Stop Doing Math - Images
![mcc STOP MAKING BLACK HOLES * The Schwarzschild radius was NOT MEANT TO BE EXCEEDED * INFINITE QUANTITIES OF TIME and yet NO POINT ON THE WORLDLINE where a SINGULARITY ACTUALLY FORMS * "Yes this point is a TOPOLOGICAL SINGULARITY. Yes it EVAPORATES" statements dreamed up by the utterly quantum- brained These are REAL path integrals, done in REAL canonical quantum gravity [various non-renormalizable divergent series labelled with "?????"] THEY HAVE PLAYED US FOR ABSOLUTE FOOLS Mar 01, 2025, 04:52 PM Web 174 boosts 298 favorites](
![mcc STOP MAKING BLACK HOLES * The Schwarzschild radius was NOT MEANT TO BE EXCEEDED * INFINITE QUANTITIES OF TIME and yet NO POINT ON THE WORLDLINE where a SINGULARITY ACTUALLY FORMS * "Yes this point is a TOPOLOGICAL SINGULARITY. Yes it EVAPORATES" statements dreamed up by the utterly quantum- brained These are REAL path integrals, done in REAL canonical quantum gravity [various non-renormalizable divergent series labelled with "?????"] THEY HAVE PLAYED US FOR ABSOLUTE FOOLS Mar 01, 2025, 04:52 PM Web 174 boosts 298 favorites](
Stop Doing Math

Stop Doing Math
Stop Buying Phones

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Stop saying SORRY!

Stop Doing Math

Stop Doing Math
is this anything
Stop Doing Math
Stop Doing Math
Stop Doing Suppressive Fire

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Stop Doing Missiles

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Stop Calling for Close Air Support!

Stop Doing Math

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Stop Doing Math
Stop Doing Q**** Activism
![STOP DOING Q ACTIVISM SEXUALTIES AND GENDERS WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE GIVEN A SLUR AS AN UMBRELLA TERM • MILLENNIA OF HUMAN SOCIETY yet NO REAL-WORLD USE FOUND for going more complex than "LGBT" • Wanted to go further anyway for a laugh? We had a word for that: It was called "GSRM" "Yes I am OMNISEXUAL. I am AGENDER ASEXUAL DEMIROMANTIC" Deranged LOOK at what Q this time, with all (This is REAL Q — Statements dreamed up by the Utterly s have been demanding your Respect for all the words & flags we made for them Activism, done by REAL Q Activists): Transgender Intersex Two Spirit Transmasculine Transfeminine Q Lesbian Bisexual Achillean Sapphic Bigender Pangender -Genderg Abrosexual Greyasexual Cian Nonbinary Demigender Demiboy Demigirl Transmascfem & Neopronouns Autigender Butch Intergender 0 ????? Genderfluid Tools Xenogender Butch Girltwink & Hazardqueer Transf Butchgender Moon Lesbian Butch Two-Spirit Lesboy Wisteria Lesbian Genderpunk& Unisexual/Uniromantic Bi Lesboy Metalhead Lesbian Luvflux& Boybutch & Q Inclusionist & Sapphillean& Aut4Aut Freak4Freak& freak Masc Sapphic& Metalhead Lesboy Transmasc Lesboy Multigender Lesboy Aldernic& Multigender D Metalhead Bi Genderhoarder Axenlector Portalgender Gendertech = Internetgender Computergender boy& Liminalcoric Synthogender Robotgender Distortgender Errorcoretic Scenecoric Horrorgender Horrorboy Unholyfreak Singender Firmic& Political lesbianism A 17 languages Article Talk From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Political lesbianism is a phenomenon within feminism, primarily second-wave feminism and radical feminism; it includes, but is not limited to, lesbian separatism. Political lesbianism asserts that sexual orientation is a political and feminist choice, and advocates lesbianism as a positive alternative to heterosexuality for women [1] as part of the struggle against sexism.[2] Oddcoric Slasheric ??????? Girlflux& Boyflux& Webcoric Thingcenic & Boygirl Littleguygender Girlyboy& -Girlboy Guygirl/Girlguy& Transmasc Boygirl Backroomic& Liminalgender& Dogboygender Weirdthing& Virtualthing Girlboy Lesbian Femboy& Transfem Girlboy& Azurbyboy Distortboygender AnalogARGic Digigender Puppygirlboy Girlthing Offgirl & Somethinggirl& Boyfreak Guy.exeic Vhshorric Genderlog Boything& Weirdgirl Httpsgender ???????????????? "Hello I would like 2SLGBTQQIAAPPD+* representation please" They have played us for absolute fools](
![STOP DOING Q ACTIVISM SEXUALTIES AND GENDERS WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE GIVEN A SLUR AS AN UMBRELLA TERM • MILLENNIA OF HUMAN SOCIETY yet NO REAL-WORLD USE FOUND for going more complex than "LGBT" • Wanted to go further anyway for a laugh? We had a word for that: It was called "GSRM" "Yes I am OMNISEXUAL. I am AGENDER ASEXUAL DEMIROMANTIC" Deranged LOOK at what Q this time, with all (This is REAL Q — Statements dreamed up by the Utterly s have been demanding your Respect for all the words & flags we made for them Activism, done by REAL Q Activists): Transgender Intersex Two Spirit Transmasculine Transfeminine Q Lesbian Bisexual Achillean Sapphic Bigender Pangender -Genderg Abrosexual Greyasexual Cian Nonbinary Demigender Demiboy Demigirl Transmascfem & Neopronouns Autigender Butch Intergender 0 ????? Genderfluid Tools Xenogender Butch Girltwink & Hazardqueer Transf Butchgender Moon Lesbian Butch Two-Spirit Lesboy Wisteria Lesbian Genderpunk& Unisexual/Uniromantic Bi Lesboy Metalhead Lesbian Luvflux& Boybutch & Q Inclusionist & Sapphillean& Aut4Aut Freak4Freak& freak Masc Sapphic& Metalhead Lesboy Transmasc Lesboy Multigender Lesboy Aldernic& Multigender D Metalhead Bi Genderhoarder Axenlector Portalgender Gendertech = Internetgender Computergender boy& Liminalcoric Synthogender Robotgender Distortgender Errorcoretic Scenecoric Horrorgender Horrorboy Unholyfreak Singender Firmic& Political lesbianism A 17 languages Article Talk From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Political lesbianism is a phenomenon within feminism, primarily second-wave feminism and radical feminism; it includes, but is not limited to, lesbian separatism. Political lesbianism asserts that sexual orientation is a political and feminist choice, and advocates lesbianism as a positive alternative to heterosexuality for women [1] as part of the struggle against sexism.[2] Oddcoric Slasheric ??????? Girlflux& Boyflux& Webcoric Thingcenic & Boygirl Littleguygender Girlyboy& -Girlboy Guygirl/Girlguy& Transmasc Boygirl Backroomic& Liminalgender& Dogboygender Weirdthing& Virtualthing Girlboy Lesbian Femboy& Transfem Girlboy& Azurbyboy Distortboygender AnalogARGic Digigender Puppygirlboy Girlthing Offgirl & Somethinggirl& Boyfreak Guy.exeic Vhshorric Genderlog Boything& Weirdgirl Httpsgender ???????????????? "Hello I would like 2SLGBTQQIAAPPD+* representation please" They have played us for absolute fools](
Stop Doing Math
STOP MAKING APPS - Websites were not supposed to be given executables

Stop Doing Math

Stop Doing Math

Stop Doing Math