My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Images

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Iced Ice Babies

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Che-- Ah, fuck it, you know what goes here.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Real-time translation

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
"He can talk?!"

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Follow me! Set me free!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
kick'em in the dishpan hu hu huuuuu!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Yo Ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
![Princess Cadence Add to Favourites is an Overrated Mary-sue Download PNG 150 × 100 | More from TheHappySpacemanol ★ I am going t Mordecai an hurl if some makes MLP Stop pairin top pairing ev ingle living thi he world with: [insert random character here] Anti Princess Cadence Stamp THS by TheHappySpaceman Twilight Spar deviantART Related/ Deviant Stamps @2012-2014 TheHappySpaceman01 together of MUSE I realized that nobody else had made this stamp yet, so I did. Deal with it. Anyway, you heard me: Princess Cadence from MLP is an overrated Mary-sue, and I'm the only one who seems to think that. Why do I believe that, you may ask? Well, I'll tell you: First of all, they pull in a character who's an alicorn. We've never heard of her before, yet they pull in this third alicorn. Before this we had all believed that there were only two of those, but suddenly out of nowhere, there's a third one. What the hell? Then we discover that she's really nice, a great babysitter, and basically "perfect." Sounds like a bad OC to me, and definitely like a Mary-sue Then on top of that, instead of controlling the sun or the moon, we discover that she controls love. Okay, the Mary-sue-ness levels are rising! And meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out where the hell she came from in the first place. Is she, like, Celestia's daughter or something? They leave it unexplained for the entire two episodes. And she's probably never going to appear again on the show, leaving her as undeveloped as she is IS nc orth my ti Istrongly dis Hatsune Mik Deal with it The moron's excus doing stupid stu Gangnan COMIC My Little Po So anyway, basically all I'm saying is that I don't like Cadence and I don't understand why nobody else feels the same way I do on the subject. is seriOUS is not that friH overrated Yes, I know I'm a hater so I A. shouldn't be making a stamp like this and B. shouldn't know so much on the subject. But I have answers for both of the two. A. I saw it hadn't been done by any fans of the show, so I decided to do it. B. Having friends who are bronies helps a lot. Princess Cadence © *fyre-five Stamp G me View Gallery View Prints darkheartlessman - Add a Comment More from deviantART CADANCE SHOULDNT BE AN ALICORN The "Great and Powerful" Trixie 25 v Nested v | Newest First ﹀ persiancat111 Edited 11 hours ago Student Traditional Artist ats so great IDON'T like Rainbow Dash no she's not, not in my opinion anyway. But I respect if you have a different opinion I hated Friendship is Masic since day one ON Reply THS TheHappySpacemand1 x 8 hours ago Hobbyist General Artist Discord aPIS Poor ereLse PLEASE STOP MLP FIM PRETENDING should TO BE ONE Good. for a Villain Info about my avatar: [link] Single Taken Sexy and I know it Browse More Like This Shop Similar Prints ReplyI'm agnostic and proud! What? I figured I could get away with this since everybody brags about being Christian Featured in Groups 1 Jul 1, 2014 Hobbyist General Artist Evious, deviousSTAMPS YES Stamps! Stamps! Stamps!](
![Princess Cadence Add to Favourites is an Overrated Mary-sue Download PNG 150 × 100 | More from TheHappySpacemanol ★ I am going t Mordecai an hurl if some makes MLP Stop pairin top pairing ev ingle living thi he world with: [insert random character here] Anti Princess Cadence Stamp THS by TheHappySpaceman Twilight Spar deviantART Related/ Deviant Stamps @2012-2014 TheHappySpaceman01 together of MUSE I realized that nobody else had made this stamp yet, so I did. Deal with it. Anyway, you heard me: Princess Cadence from MLP is an overrated Mary-sue, and I'm the only one who seems to think that. Why do I believe that, you may ask? Well, I'll tell you: First of all, they pull in a character who's an alicorn. We've never heard of her before, yet they pull in this third alicorn. Before this we had all believed that there were only two of those, but suddenly out of nowhere, there's a third one. What the hell? Then we discover that she's really nice, a great babysitter, and basically "perfect." Sounds like a bad OC to me, and definitely like a Mary-sue Then on top of that, instead of controlling the sun or the moon, we discover that she controls love. Okay, the Mary-sue-ness levels are rising! And meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out where the hell she came from in the first place. Is she, like, Celestia's daughter or something? They leave it unexplained for the entire two episodes. And she's probably never going to appear again on the show, leaving her as undeveloped as she is IS nc orth my ti Istrongly dis Hatsune Mik Deal with it The moron's excus doing stupid stu Gangnan COMIC My Little Po So anyway, basically all I'm saying is that I don't like Cadence and I don't understand why nobody else feels the same way I do on the subject. is seriOUS is not that friH overrated Yes, I know I'm a hater so I A. shouldn't be making a stamp like this and B. shouldn't know so much on the subject. But I have answers for both of the two. A. I saw it hadn't been done by any fans of the show, so I decided to do it. B. Having friends who are bronies helps a lot. Princess Cadence © *fyre-five Stamp G me View Gallery View Prints darkheartlessman - Add a Comment More from deviantART CADANCE SHOULDNT BE AN ALICORN The "Great and Powerful" Trixie 25 v Nested v | Newest First ﹀ persiancat111 Edited 11 hours ago Student Traditional Artist ats so great IDON'T like Rainbow Dash no she's not, not in my opinion anyway. But I respect if you have a different opinion I hated Friendship is Masic since day one ON Reply THS TheHappySpacemand1 x 8 hours ago Hobbyist General Artist Discord aPIS Poor ereLse PLEASE STOP MLP FIM PRETENDING should TO BE ONE Good. for a Villain Info about my avatar: [link] Single Taken Sexy and I know it Browse More Like This Shop Similar Prints ReplyI'm agnostic and proud! What? I figured I could get away with this since everybody brags about being Christian Featured in Groups 1 Jul 1, 2014 Hobbyist General Artist Evious, deviousSTAMPS YES Stamps! Stamps! Stamps!](
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
a cowboy with no bebop is just a cowboy.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Muffin's Embrace

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Derpy on the brain

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
My Little Griffon

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic