Wojak Comics - Images
""""Racist"""" TV Show

Wojak Comics
Must Have Been the Wind
Wojak Comics
doomer, soyjak & gigachad vs poljak (transphobe)

Wojak Comics
poljak (/pol/tard) vs gigachad

Wojak Comics
poljak (falseflagger) vs gigachad

Wojak Comics
poljak, soyjak, yes chad & gigachad (marginalized communities)
![Things that people say to cis straight white males who support marginalized communities "What would you know how its like being a BIPOC or LGBTQA+! YOU'RE LITERALLY A STRAIGHT WHITE MALE" "She wont f--- you dude" (Nor would I ask her to. Being a decent person obviously does not entitle me to sex) "You are a jewish shill" (Ah yes because everyone who doesnt want to commit genocide against blacks and gays is obviously being paid by the jews. Grow up, chud) "Race traitor" (But when I support minority groups I am supporting fellow members of my race. The human race) (Its called empathy, most people are capable of feeling it. You dont have to be a member of a marginalized group in order to understand what it must feel like to be one) "Why do you care if n------ and f------ get killed on the streets. They don't do anything for us anyway" (Thats precisely why we need to fight for the rights and prosperity of these groups. Whats good for them is good for all of us. Black people not being sent to jail or being turned to dealing crack because they cant get a loan to start a buisness "Ayo mang, you gotta let us speak fo' ourselves mang. I dont trust crackas and dey tricks" (I understand given the history of white supremacy, transphobia, and homophobia that groups who have been negatively effects everyone since he is not being allowed to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Transfolk, blacks, and negatively effected by it would be distrustful of people like gays have so much to offer us and yet because of societal discrimination they are not allowed to reach their full potential me. But these are things that effects everyone and something we all must fight against together) "CUCK!" (Unlike many /pol/tards most of us don't enjoy cuckold p--- or even interracial p--- in paticular. Frankly I feel like calling us "cucks" is pure projection) and thus remain seemingly useless. [I say this acknowledging the contributions blacks, gays, and other groups have made in america but these are marginal compared to what they could be outputting]) "As you can see we are constantly being berated simply just for standing by our beliefs. We are accused of being race traitors, or subverters by both sides. Don't let this deter you. Do not cease your hunger for justice simply because others have told you that you are not worthy. It is the right and RESPONSIBILITY of all people to promote equality, and social justice. No matter their skin color, ethnicity, sexual oritentation or gender idenitity. This sectarianism is harmful to everyone involved and only serves the power structures that keep marginalized people oppressed. We are all one human species and we must fight against misdeeds as one human species."-p#blm](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/327/532/e91.png)
![Things that people say to cis straight white males who support marginalized communities "What would you know how its like being a BIPOC or LGBTQA+! YOU'RE LITERALLY A STRAIGHT WHITE MALE" "She wont f--- you dude" (Nor would I ask her to. Being a decent person obviously does not entitle me to sex) "You are a jewish shill" (Ah yes because everyone who doesnt want to commit genocide against blacks and gays is obviously being paid by the jews. Grow up, chud) "Race traitor" (But when I support minority groups I am supporting fellow members of my race. The human race) (Its called empathy, most people are capable of feeling it. You dont have to be a member of a marginalized group in order to understand what it must feel like to be one) "Why do you care if n------ and f------ get killed on the streets. They don't do anything for us anyway" (Thats precisely why we need to fight for the rights and prosperity of these groups. Whats good for them is good for all of us. Black people not being sent to jail or being turned to dealing crack because they cant get a loan to start a buisness "Ayo mang, you gotta let us speak fo' ourselves mang. I dont trust crackas and dey tricks" (I understand given the history of white supremacy, transphobia, and homophobia that groups who have been negatively effects everyone since he is not being allowed to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Transfolk, blacks, and negatively effected by it would be distrustful of people like gays have so much to offer us and yet because of societal discrimination they are not allowed to reach their full potential me. But these are things that effects everyone and something we all must fight against together) "CUCK!" (Unlike many /pol/tards most of us don't enjoy cuckold p--- or even interracial p--- in paticular. Frankly I feel like calling us "cucks" is pure projection) and thus remain seemingly useless. [I say this acknowledging the contributions blacks, gays, and other groups have made in america but these are marginal compared to what they could be outputting]) "As you can see we are constantly being berated simply just for standing by our beliefs. We are accused of being race traitors, or subverters by both sides. Don't let this deter you. Do not cease your hunger for justice simply because others have told you that you are not worthy. It is the right and RESPONSIBILITY of all people to promote equality, and social justice. No matter their skin color, ethnicity, sexual oritentation or gender idenitity. This sectarianism is harmful to everyone involved and only serves the power structures that keep marginalized people oppressed. We are all one human species and we must fight against misdeeds as one human species."-p#blm](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/327/532/e91.png)
Wojak Comics
wojak, pepe & gigachad (normal) vs poljak

Wojak Comics
poljak (chud) vs gigachad

Wojak Comics
poljak vs doommer girl (trans) & gigachad

Wojak Comics
poljak vs gigachad (bell curve)

Wojak Comics
Jumping Through Hoops

Wojak Comics
soyjak (bill gates) vs yes chad (elon musk)

Wojak Comics
poljak (hate speech) vs gigachad

Wojak Comics
wojak crying (past) vs yes chad & groyper (future)

Wojak Comics
soyjak vs yes chad (scott cawthon)

Wojak Comics
wojak (normal people) vs soyjak (leftists)

Wojak Comics