Detective Pikachu - Images
What is wrong with people?

Detective Pikachu
He needs a hug

Detective Pikachu
First apperance of Detective Pikachu

Detective Pikachu
Mr. Mime is not amused

Detective Pikachu
Detective Pikachu
Joel Fucked-Up Big Time

Detective Pikachu
A pokestar is born

Detective Pikachu

Detective Pikachu
He's such an asshole in the trailer, it really fits his character!
Detective Pikachu
He no like by charlubby
Detective Pikachu
Detective Pikachu and his Pichu assistant

Detective Pikachu
Same energy

Detective Pikachu
Be careful who you call ugly in Ryme City

Detective Pikachu
Updating Pikachu's design

Detective Pikachu
Shit's Weird

Detective Pikachu
Ryan Reynolds Reaction

Detective Pikachu