/tg/ - Images
It's just something I have to do.

the dice gods have a sense of humour


this is what all true paladins strive for

this is how you get germans

The tale of mister Bomardini

the summer of quests
![File: elephant-seal-1.jpg (201 KB, 1000x695) bionic seal quest Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:30:59 No.32389342 you are bionic seal roll for your fate [Reply] P2 Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:31:51 No.32389359 Rolled 71 >32389342 Ascension Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:33:01 No.32389383 32389359 you won Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:59:34 No.32389647 >32389383 Sweet Good quest everybody. Fun times were had File: tmp_IMAG0782993369643.jpg (1.89 MB, 1840x3264) □ Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:46:54 No.32389518 [Reply] Why ie thie hitch so nricev? Sha's chean to cast sure hut w-- is using those ahilitiae affectivay? Ara Madnese decke that nonular](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/247/2d8.jpg)
![File: elephant-seal-1.jpg (201 KB, 1000x695) bionic seal quest Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:30:59 No.32389342 you are bionic seal roll for your fate [Reply] P2 Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:31:51 No.32389359 Rolled 71 >32389342 Ascension Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:33:01 No.32389383 32389359 you won Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:59:34 No.32389647 >32389383 Sweet Good quest everybody. Fun times were had File: tmp_IMAG0782993369643.jpg (1.89 MB, 1840x3264) □ Anonymous 05/27/14(Tue)03:46:54 No.32389518 [Reply] Why ie thie hitch so nricev? Sha's chean to cast sure hut w-- is using those ahilitiae affectivay? Ara Madnese decke that nonular](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/247/2d8.jpg)
crows nest man

remove furry


halfing the dm

that guy threads

sounds like medievil

I really want to do this. I'd play legend of the 5 rings myself if i could do this

Praise him /tg/

/tg/ mods
