The Legend of Zelda - Images
>tfw cold shower water
The Legend of Zelda
Don't judge the princess' choice of mounts...
The Legend of Zelda
So much for that jewel...
The Legend of Zelda
Damn fine
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
I dunno, some title
The Legend of Zelda
You know? Odd art and... loli aside, I have to admit, Midna looks WAY better without her mask.
The Legend of Zelda
And I thought japanese hentai had weird excuses for sex.
The Legend of Zelda
Am I the only one who's surprised about the lack of Zelda/Dark Crystal crossovers?
The Legend of Zelda
Btw, the artist is a HUGE Midna and Malon hater.
The Legend of Zelda
After killing hundreds of enemies: "Good!"
The Legend of Zelda
"You must DIE!!"
The Legend of Zelda
Is it wrong that I kinda like Zelda's CDi design?
The Legend of Zelda
May God have mercy on our souls...
The Legend of Zelda
Gothic Zelda by johnjoseco
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda
Brushie Brushie
The Legend of Zelda