The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race - Images
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The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
put on fan on that lifter

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
The Happy Family

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Cursed 5

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
poljak (Demon Souls) (PC port)
![12:23 No.524872195 Balrog said he wants to bring the games to PC so it's only a matter of time. O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:00:55 No.524871793 O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:21 No.524871357 - O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:14 No.524871325 850x1077) google ya omfg i hope it's not a mistake i would love for this to be on pc PC CHADS ALWAYS WIN BABY onymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:56:11 No.524871 36487561521.jpg (5 KB, 251x240) google y Nice, I can play it at a playable framerate. HAHAHAHA it's actually real. Sonybros get f-----. U Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:56:06 No.524870479 - >also available on PC thank f--- I can buy my 3080 without ever thinking about consoles this entire generation O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:57:06 No.524870743 - O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:57:51 No.524870969 v >>524869253 (OP) HAHAHAH SONYGROES IN RUINS Good, there is no reason wasting your money on PS5 now. O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:09:17 No.524874061 .nonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:01:46 No.524872029~ НАНАНАНАНАНААНАНАНАНААНА O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:03:40 No.524872542 v >>524 >Western dev >already visually overhauling it Will a FROM game finally go past 60OFPS? I really f------ hope this is 144hz capable ALL WE NEED NOW IS BLOODBORNE PC I might buy a PS5 controller desu #GamerGate O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:57:43 No.524870923 DARWIN IGN O O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:54:45 No.524883694 O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:58:41 No.524871181 v >>524869642 (OP) >also on PC Well s---. Guess I have no reason to buy PS5. @IGN tick tock bloodborne f--- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SNOYS ON SUICIDE WATCH! IrIAtheism O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:03:06 No.524872379 v IrIPCMASTERRACE Demon's Souls will launch with PS5 this November, and will also come to PC. #PlayStation5A obligatory thanks for the beta test >CHEAPER ON PC TOO OH NO000000000 NONO NO0000 NO NÓ NO NO NC On O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:34:15 No.524907526 v >>5249076 U Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:57:39 No.524870901 - Sascha.gif (2 MB, 245x207) google yandex iqdb wait O Anonymous ( 7/20(Thu)00.05:06 No.524872951 - Man this is gonna look great on pc >It's f------ real LETS GO, NEXT UP IS BLOODBORNE >>524869253 (OP) Masterrace wins again. O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:19:38 No.524876493 v НАНАННА NEVER EVER POSTERS BTFO well that does it, now i need that RTX 3080 f--- console plebs O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:00 No.524871260 O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:42 No.524871461 v That's me getting a 3070 confirmed h--------! us 09/17/20(Thu)00:09:45 No.524874184 O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:00:09 No. 2501s.jpg (2 KB, 113x125) google yanc Now snoys will act like it sucks Imao >it's actually real this time O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:02 No.524871267 v 1348065792679.gif (1.28 MB, 311x240) google yandex igdb wait >>524871703 (OP) >ITS F------ REAL O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:50 No.524871508 1588666418426. png (128 KB, 500x400) google yandex iadb wait Feels great doesnt it? h-------- THIS IS THE MOST BASED WEDNESDAY EVER PChads are invincible O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:03:43 No.524872558 v [Rising Sun] Nadia - Secr.).jpg (915 KB, 1440x1080 LMAO PC LETS GOO00000000! O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:02:23 No.524872197 v O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:09:48 No.524874208 v Playstation 5? More like PC 5 heh... TRANNYERA DAMAGE CONTROLLING >i-its definitely a mistake by the media team! O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:03:58 No.524872634 v >>524872847 >>524873219 >>524871703 (OP) I want this to be true but where the f--- did they say that it was coming to PC? Proof please O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:39 No.524871456- 1598836137202gif (1.99 MB, 400x400) google yandex igdb wait GOLDFACE 2015 - 2020 O DEMONS SOULS ON PC Anoymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:00 34 N >>524875640 >>524877174 >>524877382 >>524879525 >>524879934 AHAHHAHAHAHAHA YOU LOSE GOLDFACE DEMONS SOULS IS AN EVEN BETTER PRIZE THAN BLOODBORNE VO Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:14:13 No.524875259 "NEVER EVER" Hey consoleniggers, hows it feel knowing that the only decent game that'll be available for you is also available on PC, and will look and run 10x better than your upscaled trash you have to pay 600 dollars for? LMFAO000000000000 | 12:10 AM Sep 17, 2020 Khoros Marketing PC WON PC WON PC WON BASED SONY O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:56:42 No.524870639 Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:07:58 No.524873708 v This game sells well and we get Bloodborne too. IM COOMING SO HARD IM BEING PROPELLED And on this day, all snoys shall be mercilessly killed off for the betterment of the gene pool, what a glorious day O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:19 1600300146676.png ( O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)04:02:35 No.524910864 v soul soulless demons soulless.jpg (433 KB, 2048x576) google yandex iqdb wait O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)02:41:32 No.524900713 v >>524901538 >>524899747 (OP) who cares that you got a basedmaster? it's a stain on Ah yes, I remember death stranding being exclusively on ps4 and never getting a pc port as well O Anonymous 09/19/20(Sat)04:14:39 No.525206425 v BC63FBF6-B31B-40D1-9952-B(.).gif & (2.87 MB, 268x330) google yandex iqdb wait the real demons souls O Anonymous 09/17/2 O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)20:59:53 No.525017895 v >>525020843 >>525021006 >525021890 (You) >>525031871 >>525037050 >>525046517 >>524900830 >article citing kota you're full of s--- >>525185779 >$70 for a remake You retards are beyond saving. People like you need to be culled before the year is over. >>525012371 what is this supposed to prove, that youre an artistically illiterate consumer mongrel with no standards? I also own demons souls, the remake looks like soulless s---. Why the f--- wouldI want or need a "remake" of a piece of art made by some amerimutt company on the snoy payroll? Literally the two things that I didnt hate so far are the new animations especially for the backstab and the new armor spider overhaul like how it spews out oil and lights it up, otherwise the game has tonally lost literally everything it had like its trying to be some kind of generic fantasy romp by clueless mongrels who are less in touch with classic european heritage, history and mythology than the f------ japanese people working at from software O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)04:00:20 No.524910579 v >>524910905 #GemerGate @Kotaku >>524899747 (OP) Looks like s--- anyway. I'll gladly wait for the superior Elden Ring on Pc. Sony says that a previous trailer describing the Demon's Souls remake as eventually being available on PC and "other consoles" was incorrect. The game will be exclusive to PlayStation 5. IrIPCMASTERR O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:21:33 No.524905913 v >>524920036 This s--- looks nothing like Demon's Souls O Anonymous 09/20/20(Sun)23:18:46 No.525426708 v >>525426821 >>525427704 >>525428509 O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:22:28 No.524906031 - >>525426409 it looks terrible. look how stiff it looks, 4 directional rolling and the complete change in atmosphere with the drivel font O Anonymous 09/18/20(Fri)01:11:18 No.5250 Looks like s---. Also enjoy over the shoulder camera kek No.524921192 v >>524921318 | U9/19/20(Sat)15:52:04 NO.525256 (66 KB, 558x627) google yandex iqc Such game only good on PC. PS5 is soulless torm. >>525048584 SOUL vs SOULLESS.png (1.2 MB, 1280x1440) google yandex iadb wait >>524905068 (OP) Demon's Soulless looks like absolute s---. Im glad all you dumb n------ that never played the original are excited about it No PC port. U Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:19:U Anonymous 09/19/20(Sat)07:47:27 No.525223909 v Before No care. >dark pathways where your only real source of light is the augite of souls on your character so you gotta and watch where you're going After >LEMME JUST LIGHT UP THE ENTIRE LEVEL SO YOU CAN SEE THOSE EPIC PLAYSTATION 5 GRAFFIXI1 THIS IS # 5THEPLAYERS >>525185742 (OP) >$70 for a game i already played with a soulless UE4 reskin by dumb american devs with no aesthetic sense. Extremely hard pass >>524905068 (OP) >ruined fluted >ruined vanguard >ruined dragon god >almost everything looks like generic western fantasy pulled straight out of diablo >almost nothing even resembles demon's souls >one shots every even with a puny rolling r1 >infinite stamina and can block anything, even multiple blue eyed knight shield bashes >tanks multiple vanguard hits 19:50:01 No.52500806 Anonymous 09/20/20(Sur >>524905258 >>524905120 >>524905068 (OP) Silky smooth 18fps >>525007490 (OP) It looks like Diablo 3. >>525390543 Demon Soulless O Anonymous 09/18/20(Fri) >>525043896 soulless Ananumeus 09/17/20( 04:03 No.524910997 - Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:40:50 No.524908304 - (249 KB, 1980x1080) google yandex igdb wE JAnonymous 09/17/20(Thu)23 29:24 No 525036986 - >>525037358 >>525037373 >>52503763 1592091520890 jeg (925 KB, 2004x1772) google yandax iadk wait O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)02:39:17 No.524900391 v not interested tbqh >>524899747 (OP) who cares? it looks like absolute s--- The sound design is really really bad. >>524910473 demon's soulless remake >>525026054 (OP) I want you guys to really listen to the audio >one foot step sound on repeat >it doesn't even line up with the foot touching the ground >it literally plays when the character isn't really moving >that s----- sound that plays when you suck up the souls >no killing blow sound O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:52:21 No.524909618 ymous 09/17/20(Thu)22:06:49 No.525026481 - PS5 EXCLUSIVE. REHASHINGA GAME IS THEIR F------ EXCLUSIVE. GET F----- SONYFAGS >maiden of black's voice >they added a player volce, probably because they didn't bother with the environment sounds ugh... huff.. urgh... SCHWING CLANG SHLORP AUUUUUUUHHHHhhh.. *chugs moongrass* O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:57:11 No.524910168 - This is the worst remake you could ask for. out muh graphics >>524909908 Friendly reminder he did all those animations BY JUST PRESSING ONE F------ BUTTON FOR A MILISECOND. >>525185779 >imagine spending 70 bucks on a ps3 game and another 70 bucks on a dlc of a ps4 game with only 5 hours of gameplay F------ KEK! SNOYS ARE MENTALLY RETARDÉD O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)02:36:11 No.524899907 · Sep 17, 2020 - Sprou Another Snoy game that plays itself. >>524899747 (OP) Remember when Death Stranding's press release said it would release on PC and then Sony pulled it cause it was clearly a PS4 exclusive? O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)23:22:12 No.5250: >>525035689 Looks like generic Chinese UE4 game O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)04:02:52 No.524910898 It's prettier and newer so it's better :)](
![12:23 No.524872195 Balrog said he wants to bring the games to PC so it's only a matter of time. O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:00:55 No.524871793 O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:21 No.524871357 - O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:14 No.524871325 850x1077) google ya omfg i hope it's not a mistake i would love for this to be on pc PC CHADS ALWAYS WIN BABY onymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:56:11 No.524871 36487561521.jpg (5 KB, 251x240) google y Nice, I can play it at a playable framerate. HAHAHAHA it's actually real. Sonybros get f-----. U Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:56:06 No.524870479 - >also available on PC thank f--- I can buy my 3080 without ever thinking about consoles this entire generation O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:57:06 No.524870743 - O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:57:51 No.524870969 v >>524869253 (OP) HAHAHAH SONYGROES IN RUINS Good, there is no reason wasting your money on PS5 now. O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:09:17 No.524874061 .nonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:01:46 No.524872029~ НАНАНАНАНАНААНАНАНАНААНА O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:03:40 No.524872542 v >>524 >Western dev >already visually overhauling it Will a FROM game finally go past 60OFPS? I really f------ hope this is 144hz capable ALL WE NEED NOW IS BLOODBORNE PC I might buy a PS5 controller desu #GamerGate O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:57:43 No.524870923 DARWIN IGN O O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:54:45 No.524883694 O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:58:41 No.524871181 v >>524869642 (OP) >also on PC Well s---. Guess I have no reason to buy PS5. @IGN tick tock bloodborne f--- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SNOYS ON SUICIDE WATCH! IrIAtheism O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:03:06 No.524872379 v IrIPCMASTERRACE Demon's Souls will launch with PS5 this November, and will also come to PC. #PlayStation5A obligatory thanks for the beta test >CHEAPER ON PC TOO OH NO000000000 NONO NO0000 NO NÓ NO NO NC On O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:34:15 No.524907526 v >>5249076 U Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:57:39 No.524870901 - Sascha.gif (2 MB, 245x207) google yandex iqdb wait O Anonymous ( 7/20(Thu)00.05:06 No.524872951 - Man this is gonna look great on pc >It's f------ real LETS GO, NEXT UP IS BLOODBORNE >>524869253 (OP) Masterrace wins again. O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:19:38 No.524876493 v НАНАННА NEVER EVER POSTERS BTFO well that does it, now i need that RTX 3080 f--- console plebs O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:00 No.524871260 O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:42 No.524871461 v That's me getting a 3070 confirmed h--------! us 09/17/20(Thu)00:09:45 No.524874184 O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:00:09 No. 2501s.jpg (2 KB, 113x125) google yanc Now snoys will act like it sucks Imao >it's actually real this time O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:02 No.524871267 v 1348065792679.gif (1.28 MB, 311x240) google yandex igdb wait >>524871703 (OP) >ITS F------ REAL O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:50 No.524871508 1588666418426. png (128 KB, 500x400) google yandex iadb wait Feels great doesnt it? h-------- THIS IS THE MOST BASED WEDNESDAY EVER PChads are invincible O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:03:43 No.524872558 v [Rising Sun] Nadia - Secr.).jpg (915 KB, 1440x1080 LMAO PC LETS GOO00000000! O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:02:23 No.524872197 v O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:09:48 No.524874208 v Playstation 5? More like PC 5 heh... TRANNYERA DAMAGE CONTROLLING >i-its definitely a mistake by the media team! O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:03:58 No.524872634 v >>524872847 >>524873219 >>524871703 (OP) I want this to be true but where the f--- did they say that it was coming to PC? Proof please O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:59:39 No.524871456- 1598836137202gif (1.99 MB, 400x400) google yandex igdb wait GOLDFACE 2015 - 2020 O DEMONS SOULS ON PC Anoymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:00 34 N >>524875640 >>524877174 >>524877382 >>524879525 >>524879934 AHAHHAHAHAHAHA YOU LOSE GOLDFACE DEMONS SOULS IS AN EVEN BETTER PRIZE THAN BLOODBORNE VO Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:14:13 No.524875259 "NEVER EVER" Hey consoleniggers, hows it feel knowing that the only decent game that'll be available for you is also available on PC, and will look and run 10x better than your upscaled trash you have to pay 600 dollars for? LMFAO000000000000 | 12:10 AM Sep 17, 2020 Khoros Marketing PC WON PC WON PC WON BASED SONY O Anonymous 09/16/20(Wed)23:56:42 No.524870639 Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)00:07:58 No.524873708 v This game sells well and we get Bloodborne too. IM COOMING SO HARD IM BEING PROPELLED And on this day, all snoys shall be mercilessly killed off for the betterment of the gene pool, what a glorious day O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:19 1600300146676.png ( O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)04:02:35 No.524910864 v soul soulless demons soulless.jpg (433 KB, 2048x576) google yandex iqdb wait O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)02:41:32 No.524900713 v >>524901538 >>524899747 (OP) who cares that you got a basedmaster? it's a stain on Ah yes, I remember death stranding being exclusively on ps4 and never getting a pc port as well O Anonymous 09/19/20(Sat)04:14:39 No.525206425 v BC63FBF6-B31B-40D1-9952-B(.).gif & (2.87 MB, 268x330) google yandex iqdb wait the real demons souls O Anonymous 09/17/2 O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)20:59:53 No.525017895 v >>525020843 >>525021006 >525021890 (You) >>525031871 >>525037050 >>525046517 >>524900830 >article citing kota you're full of s--- >>525185779 >$70 for a remake You retards are beyond saving. People like you need to be culled before the year is over. >>525012371 what is this supposed to prove, that youre an artistically illiterate consumer mongrel with no standards? I also own demons souls, the remake looks like soulless s---. Why the f--- wouldI want or need a "remake" of a piece of art made by some amerimutt company on the snoy payroll? Literally the two things that I didnt hate so far are the new animations especially for the backstab and the new armor spider overhaul like how it spews out oil and lights it up, otherwise the game has tonally lost literally everything it had like its trying to be some kind of generic fantasy romp by clueless mongrels who are less in touch with classic european heritage, history and mythology than the f------ japanese people working at from software O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)04:00:20 No.524910579 v >>524910905 #GemerGate @Kotaku >>524899747 (OP) Looks like s--- anyway. I'll gladly wait for the superior Elden Ring on Pc. Sony says that a previous trailer describing the Demon's Souls remake as eventually being available on PC and "other consoles" was incorrect. The game will be exclusive to PlayStation 5. IrIPCMASTERR O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:21:33 No.524905913 v >>524920036 This s--- looks nothing like Demon's Souls O Anonymous 09/20/20(Sun)23:18:46 No.525426708 v >>525426821 >>525427704 >>525428509 O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:22:28 No.524906031 - >>525426409 it looks terrible. look how stiff it looks, 4 directional rolling and the complete change in atmosphere with the drivel font O Anonymous 09/18/20(Fri)01:11:18 No.5250 Looks like s---. Also enjoy over the shoulder camera kek No.524921192 v >>524921318 | U9/19/20(Sat)15:52:04 NO.525256 (66 KB, 558x627) google yandex iqc Such game only good on PC. PS5 is soulless torm. >>525048584 SOUL vs SOULLESS.png (1.2 MB, 1280x1440) google yandex iadb wait >>524905068 (OP) Demon's Soulless looks like absolute s---. Im glad all you dumb n------ that never played the original are excited about it No PC port. U Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:19:U Anonymous 09/19/20(Sat)07:47:27 No.525223909 v Before No care. >dark pathways where your only real source of light is the augite of souls on your character so you gotta and watch where you're going After >LEMME JUST LIGHT UP THE ENTIRE LEVEL SO YOU CAN SEE THOSE EPIC PLAYSTATION 5 GRAFFIXI1 THIS IS # 5THEPLAYERS >>525185742 (OP) >$70 for a game i already played with a soulless UE4 reskin by dumb american devs with no aesthetic sense. Extremely hard pass >>524905068 (OP) >ruined fluted >ruined vanguard >ruined dragon god >almost everything looks like generic western fantasy pulled straight out of diablo >almost nothing even resembles demon's souls >one shots every even with a puny rolling r1 >infinite stamina and can block anything, even multiple blue eyed knight shield bashes >tanks multiple vanguard hits 19:50:01 No.52500806 Anonymous 09/20/20(Sur >>524905258 >>524905120 >>524905068 (OP) Silky smooth 18fps >>525007490 (OP) It looks like Diablo 3. >>525390543 Demon Soulless O Anonymous 09/18/20(Fri) >>525043896 soulless Ananumeus 09/17/20( 04:03 No.524910997 - Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:40:50 No.524908304 - (249 KB, 1980x1080) google yandex igdb wE JAnonymous 09/17/20(Thu)23 29:24 No 525036986 - >>525037358 >>525037373 >>52503763 1592091520890 jeg (925 KB, 2004x1772) google yandax iadk wait O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)02:39:17 No.524900391 v not interested tbqh >>524899747 (OP) who cares? it looks like absolute s--- The sound design is really really bad. >>524910473 demon's soulless remake >>525026054 (OP) I want you guys to really listen to the audio >one foot step sound on repeat >it doesn't even line up with the foot touching the ground >it literally plays when the character isn't really moving >that s----- sound that plays when you suck up the souls >no killing blow sound O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:52:21 No.524909618 ymous 09/17/20(Thu)22:06:49 No.525026481 - PS5 EXCLUSIVE. REHASHINGA GAME IS THEIR F------ EXCLUSIVE. GET F----- SONYFAGS >maiden of black's voice >they added a player volce, probably because they didn't bother with the environment sounds ugh... huff.. urgh... SCHWING CLANG SHLORP AUUUUUUUHHHHhhh.. *chugs moongrass* O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)03:57:11 No.524910168 - This is the worst remake you could ask for. out muh graphics >>524909908 Friendly reminder he did all those animations BY JUST PRESSING ONE F------ BUTTON FOR A MILISECOND. >>525185779 >imagine spending 70 bucks on a ps3 game and another 70 bucks on a dlc of a ps4 game with only 5 hours of gameplay F------ KEK! SNOYS ARE MENTALLY RETARDÉD O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)02:36:11 No.524899907 · Sep 17, 2020 - Sprou Another Snoy game that plays itself. >>524899747 (OP) Remember when Death Stranding's press release said it would release on PC and then Sony pulled it cause it was clearly a PS4 exclusive? O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)23:22:12 No.5250: >>525035689 Looks like generic Chinese UE4 game O Anonymous 09/17/20(Thu)04:02:52 No.524910898 It's prettier and newer so it's better :)](
The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Fresh out of the oven

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Nvidia 3000 Series GPU meme

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Nvidia 3090 GPU

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
I feel attacked

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
le epic pc gamer

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
Just stay asleep

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
We are done when Windows says we are done

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
PC-sama in 90's anime aesthetic!
The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
PC Essentials

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
God I Missed You

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
gay if true

The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race