Wojak Comics - Images
Hahaha, Hide and Seek Time!

Wojak Comics
brainlet (tankie) vs yes chad (historian)

Wojak Comics
soyjak (vaxxer) vs wojak (anti-vaxxer) (dying)

Wojak Comics
brainlet (extremist) vs doomer

Wojak Comics
poljak vs wojak (coronavirus)

Wojak Comics
wojak (commissar) vs zoomer

Wojak Comics
wojak (bus)

Wojak Comics
soyjak (conservative triggered)

Wojak Comics
wojak comic (lord of the rings) (original movies vs new movies)
![Chad 2000's Youve dome wel, my boy Peter Jackson LOTR Trilogy Based I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. I will claim the throne and save my people 2030 [Brand] TM LOTR Sequel Trilogy 93% 46% TOMAOETER *Hapless comedic relief then dies I'm Tanya, I'm Aragorn's daughter, She/them. We must fight the Gondorian Nationalists (41.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/234/547/e62.jpg)
![Chad 2000's Youve dome wel, my boy Peter Jackson LOTR Trilogy Based I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. I will claim the throne and save my people 2030 [Brand] TM LOTR Sequel Trilogy 93% 46% TOMAOETER *Hapless comedic relief then dies I'm Tanya, I'm Aragorn's daughter, She/them. We must fight the Gondorian Nationalists (41.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/234/547/e62.jpg)
Wojak Comics
Stupid Sexy Gill
Wojak Comics
yes chad & trad girl (parents then) vs smug & mommy wojak (parents now)

Wojak Comics
soyjak (pokemon fan) vs wojak (critical gamer)

Wojak Comics
npc (insensitive masker) vs yes chad

Wojak Comics
wojak (african vs american)

Wojak Comics
poljak (trumper) vs yes chad (socialism)

Wojak Comics
"I Drawn You as Soyjak"

Wojak Comics