The Onion - Images
Now everybody wish real hard

The Onion
Trump Administration Worried President Burning Through Minority Scapegoats At Unsustainable Rate

The Onion
Pentagon Announces Plan To Cover Cost Of Hormone Treatment For Servicemembers Doubling Down On Biolo...

The Onion
The old joke

The Onion
Report: It Still Nowhere Near Okay To Act Like Donald Trump

The Onion
Unfortunately, this isn't satire. Yes, Hillary did just buy The Onion.

The Onion
The Onion Has Got It Right

The Onion
It's OP
The Onion
Be sure to poke holes so they can breath

The Onion
Government to confiscate one person's guns

The Onion
Security Hacks

The Onion
A important life lesson

The Onion
The Onion is two for two.

The Onion
I dunno, some title

The Onion
"FIFA Frantically Announces 2015 Summer World Cup In The United States: Global Soccer Tournament To Kick Off In America Later This Afternoon"

The Onion
The Onion delivers.

The Onion