Fallout 76 - Images

Fallout 76
Part 4: Imagine being the PR intern who has to deal with all this on Twitter.

Fallout 76
Part 3: Seriously, how can a company be this incompetent?

Fallout 76
Part 2: Would this even be considered damage control at this point?

Fallout 76
The best part is that they even fucked THIS up too.

Fallout 76
plot twist! the canvas bags are cheap to make

Fallout 76
Discouraging Cringe
![Fallout @Fallout 34m 753 Wubba lubba dub dub! Watch @adultswim's @rickandmorty play #Fallout76 on @Xbox One with @Ninja and @Logic301! Tune in on @Twitch and @WatchMixer. Unless you have ants in your eyes. Then maybe just listen. beth.games/2PwamcV Falleut 76 [adult swim] RICK AND MORLY FALLOUT 76 LIVE DAY, NOV 8 6:00 PT19.00P E LEARN WHERE TO WATCH XBOXONE 41392 hereisinota singlejencouragin word on that screen](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/436/825/22a.png)
![Fallout @Fallout 34m 753 Wubba lubba dub dub! Watch @adultswim's @rickandmorty play #Fallout76 on @Xbox One with @Ninja and @Logic301! Tune in on @Twitch and @WatchMixer. Unless you have ants in your eyes. Then maybe just listen. beth.games/2PwamcV Falleut 76 [adult swim] RICK AND MORLY FALLOUT 76 LIVE DAY, NOV 8 6:00 PT19.00P E LEARN WHERE TO WATCH XBOXONE 41392 hereisinota singlejencouragin word on that screen](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/436/825/22a.png)
Fallout 76
new levels of cringe achieved

Fallout 76
No chance in hell

Fallout 76
No Todds, No Masters, only Mods

Fallout 76
When you are worse than Duke Nukem: Forever

Fallout 76
At least, there is canvas bags in TF2.

Fallout 76
This Game is not the same without you!

Fallout 76
Saw this sale at Game, first thing I thought of...

Fallout 76
Well in all fairness they didn’t know how this game was bad to so many

Fallout 76
Find the guy who stole your refund

Fallout 76