Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Images
When someone is depressed and says "I'm worthless. Nobody would care if I died".

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The Last Jedi's current rating

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Badass Luke

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
My money's on Snaul.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Rose no!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Long time ago, in an order far far away

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Kylo want him ded

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The Definitive TLJ effortpost
![70/ 12/5213 Auto] 6 new posts (152 KB, 1200x1401) Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ File: Wallpaper-HD-Star-Wars-Th The Definitive TLJ effortpost Anonymous 01/02/18 (Tue)20:54:26 No.9259376192594247 92594617 92594709 92596089 925963029259640092596503 92596606 92596686 >92596693 92596750 >9259699992597233 >92597269 >92597769 92598364 92598410 92598650 >92598682 >92598750>92599068 Listen you idiots The Last Jedi sucked. But it did not suck because of all this alt-right/neo-nazi garba It sucked becau et-piece" showcase that made up "cool scenes" and wrote a story around them instead of creating a plot that could generate excitement through it's narrative 2. Rey is bad not because she's a powerful competent women, she's boring because she is a generic paint by numbers "insert-here protagonist meant to be as inoffensive as possible so no possible merchandising demographic would not like her 3. Finn had a good arc in The Force Awakens. Shame then that he apparently forgot it all between movies and repeated it all this movie. That why he was so pointless, not cause he's black. 4. Canto Bight is a thirty minute waste of time that does not effect the plot. It has no "anti-capitalist message it has a toothless "hurr greed bad message 5. Holdo is a bad character because she is a walking plot device that makes decisions only so others have to take action. She was created backwards. Where they wanted Poe to learn a lesson about "not being a hot-head" but didn't want him to actually do something wrong because then the audience wouldn't like him (and buy his merchandise) therefore she makes contradictory and nonsensical moves because she isn't a character, but a plot-object. None of this has to do with her purple hair (it's space, some planets have weird hair) or being a woman 6. Hyperspace ramming as elaborated in detail elsewhere invalidates the entire franchise 7. Luke had all his character development from a whole trilogy wiped out. All so they could do a cliche "fed-up with life kung-fu master" cliche who then dies from thinking too hard Anonymous 01/02/18 Tue 20:55:34 No.9259380丨 >29259608922925966862 92596693>>92596999>-92597269>>92597769 92598682>>92599068 8. The First Order are illogical, apparently they built a fleet and accompanying super weapons as big as the Galactic Empires without having a galaxy or empire to fund and build them. Somehow the entire ith them rolli galaxy nd taking cha without so much as a shrug because they blew up one em with longer have. The OT e ell presented in how they ruled and in A New characteriza Ithcare or First Orde Nothing the First Ord member the Enm tical other than the is re the Re thin out immigration than the om" that the iction of the GOP they're pretty toothless when it comes to current po acists. The rse multi azi mmentary Snoke is stupid, lots of critics claim "we knew nothing about the Emp but the r had no pre ived knowledge about the Star Wars universe in the original films. It stands to reason that powerful rs known to the viewe vil was the Empire, Vader and the Emperor. imme er to exist is dictory. It req tirely immer the new trilogy, the rs to r for others such as Re tion this, is disconcerting akin ccas 1/02/18(Tue)20 3848 92596400 >>92596686 >>92596693 >>92596999 >>92597269 >>92597769 >>92598682 >>92599001 2292599068 10. Bad costume to the Naboo guard outfits, to the Troopers in the Hoth Trenches. None of the costumes in The Last Jedi do this. I couldn't tell you what most main characters wore much less the extras. Everything is so generic and uninspired you could use it in another m 11. All the ships and vehicles are just the original trilogies with some extra lines painted on. Both the prequels and Rogue One managed to have designs that were simultaneously unique looking but still thematically similar to the original movies. everything save the salt-speeders is just a repainted original with some flaps 12. Finally It's funny hearing people complain about "fanboys" wanting TLJ to be a retread when TLJ dedicates it's entire runtime to nullifying any changes to the story since ANH. It has been 35 years in- universe and everything is now at exactly the same point it was during ANH, Empire has uncontested rule of the galaxy, Scr act!), Dark Lord ruling the aforementioned Empire, One half-trained Jedi to keep on the Orders legacy (which has been otherwise wiped out), and so-on. The entire original trilogy might as well not have happened now because the universe has been reset to a merchandise friendly timeless limbo n the OT and rvone has a unig silhouette that is both to pick out in a crowd and memorable. From the Re the Tantive the nd no one would notice they were reusing Star Wars costumes rebels (They even change thei from Resistance to Rebels in the third](
![70/ 12/5213 Auto] 6 new posts (152 KB, 1200x1401) Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] [Update] [ File: Wallpaper-HD-Star-Wars-Th The Definitive TLJ effortpost Anonymous 01/02/18 (Tue)20:54:26 No.9259376192594247 92594617 92594709 92596089 925963029259640092596503 92596606 92596686 >92596693 92596750 >9259699992597233 >92597269 >92597769 92598364 92598410 92598650 >92598682 >92598750>92599068 Listen you idiots The Last Jedi sucked. But it did not suck because of all this alt-right/neo-nazi garba It sucked becau et-piece" showcase that made up "cool scenes" and wrote a story around them instead of creating a plot that could generate excitement through it's narrative 2. Rey is bad not because she's a powerful competent women, she's boring because she is a generic paint by numbers "insert-here protagonist meant to be as inoffensive as possible so no possible merchandising demographic would not like her 3. Finn had a good arc in The Force Awakens. Shame then that he apparently forgot it all between movies and repeated it all this movie. That why he was so pointless, not cause he's black. 4. Canto Bight is a thirty minute waste of time that does not effect the plot. It has no "anti-capitalist message it has a toothless "hurr greed bad message 5. Holdo is a bad character because she is a walking plot device that makes decisions only so others have to take action. She was created backwards. Where they wanted Poe to learn a lesson about "not being a hot-head" but didn't want him to actually do something wrong because then the audience wouldn't like him (and buy his merchandise) therefore she makes contradictory and nonsensical moves because she isn't a character, but a plot-object. None of this has to do with her purple hair (it's space, some planets have weird hair) or being a woman 6. Hyperspace ramming as elaborated in detail elsewhere invalidates the entire franchise 7. Luke had all his character development from a whole trilogy wiped out. All so they could do a cliche "fed-up with life kung-fu master" cliche who then dies from thinking too hard Anonymous 01/02/18 Tue 20:55:34 No.9259380丨 >29259608922925966862 92596693>>92596999>-92597269>>92597769 92598682>>92599068 8. The First Order are illogical, apparently they built a fleet and accompanying super weapons as big as the Galactic Empires without having a galaxy or empire to fund and build them. Somehow the entire ith them rolli galaxy nd taking cha without so much as a shrug because they blew up one em with longer have. The OT e ell presented in how they ruled and in A New characteriza Ithcare or First Orde Nothing the First Ord member the Enm tical other than the is re the Re thin out immigration than the om" that the iction of the GOP they're pretty toothless when it comes to current po acists. The rse multi azi mmentary Snoke is stupid, lots of critics claim "we knew nothing about the Emp but the r had no pre ived knowledge about the Star Wars universe in the original films. It stands to reason that powerful rs known to the viewe vil was the Empire, Vader and the Emperor. imme er to exist is dictory. It req tirely immer the new trilogy, the rs to r for others such as Re tion this, is disconcerting akin ccas 1/02/18(Tue)20 3848 92596400 >>92596686 >>92596693 >>92596999 >>92597269 >>92597769 >>92598682 >>92599001 2292599068 10. Bad costume to the Naboo guard outfits, to the Troopers in the Hoth Trenches. None of the costumes in The Last Jedi do this. I couldn't tell you what most main characters wore much less the extras. Everything is so generic and uninspired you could use it in another m 11. All the ships and vehicles are just the original trilogies with some extra lines painted on. Both the prequels and Rogue One managed to have designs that were simultaneously unique looking but still thematically similar to the original movies. everything save the salt-speeders is just a repainted original with some flaps 12. Finally It's funny hearing people complain about "fanboys" wanting TLJ to be a retread when TLJ dedicates it's entire runtime to nullifying any changes to the story since ANH. It has been 35 years in- universe and everything is now at exactly the same point it was during ANH, Empire has uncontested rule of the galaxy, Scr act!), Dark Lord ruling the aforementioned Empire, One half-trained Jedi to keep on the Orders legacy (which has been otherwise wiped out), and so-on. The entire original trilogy might as well not have happened now because the universe has been reset to a merchandise friendly timeless limbo n the OT and rvone has a unig silhouette that is both to pick out in a crowd and memorable. From the Re the Tantive the nd no one would notice they were reusing Star Wars costumes rebels (They even change thei from Resistance to Rebels in the third](
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
It's Salt

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
More likely than him being Mace Windu

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
A Response on Twitter

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
It's Sodium Chloride

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Gary's memory of Carrie Fisher

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
No explanation needed

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Face Swap Keanu Reeves With Kylo Ren

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Mmm Diet-Fan Tears Zero

Star Wars: The Last Jedi