Sonic Frontiers - Images
So this is basically #SonicFrontiers right?

Sonic Frontiers
peak sonic frontiers

Sonic Frontiers
Sonic fans are review bombing their own favorite game to make my fans look bad. They really thought they were slick calling their account DunkeyLover2...

Sonic Frontiers
You can just tell that every negative review that Sonic Frontiers got today is because of the Dunkey video, some even mention it.

Sonic Frontiers
Dunkey literally made a hit piece on Sonic Frontiers, proving once and for all that he's just as bad as the game journalists he criticized in the past...

Sonic Frontiers
Sonic Frontiers
Screw getting to point b how the game wants you to, I prefer this

Sonic Frontiers
I love doing this kind of stuff in games

Sonic Frontiers
Neon Genesis Eggvangelion

Sonic Frontiers
Real mature, Sonic. Real mature.

Sonic Frontiers
Sonic Team? Hello?

Sonic Frontiers
He's actually throwing hands instead of just boosting at it, goddamn

Sonic Frontiers
You can make all kinds of shapes with the Psy-loop

Sonic Frontiers
Yo what?!

Sonic Frontiers
Sonic can cook in Frontiers, so here's Ramsay
Sonic Frontiers
Pre-order bonus

Sonic Frontiers