Sugoi Dekai - Images
McUnrealistic Proportions
Sugoi Dekai
Oh my god Lois it's Uzaki-chan!
Sugoi Dekai
Literal shortstack
Sugoi Dekai
Western Uzaki-chan
![I did not make this](
![I did not make this](
Sugoi Dekai
You know who.
![I could've added more but whatever it would've been too long.](
![I could've added more but whatever it would've been too long.](
Sugoi Dekai
Fanart of my favorite new anime, "The Boob Lady Really Likes Me!? Score!!!"
Sugoi Dekai
Uzaki Peter
Sugoi Dekai
Uzaki-Chan but she is in a Canadian cartoon from the mid 2000's.
Sugoi Dekai
Japanese and Uzaki's redesign
![Romly @Romly Translation: By the way, may I ask who is on the left? Uzaki-chan "anatomy" redraw is quiet buzzing in Japan now, see the original tweet's "cited retweet". How do you call "Quoted RT > RT" ratio? Anyway, I'm gonna put some translations randomly picked up on this tweet. R @daigo_dd - 19h ところで左の方は誰ですか? Does this Gaijin really don't aware of the stupidity that what they did is the same as "Whitewashing on a black person"? It's just another discriminating on Japanese while having smug face and making Uzaki-chan eight-heads-tall. Traducir Tweet cat C(COMMISSIONS OPEN) @catlateral_ O B7A @tagokurakohan28 · 18h この外人、自分のしてることが「黒人に対するホワイトウォッシ ユ」と同じ事してる愚かさに気づいてないんか? 宇崎ちゃんを8頭身化させてドヤ顔してるこの外人は日本人を差 別してるに過ぎない。 #F65h# a t i redrew that gross anime design and actually made her 20 years old... the anatomy on the og hurt me so much Translation: No, she is 20 without the redrew. Not an elementary school child. Don't do the unnecessary. guys also gave her a froggy cause her fit 一反木綿豆腐(黒ごま風味) @momentofu_58·19h いや、修正しなくても20だからな?小学生じゃねーよ。余計な ¿EFZ. /st.. was boring ツイートを翻訳 Translation: It's simply an insult on who creates a character, on who drew arts. O ɔ @natu_flower · 18h 普通に絵を描いた人キャラクターを生み出した人への侮辱なんだ HEta Translation: I think both ok therefore the original design has no problem at all. A @tsukimi_so · 19h 両方ともありだと思うので元のデザインでなんら問題はないです tho Romly @Romly · 13h En respuesta a @Romly Translation: Translation: A certain plus-size model did a similar thing like "I redrew the Love-live poster for the good" but it was not as bad as this. The westerners are disgusting since they are thinking it is a good intention. They are different way, but it's certain they are both déformation-art. It's free to like and dislike the art style and making fan arts. But bringing anatomical correctness is a mistake. * 993)M @hgnoguscagfmFE · 14h 某プラスサイズモデルも、「ラブライブのポスターを手直ししてや ったぜ」みたいなことやってたけど、ここまで酷くなかったぞ。 欧米人って、これが善意だと思ってるから本当に気持ち悪いな。 *A @ohnuki_tsuyoshi · 18h これは異なるデフォルメであって、どちらもデフォルメには違い ないなあ。絵柄の好き嫌いも、二次創作も自由だけど、解剖学的 正確性を持ち出すのはおかしい。 /st.. Translation: Translation: This. Today's hate speech. But it's a politically correct voice since the profile icon is a black. 闇カレー @Curry_from_dark · 20h cnpht ScarAl @247onlyyou · 22h /st. 今日のヘイトスピーチですがアイコンが黒人なので政治的に正し い発言です Translation: It's a quite guts tweeting this with a smug face. Impressive. tako @tako6502 · 19h これをどや顔でお出しできるのは凄い度胸だ。感心する /st. Translation: Isn't it lookism? Translation: C Yostar]常天流一[すばせか] @poriemonJTT- 21h これルッキズムでは? It's called superfluity. のペ~ぶっすばいく(CV:五十嵐裕美)@PaveSpike· 18h こういうのを蛇足っていうんですよ Translation: Fanart is fine but how rude saying "I redesigned it" and "made her look properly 20 years old". Translation: Wow. cultural appropriation. *ぐお シーズン2 @lujCZwzOsACNf8r· 20h 二次創作は結構ですが「デザインし直しました」とか「ちゃんと 二十歳に見える様にしました」とか無礼にも程があるんじゃない TIDe 急やけくそバンダ紳士2不動@fudou_ikkyusai· 16h It...X ... /st. Translation: Translation: Isn't it discrimination that rewriting an art expression drawn by a Japanese while saying it's not correct? Can you do the same on art by a black? Who is the racist here, on Japanese who looks young? If it's pretending a fanart, do respect the original creation at least. I don't see even a tiny dust of respect at all on people who use the characters only for a b------- opinion and rather denounce the original. オレンジの皮 @mikannosotogawa· 20h 日本人の表現をごれは正しくないとして描き変えてしまうこと は、差別ではないの?同じ事を黒人の表現に対してやれる?幼く 見える日本人を差別してるのは誰? レイテルパラッシュ @Reiterpa11asch·21h ファンアートのつもりならば最低限元作品へ敬意を払えよ。 つまらん主張のためだけにキャラクターを使い、あまつさえ原作 をこき下ろすような輩にリスペクトなんて微塵も感じられんわ。 /st.. Translation: First of all "Don't bring the anatomy while drawing that size of eyes." And even considering the left arm is drawn back and bringing right shoulder front, still, the neck and shoulder position is too off. Translation: The left is also cute. Although I don't understand the meaning of denounce the right. A E @silver_fishes · 11 ago. とりあえず「その目のサイズで描いといて解剖学がどうこうと言う なよ」だし、左腕を引き右肩を前に寄せてるのを考えても首と肩の 位置関係がずれ過ぎなんだよな. からからまる@寄らば大樹の日陰お嬢様 @karakara_00 ·20h 左も可愛いな。 まあ右を下げる意味は分からんが Translation: Translation: Where is Uzaki-chan? Does the act that removing her personality from her and erasing it from the world, has any meanings? I got that they want to present something like "This is a correct Japanese". You have a certification of Japanese appraiser, don't you. Even me, Japanese, feeling there is a variety of Japanese, so I can't say something like "it's Japanese!" koh.mayama @stella_portman · 20h 宇崎ちゃんはどこ?彼女の個性を取り除いてこの世から抹消する 行為に意味はあるのか? 菅野まゆりりす紫 @Mayulilith· 20h 「自分の考える正しい日本人はこれだ!」というのを描いて発表 したということは分かった。日本人鑑定士検定をお持ちなのかし ら。日本人の私ですら「日本人なんて色々いるから、こうだ!っ て言えないよな」と思ってるのに。 For example, do you say "Hahaha! What the heck, the body structure is crazy. Shall I teach you a sketch?" when see the Picasso? This kind of "Redraw-Man" is so irrelevant and rude like that. EE @k_tash_n·20h Translation: 例えばピカソの絵画を鑑賞して、 Only insensitive stupids can do a natural racism like: discrimination on black people is unforgivable but it's ok to stump Japanese culture. ГНАНАНА ! なんだいこれは、身体のパランスが無茶苦茶じゃ 6:ねこらうすダークネス @necolaus_dark · 21h ないか。正しい人間のデッサンを教えてあげようか?」 黒人は絶対に差別してはいけないけど日本の文化は踏みにじって オッケーみたいなナチュラル差別、鈍感パカにしかできない所業 だ。 ってなるか?って話でさ。こういう『勝手に手直しマン』のやっ てることって、それくらい的外れで無礼だと思いますよ。 Translation: Uzaki-chan redraw by the foreigner like "Let me show you how it should be done!". The art was outstandingly good and cute compare to the prev arts by the artist, is prooving how the original design is great. While seeing the artists works. D co seiji Matsuyama @seijimatsuyama - 18h あの宇崎ちゃんのアニメの絵に俺がお手本を見せてやろう!って 書いた外国人の絵が、その外国人本人が書いた過去絵よりも群を 抜いて可愛くて上手いのが、オリジナルの宇崎ちゃんのデザイン の良さが浮き彫りになったなあー--と、その外国人のメディア 欄の絵を見て思った。](
![Romly @Romly Translation: By the way, may I ask who is on the left? Uzaki-chan "anatomy" redraw is quiet buzzing in Japan now, see the original tweet's "cited retweet". How do you call "Quoted RT > RT" ratio? Anyway, I'm gonna put some translations randomly picked up on this tweet. R @daigo_dd - 19h ところで左の方は誰ですか? Does this Gaijin really don't aware of the stupidity that what they did is the same as "Whitewashing on a black person"? It's just another discriminating on Japanese while having smug face and making Uzaki-chan eight-heads-tall. Traducir Tweet cat C(COMMISSIONS OPEN) @catlateral_ O B7A @tagokurakohan28 · 18h この外人、自分のしてることが「黒人に対するホワイトウォッシ ユ」と同じ事してる愚かさに気づいてないんか? 宇崎ちゃんを8頭身化させてドヤ顔してるこの外人は日本人を差 別してるに過ぎない。 #F65h# a t i redrew that gross anime design and actually made her 20 years old... the anatomy on the og hurt me so much Translation: No, she is 20 without the redrew. Not an elementary school child. Don't do the unnecessary. guys also gave her a froggy cause her fit 一反木綿豆腐(黒ごま風味) @momentofu_58·19h いや、修正しなくても20だからな?小学生じゃねーよ。余計な ¿EFZ. /st.. was boring ツイートを翻訳 Translation: It's simply an insult on who creates a character, on who drew arts. O ɔ @natu_flower · 18h 普通に絵を描いた人キャラクターを生み出した人への侮辱なんだ HEta Translation: I think both ok therefore the original design has no problem at all. A @tsukimi_so · 19h 両方ともありだと思うので元のデザインでなんら問題はないです tho Romly @Romly · 13h En respuesta a @Romly Translation: Translation: A certain plus-size model did a similar thing like "I redrew the Love-live poster for the good" but it was not as bad as this. The westerners are disgusting since they are thinking it is a good intention. They are different way, but it's certain they are both déformation-art. It's free to like and dislike the art style and making fan arts. But bringing anatomical correctness is a mistake. * 993)M @hgnoguscagfmFE · 14h 某プラスサイズモデルも、「ラブライブのポスターを手直ししてや ったぜ」みたいなことやってたけど、ここまで酷くなかったぞ。 欧米人って、これが善意だと思ってるから本当に気持ち悪いな。 *A @ohnuki_tsuyoshi · 18h これは異なるデフォルメであって、どちらもデフォルメには違い ないなあ。絵柄の好き嫌いも、二次創作も自由だけど、解剖学的 正確性を持ち出すのはおかしい。 /st.. Translation: Translation: This. Today's hate speech. But it's a politically correct voice since the profile icon is a black. 闇カレー @Curry_from_dark · 20h cnpht ScarAl @247onlyyou · 22h /st. 今日のヘイトスピーチですがアイコンが黒人なので政治的に正し い発言です Translation: It's a quite guts tweeting this with a smug face. Impressive. tako @tako6502 · 19h これをどや顔でお出しできるのは凄い度胸だ。感心する /st. Translation: Isn't it lookism? Translation: C Yostar]常天流一[すばせか] @poriemonJTT- 21h これルッキズムでは? It's called superfluity. のペ~ぶっすばいく(CV:五十嵐裕美)@PaveSpike· 18h こういうのを蛇足っていうんですよ Translation: Fanart is fine but how rude saying "I redesigned it" and "made her look properly 20 years old". Translation: Wow. cultural appropriation. *ぐお シーズン2 @lujCZwzOsACNf8r· 20h 二次創作は結構ですが「デザインし直しました」とか「ちゃんと 二十歳に見える様にしました」とか無礼にも程があるんじゃない TIDe 急やけくそバンダ紳士2不動@fudou_ikkyusai· 16h It...X ... /st. Translation: Translation: Isn't it discrimination that rewriting an art expression drawn by a Japanese while saying it's not correct? Can you do the same on art by a black? Who is the racist here, on Japanese who looks young? If it's pretending a fanart, do respect the original creation at least. I don't see even a tiny dust of respect at all on people who use the characters only for a b------- opinion and rather denounce the original. オレンジの皮 @mikannosotogawa· 20h 日本人の表現をごれは正しくないとして描き変えてしまうこと は、差別ではないの?同じ事を黒人の表現に対してやれる?幼く 見える日本人を差別してるのは誰? レイテルパラッシュ @Reiterpa11asch·21h ファンアートのつもりならば最低限元作品へ敬意を払えよ。 つまらん主張のためだけにキャラクターを使い、あまつさえ原作 をこき下ろすような輩にリスペクトなんて微塵も感じられんわ。 /st.. Translation: First of all "Don't bring the anatomy while drawing that size of eyes." And even considering the left arm is drawn back and bringing right shoulder front, still, the neck and shoulder position is too off. Translation: The left is also cute. Although I don't understand the meaning of denounce the right. A E @silver_fishes · 11 ago. とりあえず「その目のサイズで描いといて解剖学がどうこうと言う なよ」だし、左腕を引き右肩を前に寄せてるのを考えても首と肩の 位置関係がずれ過ぎなんだよな. からからまる@寄らば大樹の日陰お嬢様 @karakara_00 ·20h 左も可愛いな。 まあ右を下げる意味は分からんが Translation: Translation: Where is Uzaki-chan? Does the act that removing her personality from her and erasing it from the world, has any meanings? I got that they want to present something like "This is a correct Japanese". You have a certification of Japanese appraiser, don't you. Even me, Japanese, feeling there is a variety of Japanese, so I can't say something like "it's Japanese!" koh.mayama @stella_portman · 20h 宇崎ちゃんはどこ?彼女の個性を取り除いてこの世から抹消する 行為に意味はあるのか? 菅野まゆりりす紫 @Mayulilith· 20h 「自分の考える正しい日本人はこれだ!」というのを描いて発表 したということは分かった。日本人鑑定士検定をお持ちなのかし ら。日本人の私ですら「日本人なんて色々いるから、こうだ!っ て言えないよな」と思ってるのに。 For example, do you say "Hahaha! What the heck, the body structure is crazy. Shall I teach you a sketch?" when see the Picasso? This kind of "Redraw-Man" is so irrelevant and rude like that. EE @k_tash_n·20h Translation: 例えばピカソの絵画を鑑賞して、 Only insensitive stupids can do a natural racism like: discrimination on black people is unforgivable but it's ok to stump Japanese culture. ГНАНАНА ! なんだいこれは、身体のパランスが無茶苦茶じゃ 6:ねこらうすダークネス @necolaus_dark · 21h ないか。正しい人間のデッサンを教えてあげようか?」 黒人は絶対に差別してはいけないけど日本の文化は踏みにじって オッケーみたいなナチュラル差別、鈍感パカにしかできない所業 だ。 ってなるか?って話でさ。こういう『勝手に手直しマン』のやっ てることって、それくらい的外れで無礼だと思いますよ。 Translation: Uzaki-chan redraw by the foreigner like "Let me show you how it should be done!". The art was outstandingly good and cute compare to the prev arts by the artist, is prooving how the original design is great. While seeing the artists works. D co seiji Matsuyama @seijimatsuyama - 18h あの宇崎ちゃんのアニメの絵に俺がお手本を見せてやろう!って 書いた外国人の絵が、その外国人本人が書いた過去絵よりも群を 抜いて可愛くて上手いのが、オリジナルの宇崎ちゃんのデザイン の良さが浮き彫りになったなあー--と、その外国人のメディア 欄の絵を見て思った。](
Sugoi Dekai
Sugoi Dekai
Redesign of Uzaki-chan
Sugoi Dekai
Weebs forcing themselves to enjoy a SOL anime because the protagonist has huge tits
![Another mediocre SOL Anime/manga with a large breasted Main character wow!! did they put largo boob on under-age gir!?! No! she's college with height problem BrW, here RL stoary Tap women ith hu Story about 36.](
![Another mediocre SOL Anime/manga with a large breasted Main character wow!! did they put largo boob on under-age gir!?! No! she's college with height problem BrW, here RL stoary Tap women ith hu Story about 36.](
Sugoi Dekai
Smug Uzaki
Sugoi Dekai
Sugoi Dekai
Triple-Q attempts to do a Uzaki-chan redesign.
Sugoi Dekai
![MrMcThiccNut @DoctorMcNut 80% of Twitter can learn alot from these words A Biographical Information You can say it's fictional all you want, but being attracted to a character designed to resemble a child counts as being attracted to children ya sick f----. Japar Rumaj Charaoterets 3:51 PM Aug 10, 2020 - Twitter for Android 19her 1) 20 stau 22](
![MrMcThiccNut @DoctorMcNut 80% of Twitter can learn alot from these words A Biographical Information You can say it's fictional all you want, but being attracted to a character designed to resemble a child counts as being attracted to children ya sick f----. Japar Rumaj Charaoterets 3:51 PM Aug 10, 2020 - Twitter for Android 19her 1) 20 stau 22](
Sugoi Dekai