Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Images
The Great Divide.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
The REAL Trinity!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Spidey's here because Wonder Woman is busy making sandwiches

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Batman v Superman IMDb rating

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Grandma's peach tea

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Batman V Superman In A Nutshell

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
DC's future movie plans in a nutshell

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
In a nutshell

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
The Room

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Superman Versus Batman

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Pick A Side: Super-Cola Vs. Bat-Cola

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Why Batman wants to fight Superman...

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Because I'm Batman!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Batman v Succ

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Is this not exactly how it happened?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice