Super Mario Galaxy - Images
A Mexican billboard ad for Energizer batteries displayed all Wii Remote inputs needed to beat Galaxy...
Super Mario Galaxy
Ghastly King appears in Super Mario Galaxy's files

Super Mario Galaxy
Every black hole in Super Mario Galaxy contains an image of Mario in Beach Bowl Galaxy, filtered and...
Super Mario Galaxy
Heavy Class

Super Mario Galaxy
We almost had a penguin wearing a top hat.

Super Mario Galaxy
The prize was death.

Super Mario Galaxy
Pants cube

Super Mario Galaxy
You can go inside of the Honey Queen

Super Mario Galaxy
Attempting to read people crashes Super Mario Galaxy 2

Super Mario Galaxy
Japanese and English names for galaxies

Super Mario Galaxy
Mario's reflection

Super Mario Galaxy
heavenly body
Super Mario Galaxy
Interesting info for those in VG
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy
To The Observatory Once More! ☄✨
Super Mario Galaxy
Rosalina~!! ☄️✨
Super Mario Galaxy