Tumblr - Images
Goodnight sweet prince

The true call for celebration

Vegans strike again

Luigi! At the Disco

Heard you were talkin shit

When mom brings home pizza


Spider farm AU

Getting ready.

Willie Shake


Bees are awesome

Just like Jules

Eddie Murphy does not approve

dammit, macpros
![aemonophi macpros gay white cis man telling his coming out story: [adjusts the lighting to be more dramatic, focuses a spotlight on himself, begins playing sad music in the background] when i was little, i felt like there was something.... different about me. i had some feelings i didn't understand in middle school i realized i was...gay. [begins to cry] i was bullied. my parents didn't understand, but they still loved me. then i got older and met new friends and my life was easier. as a cisgender white gay marn my life has been a battle from the beginning. no one will understand my pain. [lighting fades] It's great to know that homophobia doesn't exist in the West anymore, that gay teenagers aren't getting beaten or kicked out of their houses by thei intolerant parents, that they aren't being rejected, persecuted and violently abused by their peers for being a "dirty queer," that they aren't still being sent to corrective therapy, that they aren't being driven to mental health issues or suicide as a result of these things, and that people nowadays are so accepting of gay people everywhere - which of course is why same-sex marriage is legal in Northern Ireland, every American st nineteen, and people aren't still being fired for being gay or beaten up on the streets or even killed for being a dirty queer by the same types of thugs they knew in school now grown into bigger and uglier thugs. Thank you so much for this revelation Tumblr user macpros, you disgusting waste of oxygen ate and not just](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/940/011/993.png)
![aemonophi macpros gay white cis man telling his coming out story: [adjusts the lighting to be more dramatic, focuses a spotlight on himself, begins playing sad music in the background] when i was little, i felt like there was something.... different about me. i had some feelings i didn't understand in middle school i realized i was...gay. [begins to cry] i was bullied. my parents didn't understand, but they still loved me. then i got older and met new friends and my life was easier. as a cisgender white gay marn my life has been a battle from the beginning. no one will understand my pain. [lighting fades] It's great to know that homophobia doesn't exist in the West anymore, that gay teenagers aren't getting beaten or kicked out of their houses by thei intolerant parents, that they aren't being rejected, persecuted and violently abused by their peers for being a "dirty queer," that they aren't still being sent to corrective therapy, that they aren't being driven to mental health issues or suicide as a result of these things, and that people nowadays are so accepting of gay people everywhere - which of course is why same-sex marriage is legal in Northern Ireland, every American st nineteen, and people aren't still being fired for being gay or beaten up on the streets or even killed for being a dirty queer by the same types of thugs they knew in school now grown into bigger and uglier thugs. Thank you so much for this revelation Tumblr user macpros, you disgusting waste of oxygen ate and not just](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/940/011/993.png)
Cathulu: the Dark Corners of the Internet
