Cyberpunk 2077 - Images
Trans. Am.
![Unremovable by Gamer Bros.](/assets/image-covers/spoiler.png)
Cyberpunk 2077
Buying Cyberpunk 2077 = You owe a trans person $70 or you're transphobic
![Scarlett Rayne @SadPostRayne · 1h compost creature @powertooles · 1h F----- pay me 100% agree, my cash app is on my profile Sloane Jett @Sloane_Jett · 5h if you're about to buy Cyberpunk 2077 (especially if you're about to make money off of it!) you owe a trans woman $70 Sloane Jett @Sloane_Jett · 5h if you're about to buy Cyberpunk 2077 (especially if you're about to make money off of it!) you owe a trans woman $70 Show this thread Show this thread MEXIT PAY UP PAY UP MLXT UP UP 27 1 ♡ 5 ♡ 1 000 @spooksbot · 6m Spooks, Fell Vessel yeah, i concur 000 Passion @PassionsPlanet · 1h you can send that $70 here: pay me $70 thanks thanks, gamers! Sloane Jett @Sloane_Jett · 5h if you're about to buy Cyberpunk 2077 (especially if you're about to make money off of it!) you owe a trans woman $70 Sloane Jett @Sloane_Jett · 5h if you're about to buy Cyberpunk 2077 (especially if you're about to make money off of it!) you owe a trans woman $70 Show this thread Show this thread MEXIT PAY UP MEXIT PAY UP UF UP O 5](
![Scarlett Rayne @SadPostRayne · 1h compost creature @powertooles · 1h F----- pay me 100% agree, my cash app is on my profile Sloane Jett @Sloane_Jett · 5h if you're about to buy Cyberpunk 2077 (especially if you're about to make money off of it!) you owe a trans woman $70 Sloane Jett @Sloane_Jett · 5h if you're about to buy Cyberpunk 2077 (especially if you're about to make money off of it!) you owe a trans woman $70 Show this thread Show this thread MEXIT PAY UP PAY UP MLXT UP UP 27 1 ♡ 5 ♡ 1 000 @spooksbot · 6m Spooks, Fell Vessel yeah, i concur 000 Passion @PassionsPlanet · 1h you can send that $70 here: pay me $70 thanks thanks, gamers! Sloane Jett @Sloane_Jett · 5h if you're about to buy Cyberpunk 2077 (especially if you're about to make money off of it!) you owe a trans woman $70 Sloane Jett @Sloane_Jett · 5h if you're about to buy Cyberpunk 2077 (especially if you're about to make money off of it!) you owe a trans woman $70 Show this thread Show this thread MEXIT PAY UP MEXIT PAY UP UF UP O 5](
Cyberpunk 2077
Things that have been released since Cyberpunk 2077 announcement
![Stolen from /r/cyberpunkgame](
![Stolen from /r/cyberpunkgame](
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 Official System Requirements
Cyberpunk 2077
Pre-Launch Day
Cyberpunk 2077
super delay
![File: normal release date.jpg (233 KB, 2004x1086) I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:13:41 No.530640269 >530640821 >>530640856 >>530641867 >>530642054 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530644227 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530645953 >>530646718 >>530649369 >>530650229 >>530650273 >>530651751 >>530653561 >>530654045 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530656865 >>530657130 >>530657543 >>530657715 >>530657905 >>530658640 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669724 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670429 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530670995 >>530672574 >>530672898 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673360 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530673935 >>530674087 >>530674380 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530675202 >>530675529 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 04.16.2020 You're gonna love this. Trust me, what you're seeing now is my normal release date. Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:14:19 No.530640306 >>530640821 >>530640856 >>530641867 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530644227 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530645953 >>530646718 >>530649369 >>530650229 >>530651751 >>530651801 >>530651927 >>530653561 >>530654045 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530657130 >>530657749 >>530657905 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669793 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530672574 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673360 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530674087 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530675202 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 File: super delay.jpg (303 KB, 2004x1090) This is a Super Delay. Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:14:39 No.530640336 ► tostan Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:15:21 No.530640375 >>530640821 >>530640856 >>530641867 >>530642281 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530644227 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530645953 >>530646718 >>530649369 >>530650229 >>530651751 >>530651927 >>530653561 >>530654045 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530657130 >>530657749 >>530657905 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530672574 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673360 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530674087 >>530674430 >>530674501>>530675202 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 File: super delay_2.jpg (289 KB, 2007x1090) And this is what is known as a Super Delay that has ascended past a Super Delay. Or you could just call this a Super Delay Two. I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:16:27 No.530640460 >>530640636 >>530640821 >>530640856 >>530641457 >>530641867 >>530642038 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530642779 >>530644227 >>530644281 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530646718 >>530649369 >>530649824 >>530650229 >>530651751 >>530651927 >>530653561 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530657130 >>530657749 >>530657905 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530671127 >>530672574 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673360 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530674087 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530675202 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 File: TO DELAY EVEN FURTHER BEYOND.jpg (204 KB, 1994x1086) AND THIS... IS TO DELAY.. EVEN FURTHER BEYOND. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAАННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН НННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН НАН НАНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН >> I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:18:22 No.530640579 >>530645953 kek nice thread anon >> I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:19:11 No.530640636 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530646460 >>530654045 >>530656661 >>530657130 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670391 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530672574 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673665 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530676093 >>530677103 >>530677126 File: KING SHAZAM.jpg (365 KB, 1994x1058) >>530640460 STOP IT CD. IF YOU DELAY THIS NOW YOULL LOSE ALL THE PREORDERS YOU HAVE ON THIS GAME. AND YOU NEED EVERY SALE AS IT IS I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:20:51 No.530640757 >>530640856 >>530641867 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530644227 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530645468 >>530646206 >>530647760 >>530649369 >>530650229 >>530650441 >>530650462 >>530651267 >>530651751 >>530652101 >>530654045 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530657130 >>530657749 >>530657905 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668905 >>530668919 >530669308 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670695 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530672574 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530674087 >>530674106 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530675202 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530676756 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 File: SUPER DELAY 3.jpg (343 KB, 2002x1078) I'm sorry there was such short notice compared to the others. This is what I call Super Delay 3.](
![File: normal release date.jpg (233 KB, 2004x1086) I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:13:41 No.530640269 >530640821 >>530640856 >>530641867 >>530642054 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530644227 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530645953 >>530646718 >>530649369 >>530650229 >>530650273 >>530651751 >>530653561 >>530654045 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530656865 >>530657130 >>530657543 >>530657715 >>530657905 >>530658640 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669724 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670429 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530670995 >>530672574 >>530672898 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673360 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530673935 >>530674087 >>530674380 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530675202 >>530675529 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 04.16.2020 You're gonna love this. Trust me, what you're seeing now is my normal release date. Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:14:19 No.530640306 >>530640821 >>530640856 >>530641867 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530644227 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530645953 >>530646718 >>530649369 >>530650229 >>530651751 >>530651801 >>530651927 >>530653561 >>530654045 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530657130 >>530657749 >>530657905 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669793 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530672574 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673360 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530674087 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530675202 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 File: super delay.jpg (303 KB, 2004x1090) This is a Super Delay. Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:14:39 No.530640336 ► tostan Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:15:21 No.530640375 >>530640821 >>530640856 >>530641867 >>530642281 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530644227 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530645953 >>530646718 >>530649369 >>530650229 >>530651751 >>530651927 >>530653561 >>530654045 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530657130 >>530657749 >>530657905 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530672574 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673360 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530674087 >>530674430 >>530674501>>530675202 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 File: super delay_2.jpg (289 KB, 2007x1090) And this is what is known as a Super Delay that has ascended past a Super Delay. Or you could just call this a Super Delay Two. I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:16:27 No.530640460 >>530640636 >>530640821 >>530640856 >>530641457 >>530641867 >>530642038 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530642779 >>530644227 >>530644281 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530646718 >>530649369 >>530649824 >>530650229 >>530651751 >>530651927 >>530653561 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530657130 >>530657749 >>530657905 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530671127 >>530672574 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673360 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530674087 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530675202 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 File: TO DELAY EVEN FURTHER BEYOND.jpg (204 KB, 1994x1086) AND THIS... IS TO DELAY.. EVEN FURTHER BEYOND. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAАННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН НННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН НАН НАНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН >> I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:18:22 No.530640579 >>530645953 kek nice thread anon >> I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:19:11 No.530640636 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530646460 >>530654045 >>530656661 >>530657130 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668919 >>530669308 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670391 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530672574 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673665 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530676093 >>530677103 >>530677126 File: KING SHAZAM.jpg (365 KB, 1994x1058) >>530640460 STOP IT CD. IF YOU DELAY THIS NOW YOULL LOSE ALL THE PREORDERS YOU HAVE ON THIS GAME. AND YOU NEED EVERY SALE AS IT IS I Anonymous 11/01/20(Sun)07:20:51 No.530640757 >>530640856 >>530641867 >>530642506 >>530642601 >>530644227 >>530644304 >>530644753 >>530645061 >>530645468 >>530646206 >>530647760 >>530649369 >>530650229 >>530650441 >>530650462 >>530651267 >>530651751 >>530652101 >>530654045 >>530655267 >>530656661 >>530656741 >>530657130 >>530657749 >>530657905 >>530659143 >>530662995 >>530663665 >>530664332 >>530666358 >>530668125 >>530668905 >>530668919 >530669308 >>530669985 >>530670017 >>530670228 >>530670391 >>530670695 >>530670732 >>530670812 >>530672574 >>530672976 >>530673043 >>530673116 >>530673665 >>530673924 >>530674087 >>530674106 >>530674430 >>530674501 >>530675202 >>530676093 >>530676306 >>530676756 >>530677103 >>530677126 >>530677271 File: SUPER DELAY 3.jpg (343 KB, 2002x1078) I'm sorry there was such short notice compared to the others. This is what I call Super Delay 3.](
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077
Coming out in 2077 | /r/dankmemes
![Cyberpunk 2077 developers releasing the game:](
![Cyberpunk 2077 developers releasing the game:](
Cyberpunk 2077
![D PROJEKT I spent $60 on this ad. But not on](
![D PROJEKT I spent $60 on this ad. But not on](
Cyberpunk 2077
Norf 2077
![lockheed-martini tumblr Follow E thivus scared-science-team had a dream of a space elevator based in yorkshire but lads from leeds tore it down and the wreckage spread all the way to newcastle itstimewehavesomesoliddick Norf 2077 itstimewehavesomesoliddick 'ate the space eleva'uh 'ate the huntuh killuh drones 'ate me biochip, only like ones wit' gravy luv me nutri blocks luv me robot arm luv me holo footy Dun like it f--- off Source:scared-science-team 155 notes ...](
![lockheed-martini tumblr Follow E thivus scared-science-team had a dream of a space elevator based in yorkshire but lads from leeds tore it down and the wreckage spread all the way to newcastle itstimewehavesomesoliddick Norf 2077 itstimewehavesomesoliddick 'ate the space eleva'uh 'ate the huntuh killuh drones 'ate me biochip, only like ones wit' gravy luv me nutri blocks luv me robot arm luv me holo footy Dun like it f--- off Source:scared-science-team 155 notes ...](
Cyberpunk 2077
what 2077 will actually look like.
![benis lol](
![benis lol](
Cyberpunk 2077
CD Projekt Red delaying Cyberpunk be like:
![My first meme to post on this site](
![My first meme to post on this site](
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk Forever
Cyberpunk 2077
![to move the release date of won't make the April release from September 17 to November 19. date to September 17, 2020. e new release date. 'going gold' ew release date is December 10th.](
![to move the release date of won't make the April release from September 17 to November 19. date to September 17, 2020. e new release date. 'going gold' ew release date is December 10th.](
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077