(Thu)14 42 No 16686 180 1.78 MB, 352 240 1282473438882 pt ooking forward to tha □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)1446 ND 166862098 perhaps th-lich wil and he's ben·fragmert of your mind all along Maybe h phylacfphy broke years ago and you are his r* ncarnated soul □ 008 1020/ 1 1(Thu)14 46 № 16606214曰 But f you koll the Lich, maybe you could bacome him. □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14:46 No 16686219H Ther- ks actually·way ou but the Lich's shizophrenic mind has kept him from noticing t while Larry is actualy him, conquering the land and fueking Imagine thair taces whan thay enter the last crypt in tha BBEG's fartress af doom to find him graoting tham glesfully as his saours Then they possibly befriend him just to find out he is their enemy but he is also not F------ quantum lich □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu/14 47No 166362248 Imaginary Phylactery. Thats f------ brilliant □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14:49 No 166862418 Day 36525: Today is my hundredth year since I first entered this room. I decided that I would turn over a new leaf and wrote heart felt letters to both Nerva and Sony taling them that I ha e finally fig en tam for leaing me the placa all those years ago Neva that bastard halterim not bang spiteful he was born out of wedock), t5 probatiy sti alive Full figured Sonya 53dly most likely deceased she would be 124 d i seem to recal we hurnans dont usually live that long Stil, sel good to reieve myself of that anper. Cant seem to fnd the post office though □ Anonymous 10/20/11(Thu)14 49 No 16686246 囚1462 KB 638x850 2029827734 58a7aafb28_apg) 10/20/11(Thu) 14 49 No 16636248 5i0-14 KB. 261x166, 1275069893777s jpg MY MIND IS BEING R---- INTO A PUDOLE OF QUIVERNG G00 □ Anonymous 102011(Thu]15:09 ND 166864468 81 KB, 540x540, PoohTrasToThink jpg) the The only way to be yourselffrorna trapped room is to create an imaginay character so vivid and tealistic tha, character actually materalzes in the real world and then opens the door to the room fom the outside Because the trapped room actualy magically anchantad nam for young wizards to studypractica trying to astral proiect ar talaknesis ther way out of theroom](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/027/680/2cb.jpg)
tg writes a campaign

The barbarian intimidation check made my sides go to heaven

Plonking virt
![! File: 134308588488i (1.53 MB, 2480x3508) Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)17:48:59 No.42334554 ▶ 끄42334 So why isn't there a good RPG for Harry Poner? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at that? 2335300242336212 09/06v15(Sun)17:52:34 No.423346172-42334731 Because Harry Potter is & stupid childish setting, and were stupid, chidish books. There probably IS an rpg for Naruto, but ir's s--- because Naruto is s---. He's the f----- with the spiky hair and the orange vest, right? Let me say this once, and ONLY ONCE: S------- games/books/movies DESERVE AND WILL GET s----tier RPGs [Return] [Catalogl |Bottom] [Update]「. Auto] 15/21718 File: 13430 8848801凶(1.53 MB, 2480x3508) | Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)17:48:59 No.4233455艹ー233 ES-2335300-2336219 So why isn't there a good RPG tor Harry Potter? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at that? chldish books. Search Google for "lynhoPTOBFir There probably Vigw Selection Source Let me say this inspect Element () S----tier And you can see that phenomenon at work here. is s---. He's the f----- with the spiky hair and the orange vest, right? Adblock Plus: Block image Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun) 17:59:21 No.42334731 File: beeces.ing (21 KB, 222x229) 쯔 쯔 ab cidre tig gt/h/r/kmo p/r/SIT/uVvg w wg ic (r9k(s4s(em/hm/igbt/y 3/adv an/asp /biz g/ck/co/diy ts t gd he/int jp t/mip/mu /n/out/ po/ pol /sdi /soc/sp tg toy /tv/tv/vp/wsg/x tg/ - Traditional Games Please support dchan by disabing your ad blocker on Achan.org, purchasing a sclf-serve ad or buvyne a dchan [Post a Reply] 062v15 t's now possible to use the legacy text CAPTCHA in the Quick Reply window You can and the new option ineide the [Setingsmenu under Quotes&Replying 04/34/15 Janitor acceptance e-mails re being sent check your Spam lolder iyou applied Settings All + Quotes & Replying Filters & Post Hiding Fiter and highlight specific threads/posts [Ed paten-based fiters Please Thread hiding [Clear History] Hide entdre treads by clicking the minus buton Hide thread stubs Dont display stubs of hidden treads Disable the native extension A川 Export Settings Save Settings [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ -Auto] File: 1343095984880 ipg (1.53 MB, 2480x3508) Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)17:48:59 No.42334554 竺42334 So why isn't there a good RPG for Harry Potter? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at thar? usm_asn Settings Quotes & Replying - Filters &Post Hiding Fiter and highlight specific threads/posts [E TS Enable pamem-based fiters Please suppart 4chan byThread hiding (Clear History Hide entre threads by dlicking the minus button Hide thread stubs Dont display mu in out po Settings [Expand All Settings + Quotes & Replying Filters & Post Hiding Fiter and highlight specific threads/posts [Edit) Enable patem-based fiters Please Support4chan bs 6a Thread hiding [Clear History re threads by clicking the minus buton Hide entre Hide thread stubs Dont display stubs of hidden freads + Images & Media Disable the native extension Filters & Highlights On PatternBoards Type Color Auto Hide Del [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] Auto] Add File: 1343085884880ipg (1.53 MB, 2480x3508) So why isn't there a good RPG for Harry Potter? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at that? virtualoptim !ynhOPT0efir 09/06/15(Sun)17:52:34 No.42334617·tsunl Because Harry Potter is a stupid childish setting, and were stupid, childish books There probably IS an rpg for Naruto, but it's s--- because Naruto is s---. He's the f----- with the spky hair and the orange vest, Let me say this once, and ONLY ONCE S----tier games/books/movies DESERVE AND WILL GET s----tier RPGs And you can see that phenomenon at work here s 09/06/15(Sun)17:59:21 No.42334731 Auan-nu笾 Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on *4chan.org [Return] [Catalogl [Bottom] [Update] I Auto] File: 1343085894880 jng (1.53 MB, 2480x3508) Anonyrmous 09 06/1S(Sun)17:48:59 No.42334554 竺4284岱竺4233500竺42335212 So why isn't there a good RPG for Harry Poter? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at thai? virtualoptim!!ynhOPT0efr 09/06/15(Sun)17:52:34 No.42334617 Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)17:59:21 No.42334731 ▶-same File: beeeesǐpg (21 KB, 222x229) othis thing that millions and millions of people rs movie series doesn't come with hard and fast rules for everything, so BEEEES lynhOPTOBfir 09/06/15(Sun)18:04:16 No.42334818](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/014/173/967.png)
![! File: 134308588488i (1.53 MB, 2480x3508) Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)17:48:59 No.42334554 ▶ 끄42334 So why isn't there a good RPG for Harry Poner? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at that? 2335300242336212 09/06v15(Sun)17:52:34 No.423346172-42334731 Because Harry Potter is & stupid childish setting, and were stupid, chidish books. There probably IS an rpg for Naruto, but ir's s--- because Naruto is s---. He's the f----- with the spiky hair and the orange vest, right? Let me say this once, and ONLY ONCE: S------- games/books/movies DESERVE AND WILL GET s----tier RPGs [Return] [Catalogl |Bottom] [Update]「. Auto] 15/21718 File: 13430 8848801凶(1.53 MB, 2480x3508) | Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)17:48:59 No.4233455艹ー233 ES-2335300-2336219 So why isn't there a good RPG tor Harry Potter? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at that? chldish books. Search Google for "lynhoPTOBFir There probably Vigw Selection Source Let me say this inspect Element () S----tier And you can see that phenomenon at work here. is s---. He's the f----- with the spiky hair and the orange vest, right? Adblock Plus: Block image Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun) 17:59:21 No.42334731 File: beeces.ing (21 KB, 222x229) 쯔 쯔 ab cidre tig gt/h/r/kmo p/r/SIT/uVvg w wg ic (r9k(s4s(em/hm/igbt/y 3/adv an/asp /biz g/ck/co/diy ts t gd he/int jp t/mip/mu /n/out/ po/ pol /sdi /soc/sp tg toy /tv/tv/vp/wsg/x tg/ - Traditional Games Please support dchan by disabing your ad blocker on Achan.org, purchasing a sclf-serve ad or buvyne a dchan [Post a Reply] 062v15 t's now possible to use the legacy text CAPTCHA in the Quick Reply window You can and the new option ineide the [Setingsmenu under Quotes&Replying 04/34/15 Janitor acceptance e-mails re being sent check your Spam lolder iyou applied Settings All + Quotes & Replying Filters & Post Hiding Fiter and highlight specific threads/posts [Ed paten-based fiters Please Thread hiding [Clear History] Hide entdre treads by clicking the minus buton Hide thread stubs Dont display stubs of hidden treads Disable the native extension A川 Export Settings Save Settings [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ -Auto] File: 1343095984880 ipg (1.53 MB, 2480x3508) Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)17:48:59 No.42334554 竺42334 So why isn't there a good RPG for Harry Potter? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at thar? usm_asn Settings Quotes & Replying - Filters &Post Hiding Fiter and highlight specific threads/posts [E TS Enable pamem-based fiters Please suppart 4chan byThread hiding (Clear History Hide entre threads by dlicking the minus button Hide thread stubs Dont display mu in out po Settings [Expand All Settings + Quotes & Replying Filters & Post Hiding Fiter and highlight specific threads/posts [Edit) Enable patem-based fiters Please Support4chan bs 6a Thread hiding [Clear History re threads by clicking the minus buton Hide entre Hide thread stubs Dont display stubs of hidden freads + Images & Media Disable the native extension Filters & Highlights On PatternBoards Type Color Auto Hide Del [Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] Auto] Add File: 1343085884880ipg (1.53 MB, 2480x3508) So why isn't there a good RPG for Harry Potter? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at that? virtualoptim !ynhOPT0efir 09/06/15(Sun)17:52:34 No.42334617·tsunl Because Harry Potter is a stupid childish setting, and were stupid, childish books There probably IS an rpg for Naruto, but it's s--- because Naruto is s---. He's the f----- with the spky hair and the orange vest, Let me say this once, and ONLY ONCE S----tier games/books/movies DESERVE AND WILL GET s----tier RPGs And you can see that phenomenon at work here s 09/06/15(Sun)17:59:21 No.42334731 Auan-nu笾 Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on *4chan.org [Return] [Catalogl [Bottom] [Update] I Auto] File: 1343085894880 jng (1.53 MB, 2480x3508) Anonyrmous 09 06/1S(Sun)17:48:59 No.42334554 竺4284岱竺4233500竺42335212 So why isn't there a good RPG for Harry Poter? Or one for Naruto or other popular weeaboo things, at thai? virtualoptim!!ynhOPT0efr 09/06/15(Sun)17:52:34 No.42334617 Anonymous 09/06/15(Sun)17:59:21 No.42334731 ▶-same File: beeeesǐpg (21 KB, 222x229) othis thing that millions and millions of people rs movie series doesn't come with hard and fast rules for everything, so BEEEES lynhOPTOBfir 09/06/15(Sun)18:04:16 No.42334818](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/014/173/967.png)
Thorgun the Barbarian Meets His Destiny

Shit's crazy mang

Shoggy the Seldom-Dog

El Presidente's Stats

unused scooby doo pilot

Mr. Bones Wild Ride

It wont do you good on the long run though

"That Guy" can be funny sometimes
