Donkey Kong - Images
Donkey Kong Island
Donkey Kong
In Donkey Kong Country, if a Kong throws a DK Barrel, but the level is exited before it hits the gro...

Donkey Kong
At the beginning of the Tracker Barrel Trek level in DKC3, there is a precise spot where switching f...

Donkey Kong
They didn’t intend for that to happen

Donkey Kong
The prototype version of Donkey Kong 64 had highly exaggerated animations for Chunky Kong that were ...
Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong
A 2000 Australian commercial for the Game Boy Color featured a scene where an explosion knocks the f...
Donkey Kong
-124% > 101%

Donkey Kong
In DKC, Diddy's "minigame loss" animation is him stomping on his hat. In Tanked Up Trouble, it is po...

Donkey Kong
In DKC2, if Dixie lands on Rambi while performing a helicopter spin and B is pressed on the next fra...

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong
The best Donkey Kong game: Super Marrio Sunshine

Donkey Kong
Several generations of Kong

Donkey Kong
Donkey with no Kong

Donkey Kong
Concept artwork of Professor Chops
Donkey Kong
"What is your Donkey Kong name?" activity posted by Nintendo UK's official 3DS Facebook account in 2...
Donkey Kong