Bye Stefán Karl Stefánsson He was #1 by Gerph

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
He truly was #1

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
Stefán Karl will always be number one.

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
I Will Tell You How He Lived

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
Stingy Remembers Rotten

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
Julianna Rose Mauriello (Stephanie's first actress) message

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
Please Donate

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
New & Improved Epitaph

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
Dad: Why tf are you crying so damn loud?

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
He was so happy

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
You will always be number one

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
The most iconic duo of all time

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
4chan reports in
![File: file png (979 KB, 1 Sticky Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)20 No 752メ 10271 5855 >> 102715872 >> 1027 16019 >> 1027 16034 102716808 102716815 102716824 102716829 102716842 102716910 102716917 102716939 102716949 102716954 102717275-102717296-102717306-102717352-1027 7372-10271 7404-10271 7424-21027 7427-102717430 >>102717443 2>102717459 > 102717485 102717496 102717531102717580 102717581 102717593 10271759 102717607 > 102717627 22102717652 1027176912102717694 2102717715102717723 102717738 2102717785 10271783610271784622102717857 102717887 102717910 102717961102717962 102717985 102718029102718058 2 102718179 102718187 102718200 2102718220 102718248 32102718289 102718313 102718332 102718338 22 102718350 102718357 102718358 102718394 >>102718417 >>102718447 2102718465ー102718471 >102718488 22102718501ー102718579-102718589 > 102718615-102718631 22102717216 22102717217 22102717222 22102717226 22102717229 쯔 102717244 22102717255 22102717261 22102717265 쯔 102717276 22102717284 22102717351 쯔102717357 2210271 7369 22 0271 7370 1027 17394 2210271 7397 2210271 7402 >>1027 17446 > 1027 17449 >> 1027 17497 >> 1027 17608 >> 1027 17759 >> 0271 7771 2210271 7787 2210271 7797 >2102717301 >>10271 827 >>102717830 22102717834 22102717843 >>102717853 102717856 >>102717908 >>102717925 >>102717977 >>102717998 22102718056 >>102718063 22102718107 >>102718100 > 102718189 >>102718267 22102718289 2102718295 2102718323 22102718334 2102718335 2102718342 > 102718384 ) 102718398 2102718431 >2102718506 >> 102718525 1027 18531 1027 18562 >> 1027186 12 10271 8736 22 1027 18774 >> 1027 18792 >> 0271 8803 >>1027 18860-210271 8878 >> 10271 8892 210271 8919 Red Leaderjpg (316 KB ohis inn'e nics anymora102717032 [s4s] reporting in 102717032 here >> >>102717032 tg/ reporting >>102717032 trash/ reporting in pol/ reporting in. it/ is File: night cockpit jpg (881 KB, 1600x1098) vl, /vrl, Icol, Itv, lal, /toy/, and /3/ here. F in where my lo/ boys at sp/ paying my respects Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:30:07 No.102717394 >>102717032 Ick/ reporting in >10271703 Iv/ reporting pol reporting in >>10271703 col here STEFAN KARL STEFANSSON 102717032 102717032 mu/ reporting in. m/ reporting in 102717032 Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:30:10 No.102717397 ip/ here. Its really sad. Just like when aniki died 22102717032 Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:27:07 No. 102717291 tfw /r9k/ /out/ here >> /vg/ here >102717032 Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:24:49 No.102717180 ig (12 KB, 208x251) lul reporting in, rest in peace my man 102717032 с.У Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:24:52 No.102717181 >10271703 /wsg/ standing by THIS IS NOTHINGLIKE MY >102717032 asp/ reporting in. Wishing Stefan luck in the big mainevent in heaver 102717032 lan/ standing by ld2g/ reporting in >102717032 g/entooman reporting in >10271703 dlg/ reporting in FILE DELETED /ic/ here. you will always be number one >>102717032 adv/ reporting mlp/ here 102717032 /news/ and /biz/ here.102717032 RIP Mr.Number One >1 He was and always will be number 1 /vr/ here Stefan Karl StefanssonIt's just... not fair 10 July 1975 Hafnarfjörõur, Iceland 21 August 2018 (aged 43) Los Angeles, California, U.S. Born ul reporting in. Last I heard of Stefan his cancer was in remission. S--- sucks, cancer always gets the ones who deserve it the least Died 102716244 I don't know, but he was a genuinely likable and jolly guy. Have you seen that youtube video where he got the gang back together to sing We Are Number One again? The other people were so awkward, but he semed to gain so much joy from doing that and knowing that people on the internet would have fun with it Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:40:09 No.102717813 A big part of 4ch culture died. I'm glad people remembered him when the song became popular, but it really shows how 4ch has changed seeing how people think Lazy Town is remembered here for Number One. F--- cancer, dude deserved more than 45 years of life. ;_ >Time is the most valuable thing in life because it never comes back. And whether you spend it in the arms of a loved one or alone in a prison cell, life is what you make of it. Dream big F--- re Sometimes I wish we took his cancer](
![File: file png (979 KB, 1 Sticky Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)20 No 752メ 10271 5855 >> 102715872 >> 1027 16019 >> 1027 16034 102716808 102716815 102716824 102716829 102716842 102716910 102716917 102716939 102716949 102716954 102717275-102717296-102717306-102717352-1027 7372-10271 7404-10271 7424-21027 7427-102717430 >>102717443 2>102717459 > 102717485 102717496 102717531102717580 102717581 102717593 10271759 102717607 > 102717627 22102717652 1027176912102717694 2102717715102717723 102717738 2102717785 10271783610271784622102717857 102717887 102717910 102717961102717962 102717985 102718029102718058 2 102718179 102718187 102718200 2102718220 102718248 32102718289 102718313 102718332 102718338 22 102718350 102718357 102718358 102718394 >>102718417 >>102718447 2102718465ー102718471 >102718488 22102718501ー102718579-102718589 > 102718615-102718631 22102717216 22102717217 22102717222 22102717226 22102717229 쯔 102717244 22102717255 22102717261 22102717265 쯔 102717276 22102717284 22102717351 쯔102717357 2210271 7369 22 0271 7370 1027 17394 2210271 7397 2210271 7402 >>1027 17446 > 1027 17449 >> 1027 17497 >> 1027 17608 >> 1027 17759 >> 0271 7771 2210271 7787 2210271 7797 >2102717301 >>10271 827 >>102717830 22102717834 22102717843 >>102717853 102717856 >>102717908 >>102717925 >>102717977 >>102717998 22102718056 >>102718063 22102718107 >>102718100 > 102718189 >>102718267 22102718289 2102718295 2102718323 22102718334 2102718335 2102718342 > 102718384 ) 102718398 2102718431 >2102718506 >> 102718525 1027 18531 1027 18562 >> 1027186 12 10271 8736 22 1027 18774 >> 1027 18792 >> 0271 8803 >>1027 18860-210271 8878 >> 10271 8892 210271 8919 Red Leaderjpg (316 KB ohis inn'e nics anymora102717032 [s4s] reporting in 102717032 here >> >>102717032 tg/ reporting >>102717032 trash/ reporting in pol/ reporting in. it/ is File: night cockpit jpg (881 KB, 1600x1098) vl, /vrl, Icol, Itv, lal, /toy/, and /3/ here. F in where my lo/ boys at sp/ paying my respects Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:30:07 No.102717394 >>102717032 Ick/ reporting in >10271703 Iv/ reporting pol reporting in >>10271703 col here STEFAN KARL STEFANSSON 102717032 102717032 mu/ reporting in. m/ reporting in 102717032 Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:30:10 No.102717397 ip/ here. Its really sad. Just like when aniki died 22102717032 Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:27:07 No. 102717291 tfw /r9k/ /out/ here >> /vg/ here >102717032 Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:24:49 No.102717180 ig (12 KB, 208x251) lul reporting in, rest in peace my man 102717032 с.У Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:24:52 No.102717181 >10271703 /wsg/ standing by THIS IS NOTHINGLIKE MY >102717032 asp/ reporting in. Wishing Stefan luck in the big mainevent in heaver 102717032 lan/ standing by ld2g/ reporting in >102717032 g/entooman reporting in >10271703 dlg/ reporting in FILE DELETED /ic/ here. you will always be number one >>102717032 adv/ reporting mlp/ here 102717032 /news/ and /biz/ here.102717032 RIP Mr.Number One >1 He was and always will be number 1 /vr/ here Stefan Karl StefanssonIt's just... not fair 10 July 1975 Hafnarfjörõur, Iceland 21 August 2018 (aged 43) Los Angeles, California, U.S. Born ul reporting in. Last I heard of Stefan his cancer was in remission. S--- sucks, cancer always gets the ones who deserve it the least Died 102716244 I don't know, but he was a genuinely likable and jolly guy. Have you seen that youtube video where he got the gang back together to sing We Are Number One again? The other people were so awkward, but he semed to gain so much joy from doing that and knowing that people on the internet would have fun with it Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)21:40:09 No.102717813 A big part of 4ch culture died. I'm glad people remembered him when the song became popular, but it really shows how 4ch has changed seeing how people think Lazy Town is remembered here for Number One. F--- cancer, dude deserved more than 45 years of life. ;_ >Time is the most valuable thing in life because it never comes back. And whether you spend it in the arms of a loved one or alone in a prison cell, life is what you make of it. Dream big F--- re Sometimes I wish we took his cancer](
Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
He’s not dead, he’s just standing so incredibly still that he’s invisible

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten
Made This on Sunday, 18 December 2016, 22:20:11

Stefán Karl Stefánsson / Robbie Rotten