Shrek - Images
![Shrekklok is a Shrek metal band that performed songs, such as I Eshrekulate Layers, Shrekharmonic, Ogreraider, Shreksupport, Volcanogre, The Cyborg Layers, Briefcase full of Onions, Thunderdonkey, Birthday Shrekday, Go Forth and Shrek, Onion Hills Coffee Jingle, and many more.
The members consists of Nathonion Explayers, Shreki Wartonion, William Ogreface, Shrekles the drummer, and Shrekgar Ogrill.](
![Shrekklok is a Shrek metal band that performed songs, such as I Eshrekulate Layers, Shrekharmonic, Ogreraider, Shreksupport, Volcanogre, The Cyborg Layers, Briefcase full of Onions, Thunderdonkey, Birthday Shrekday, Go Forth and Shrek, Onion Hills Coffee Jingle, and many more.
The members consists of Nathonion Explayers, Shreki Wartonion, William Ogreface, Shrekles the drummer, and Shrekgar Ogrill.](
Our Ogrelord has arrived
![Anonymous (ID: CukvN8V6) 01/27/13(Sun)07:54:35 No.454083787 Replies: 454084091 454084501 >Be 14 >Bring shrek 1&2 to class >Tell teacher we must watch shrek >Teacher makes class vote for which movie to watch >shrek 2 has majority vote >feelsgoodman.jpeg >Then, Francis pulls out Despicable Me and hands it to teacher >Everyone in class votes for it and laughs at me >Teacher throws my shreks back at me and puts Despicable Me in DVD player >As the disc loads, I hear loud footsteps from outside. The rumbling shakes the desks and chairs >The smell of onions filled the room >Suddenly, naked Shrek bursts through the wall and looks at DVD menu of Despicable Me in anger >Shrek throws two onionades at the tv and kills the teacher and a deaf girl >Shrek punches through a kid's chest, pulls out his heart and replaces it with an onionade >kid explodes > "Treeple Kehl" >Shrek >He pulls out Francis' intestines through his butthole and ties an onion to it. >Shrek then tosses the onion out the window and Francis is dragged out with it. >Francis falls 8 stories to his death. "OGREKEEEEL!" >Shrek turns around to rest of the class >He quietly whispers >Entire class jumps out of windows to their death. >"SHREKSTERMINATION" >Shrek turns to me >He looks me in the eye and smiles >"Bet yeh weren't shrekspecting thAt." >"As it ogre?" I ask. "It's ogre when Aye say it's ogre >I fall to my knees at his majesty >I was ready to please Shrek. >He pulled out his massive ogresized eshrekt c--- and lodged it in my throat. My eyes illed with tears >mfw they were happy tears >Shrek let out a loud ogre roar as he filled my esophagus with sour c-- and onion sauce >He pulled his c--- out of my mouth but as I wiped away my tears, I noticed he was already gone >Shrek is love, shrek is life grabs Francis as he tries to escape and bends him over Thees is the pahrt whehre you run away](
![Anonymous (ID: CukvN8V6) 01/27/13(Sun)07:54:35 No.454083787 Replies: 454084091 454084501 >Be 14 >Bring shrek 1&2 to class >Tell teacher we must watch shrek >Teacher makes class vote for which movie to watch >shrek 2 has majority vote >feelsgoodman.jpeg >Then, Francis pulls out Despicable Me and hands it to teacher >Everyone in class votes for it and laughs at me >Teacher throws my shreks back at me and puts Despicable Me in DVD player >As the disc loads, I hear loud footsteps from outside. The rumbling shakes the desks and chairs >The smell of onions filled the room >Suddenly, naked Shrek bursts through the wall and looks at DVD menu of Despicable Me in anger >Shrek throws two onionades at the tv and kills the teacher and a deaf girl >Shrek punches through a kid's chest, pulls out his heart and replaces it with an onionade >kid explodes > "Treeple Kehl" >Shrek >He pulls out Francis' intestines through his butthole and ties an onion to it. >Shrek then tosses the onion out the window and Francis is dragged out with it. >Francis falls 8 stories to his death. "OGREKEEEEL!" >Shrek turns around to rest of the class >He quietly whispers >Entire class jumps out of windows to their death. >"SHREKSTERMINATION" >Shrek turns to me >He looks me in the eye and smiles >"Bet yeh weren't shrekspecting thAt." >"As it ogre?" I ask. "It's ogre when Aye say it's ogre >I fall to my knees at his majesty >I was ready to please Shrek. >He pulled out his massive ogresized eshrekt c--- and lodged it in my throat. My eyes illed with tears >mfw they were happy tears >Shrek let out a loud ogre roar as he filled my esophagus with sour c-- and onion sauce >He pulled his c--- out of my mouth but as I wiped away my tears, I noticed he was already gone >Shrek is love, shrek is life grabs Francis as he tries to escape and bends him over Thees is the pahrt whehre you run away](
![Yourself Before Yo Shrek Yourself](
![Yourself Before Yo Shrek Yourself](
![wat u say bitch? get shrekkt lassi tter check yoself fo u shrek yoself](
![wat u say bitch? get shrekkt lassi tter check yoself fo u shrek yoself](
The 7 Anti-Brogres, screencap from ShrekChan
![File 138335035527.png (544.47KB, 768x576, Untitled.png) A New Beginning Drek The Blue 13/11/01 (Fri)18:59 No. 28064 Replies: >>28066 28077>28085 Unlike all of you may have presented me, I am much more dark, deep, and mysterious than what you've thought about me. I am not some Ogre who likes to sport moustaches because they are a fashion accessory, but rather use it because its a birthright that only a select and almost extinct sub-race of ogres exists. All of you keep using the name of Shrek as if he was some deity. He's not. He is just a rejected, lonely, filthy ogre from the s-------- minority race in the ogre community, but of course none of you are aware other ogres exist. The majority of ogres are gray, black, and brown, a smaller portion, however, overrated and useless, the green race, and finally, there's us, the Royal Blooded Blue Ogres, bred to have a superior look, strength, set of brains and more facial hair where needed. Other filthy ogres are prevalent only in the deepest of swamps of most secretive caves. Shrek may be "one with the layers", but only in your minds. A true Ogre has no layers. A true ogre lives its life in secrecy and in privacy, emotions are for p---- ogres, we toss those f----- to fuel the fire with their p---- tears. The ogres I grew up against were only the strongest/smartest/most agile ogres of them all (all of which were blue skinned ogres, not those filthy other color ogres reeking of s---, onions and swamp water). As a young ogre, I fought against bears and saber-toothed tigers all my life. Not letting the stupidest of s--- distract me from becoming the best of them all.. (to be continued) Expand all images Drek The Blue 13/11/01 (Fri)19:10 No. 28066 Replies: >28067 >>28064 (cont'd) Now, as for physical features found in most blue ogres, I can safely say we are the ones with most secrecy and are almost always missed by the useless human eye (did I mention humans are 50 levels inferior to the most weak and pathetic ogre?), we are also the most talented (you might already know that I speak fluently in multiple languages and can sing in a voice that not even Pavarotti himself could amount to). We are, on average, 7 feet tall, 6 1/2 for the females. All of us can break a mountain gorilla's arm with the same amount of strength it takes a human to snap a toothpick in half. If we were to put our glorious cocks into any of your putrid plebeian assholes, it would be the equivalent of you putting your graceless d---- into a rotted out strawberry, the mess is unbearable. (to be continued) Drek The Blue 13/11/01 (Fri)19:17 No. 28067 Replies: >>28068 >>28076>>28091 >>28066 (cont'd) Now, why did I take the time out of my busy schedule to post oh shitchan, I mean, Shrekchan? Simple, I want to make it clear that the enemies on Shrek's back is, in fact, arising, its only a matter of time until the 7 Anti-Brogres have reunited to finish the Job. Its written in the secret scrolls that for told of the day the Earth would end. But killing the "Ogrelord is only the first step P--- in Boots 13/11/01(Fri)20:02 No. 28068 Replies: >>28074 >>28067 I have been converted Drek is love. Drek is life AntiBrogres MightyLover 13/11/01(Fri)23:06 No. 28071 Replies: >28075 Jimmy, Drek, Wreck-it-Ralph, and Farquaad are obviously 4 of the 7 antibrogres. Who are the rest, good and pure Drekist? I have heard rumors that the other three are Charming, Rumpy and the Fairy Godmother, but others claim that Wiley and even Dunka (the anti-dinka) are deserving of this title P--- in Boots 13/11/01 (Fri)23:51 No. 28074 File 138336789263.ipg (33.56KB , 799x448, 1383117672811.jpg) 28068 As have I, praise Drek ( I see now that by calling shrek dreck, it's quite possibly the best compliment possible P--- in Boots 13/11/02(Sat)01:10 No. 28075 >>28071 It's clear Little King John is one of these "Horsemen of the Drexodus". he's been working to undermine Shrek's authority since day P--- in Boots 13/11/02(Sat)02:27 No. 28076 >>28067 do it you p---- murderous sinner. i'd like to see where it gets y >> Little King John!DULdV1GFA 13/11/02(Sat)04:42 No. 28077 > 28064 >a true ogre has no layers Stopped reading there Richard Dawkins!!D3AmSvLmL0 13/11/02(Sat)05:58 No. 28079 File 13833899045.ipg (6.93KB 192x192, dawkins with glasses.ipg what the heck can't wreck the shrek Mrshroom!!D2AGD2AGZ2 13/11/02(Sat)09:47 No. 28085 File 138340365928.ipg (16.45KB, 200x303, tumblr_inline mt918xkglM1r2clnh.jpg) >>28064 Get really your weak, and over confident. Check yourself before you Shrek yourself your blue ass out of my swamp you dreck p------------. You think your so tough, having no layers and such, but d Doubt](
![File 138335035527.png (544.47KB, 768x576, Untitled.png) A New Beginning Drek The Blue 13/11/01 (Fri)18:59 No. 28064 Replies: >>28066 28077>28085 Unlike all of you may have presented me, I am much more dark, deep, and mysterious than what you've thought about me. I am not some Ogre who likes to sport moustaches because they are a fashion accessory, but rather use it because its a birthright that only a select and almost extinct sub-race of ogres exists. All of you keep using the name of Shrek as if he was some deity. He's not. He is just a rejected, lonely, filthy ogre from the s-------- minority race in the ogre community, but of course none of you are aware other ogres exist. The majority of ogres are gray, black, and brown, a smaller portion, however, overrated and useless, the green race, and finally, there's us, the Royal Blooded Blue Ogres, bred to have a superior look, strength, set of brains and more facial hair where needed. Other filthy ogres are prevalent only in the deepest of swamps of most secretive caves. Shrek may be "one with the layers", but only in your minds. A true Ogre has no layers. A true ogre lives its life in secrecy and in privacy, emotions are for p---- ogres, we toss those f----- to fuel the fire with their p---- tears. The ogres I grew up against were only the strongest/smartest/most agile ogres of them all (all of which were blue skinned ogres, not those filthy other color ogres reeking of s---, onions and swamp water). As a young ogre, I fought against bears and saber-toothed tigers all my life. Not letting the stupidest of s--- distract me from becoming the best of them all.. (to be continued) Expand all images Drek The Blue 13/11/01 (Fri)19:10 No. 28066 Replies: >28067 >>28064 (cont'd) Now, as for physical features found in most blue ogres, I can safely say we are the ones with most secrecy and are almost always missed by the useless human eye (did I mention humans are 50 levels inferior to the most weak and pathetic ogre?), we are also the most talented (you might already know that I speak fluently in multiple languages and can sing in a voice that not even Pavarotti himself could amount to). We are, on average, 7 feet tall, 6 1/2 for the females. All of us can break a mountain gorilla's arm with the same amount of strength it takes a human to snap a toothpick in half. If we were to put our glorious cocks into any of your putrid plebeian assholes, it would be the equivalent of you putting your graceless d---- into a rotted out strawberry, the mess is unbearable. (to be continued) Drek The Blue 13/11/01 (Fri)19:17 No. 28067 Replies: >>28068 >>28076>>28091 >>28066 (cont'd) Now, why did I take the time out of my busy schedule to post oh shitchan, I mean, Shrekchan? Simple, I want to make it clear that the enemies on Shrek's back is, in fact, arising, its only a matter of time until the 7 Anti-Brogres have reunited to finish the Job. Its written in the secret scrolls that for told of the day the Earth would end. But killing the "Ogrelord is only the first step P--- in Boots 13/11/01(Fri)20:02 No. 28068 Replies: >>28074 >>28067 I have been converted Drek is love. Drek is life AntiBrogres MightyLover 13/11/01(Fri)23:06 No. 28071 Replies: >28075 Jimmy, Drek, Wreck-it-Ralph, and Farquaad are obviously 4 of the 7 antibrogres. Who are the rest, good and pure Drekist? I have heard rumors that the other three are Charming, Rumpy and the Fairy Godmother, but others claim that Wiley and even Dunka (the anti-dinka) are deserving of this title P--- in Boots 13/11/01 (Fri)23:51 No. 28074 File 138336789263.ipg (33.56KB , 799x448, 1383117672811.jpg) 28068 As have I, praise Drek ( I see now that by calling shrek dreck, it's quite possibly the best compliment possible P--- in Boots 13/11/02(Sat)01:10 No. 28075 >>28071 It's clear Little King John is one of these "Horsemen of the Drexodus". he's been working to undermine Shrek's authority since day P--- in Boots 13/11/02(Sat)02:27 No. 28076 >>28067 do it you p---- murderous sinner. i'd like to see where it gets y >> Little King John!DULdV1GFA 13/11/02(Sat)04:42 No. 28077 > 28064 >a true ogre has no layers Stopped reading there Richard Dawkins!!D3AmSvLmL0 13/11/02(Sat)05:58 No. 28079 File 13833899045.ipg (6.93KB 192x192, dawkins with glasses.ipg what the heck can't wreck the shrek Mrshroom!!D2AGD2AGZ2 13/11/02(Sat)09:47 No. 28085 File 138340365928.ipg (16.45KB, 200x303, tumblr_inline mt918xkglM1r2clnh.jpg) >>28064 Get really your weak, and over confident. Check yourself before you Shrek yourself your blue ass out of my swamp you dreck p------------. You think your so tough, having no layers and such, but d Doubt](
Shrek profile picture 3
Shrek profile picture 2
Shrek profile picture 1
![It's common for devoted Brogre or Ogirl to have Shrek is their Facebook profile picture.](
![It's common for devoted Brogre or Ogirl to have Shrek is their Facebook profile picture.](
The Legend of Shrek: A Link Between Swamps
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Shrek picture frame
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![idnothave shrexual relations Witithat woman](
![idnothave shrexual relations Witithat woman](
![ekfuck thesaltylifeofzackandcody Source: m------------ ShrekTM Donkey Latex Mask ☆☆☆☆公 界nte tha mr review Includes 2012 $55.00 Fach, 2012 pulpfanfiction ake me up) Wake me up inside ( can't wake up) Wake me up inside (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark 93,274 notes](
![ekfuck thesaltylifeofzackandcody Source: m------------ ShrekTM Donkey Latex Mask ☆☆☆☆公 界nte tha mr review Includes 2012 $55.00 Fach, 2012 pulpfanfiction ake me up) Wake me up inside ( can't wake up) Wake me up inside (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark 93,274 notes](
![have failea vou](
![have failea vou](
![Anonymous (ID: zmfmwhag) 03/09/13(Sat)15:18:19 No.463963129 Replies: 463964732 File: 1362860299327 ipg-(96 KB, 1024x768, 1362439175684 jpg) 14 Be 17 >At a party with a few close friends 4 girls there, all known for being easy sluts Say they want to have some fun >iseewherethisisgoing.jpg Run over to my bag as fast as my drunken legs can carry me >Bring back copy of Shrek 2 >They laugh at me >l run over to the poolside and begin to weep my eyes out >The pool begins to turn a murky brown, frothing over >A light mist rolls over the pool The smell of onions is overpowering >Suddenly, from the depths of the pool, a wooden outhouse emerges >The door bursts open to reveal my knight >"AIGHT LADEE LES SHOUGH THEES KEEDS AW TA PARTY" >Shrek knocks down the door, pandemonium follows >Grabs the most drunk girl by her pony tails >He whips out his massive, elephant-trunk sized c--- and pushes it in her anus, she dies instantly >"LOOKS LAIK YOU OGREDOSED LASEE" >Proceeds to do the same to my remaining friends >After a mere thirty seconds everyone but Shrek and I are dead know what I must do want to please Shrek, for he pleased me >l open my mouth as wide as it will go, awaiting his presence >"THATS NOT GONNA DO EET LADEE >He flips me over and demolishes my virgin anus >Blood seeping out, he fills me with his love and leaves >l knew it was ogre >Shrek's love tasted like sour onions >I was crying, they were tears of joy >Shrek is love, shrek is life](
![Anonymous (ID: zmfmwhag) 03/09/13(Sat)15:18:19 No.463963129 Replies: 463964732 File: 1362860299327 ipg-(96 KB, 1024x768, 1362439175684 jpg) 14 Be 17 >At a party with a few close friends 4 girls there, all known for being easy sluts Say they want to have some fun >iseewherethisisgoing.jpg Run over to my bag as fast as my drunken legs can carry me >Bring back copy of Shrek 2 >They laugh at me >l run over to the poolside and begin to weep my eyes out >The pool begins to turn a murky brown, frothing over >A light mist rolls over the pool The smell of onions is overpowering >Suddenly, from the depths of the pool, a wooden outhouse emerges >The door bursts open to reveal my knight >"AIGHT LADEE LES SHOUGH THEES KEEDS AW TA PARTY" >Shrek knocks down the door, pandemonium follows >Grabs the most drunk girl by her pony tails >He whips out his massive, elephant-trunk sized c--- and pushes it in her anus, she dies instantly >"LOOKS LAIK YOU OGREDOSED LASEE" >Proceeds to do the same to my remaining friends >After a mere thirty seconds everyone but Shrek and I are dead know what I must do want to please Shrek, for he pleased me >l open my mouth as wide as it will go, awaiting his presence >"THATS NOT GONNA DO EET LADEE >He flips me over and demolishes my virgin anus >Blood seeping out, he fills me with his love and leaves >l knew it was ogre >Shrek's love tasted like sour onions >I was crying, they were tears of joy >Shrek is love, shrek is life](