The Detroit Cake Puzzle

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It
Cake Scenario Answers

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It
Delicious Cake True Origin
![O 2008-01-13, 04:51 PM (IsO 8801) Spoilers - Top - End - #36 Holammer o E Re: Why is Cake a Lie? [oops] Barbarian in the Playground EE Originally Posted by Yeril m Just a matter of curiosity, where has the meme "Cake is a Lie" came from? I've heard it so much latley. (long winded explanation, get some tea folks) Most people believe it refers to the game Portal from Valve. There is a reference in-game and in the ending song. But that itself is a reference to something different altogether. This is also where it gets ugly. Join Date: Jun 2007 Well, this is difficult, as one normally wouldn't want to admit you're even remotely aware about what the "cake is a lie" and "delicious cake" is all about. In fact, I made a spit-take when I heard the portal song and it came to the "anyway this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist" part. See... Once upon a time there was an image board/forum on "teh interwebs" called Futuba Channel where Japanese otaku's posted pictures and discussed stuff. The forums had no registration system and were lightly moderated. But it was impossible/hard for people outside Japan to post there at all by design. This in turn spawned a number of similar sites in a similar style. When you post on these sites you always do it without registration and there is a tradition to post as "anonymous". In fact, posting with a nick is frowned upon and people often thank "anonymous" when "anonymous delivers". Location: Under the Mountain Gender: So far so good. So one of these clones became very popular and it turned into the meeting place for the scum and villainy of the internet. Site was divided into a number of sub sections such as /b (random) /vg (videogames) /cat (cats!) modelled after the Japanese original. You get the picture. This site produced a high number of internet Memes. One of "their" Memes was "Delicious Cake" which was a picture of "you" and a cake. People edited the picture and posted their solutions. This is not logical stuff mind you, people posted downright racist solutions to reaching the cake or advanced mathematical formula, even philosophical approaches. Delicious Cake never really spread much as it was largely in-jokes that didn't translate into good humour outside their message board. You'll probably find a few pictures with solution if you search on the subject. With this in mind you can pretty much figure out how the reference in the song makes perfect sense in Portal. Sadly the cake itself is a reference. As the site was neatly organised into several sub section as mentioned before. Most were 1 to 3 letter abbreviations except for one which was /cake and unlike the others it didn't make much sense, more about that later. As you could post pretty much anything on the site anonymously it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a large portion of this material was pornographic in nature and here comes the boot the head! /cake was and became a codeword for anime style Lolicon material. Due to the obviously controversial content of /cake it often became a target for floods of posts and pictures that made appear as refined art. This in turn coined "cake is a lie" when posted pictures depicted something not being the expected cake. I have seen this question asked before and I feel I owe it the Internet to give a proper answer for once. I was actually surprised when Portal referred to cake in this obvious way. It's clear the high-ups in Valve had no idea what their mischievous staff actually put in there. The site mentioned in this text distanced itself from /cake awhile ago and it was separated to another site which was "not" the site in question. If you ever hear about "fail", "lolcats", "nom nom nom", "surprise buttsex" or "MOAR". This is the site that spawned them all, including cake. (never been harder to hit the "submit reply" button... Geez!) Edit: Before someone points out inaccurate claims, "site mentioned" is actually somewhat innocent of using /cake. They used /l and an offshoot site much similar to the original adopted /cake. Still the same audience. But I just wanted to clarify this.](
![O 2008-01-13, 04:51 PM (IsO 8801) Spoilers - Top - End - #36 Holammer o E Re: Why is Cake a Lie? [oops] Barbarian in the Playground EE Originally Posted by Yeril m Just a matter of curiosity, where has the meme "Cake is a Lie" came from? I've heard it so much latley. (long winded explanation, get some tea folks) Most people believe it refers to the game Portal from Valve. There is a reference in-game and in the ending song. But that itself is a reference to something different altogether. This is also where it gets ugly. Join Date: Jun 2007 Well, this is difficult, as one normally wouldn't want to admit you're even remotely aware about what the "cake is a lie" and "delicious cake" is all about. In fact, I made a spit-take when I heard the portal song and it came to the "anyway this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist" part. See... Once upon a time there was an image board/forum on "teh interwebs" called Futuba Channel where Japanese otaku's posted pictures and discussed stuff. The forums had no registration system and were lightly moderated. But it was impossible/hard for people outside Japan to post there at all by design. This in turn spawned a number of similar sites in a similar style. When you post on these sites you always do it without registration and there is a tradition to post as "anonymous". In fact, posting with a nick is frowned upon and people often thank "anonymous" when "anonymous delivers". Location: Under the Mountain Gender: So far so good. So one of these clones became very popular and it turned into the meeting place for the scum and villainy of the internet. Site was divided into a number of sub sections such as /b (random) /vg (videogames) /cat (cats!) modelled after the Japanese original. You get the picture. This site produced a high number of internet Memes. One of "their" Memes was "Delicious Cake" which was a picture of "you" and a cake. People edited the picture and posted their solutions. This is not logical stuff mind you, people posted downright racist solutions to reaching the cake or advanced mathematical formula, even philosophical approaches. Delicious Cake never really spread much as it was largely in-jokes that didn't translate into good humour outside their message board. You'll probably find a few pictures with solution if you search on the subject. With this in mind you can pretty much figure out how the reference in the song makes perfect sense in Portal. Sadly the cake itself is a reference. As the site was neatly organised into several sub section as mentioned before. Most were 1 to 3 letter abbreviations except for one which was /cake and unlike the others it didn't make much sense, more about that later. As you could post pretty much anything on the site anonymously it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a large portion of this material was pornographic in nature and here comes the boot the head! /cake was and became a codeword for anime style Lolicon material. Due to the obviously controversial content of /cake it often became a target for floods of posts and pictures that made appear as refined art. This in turn coined "cake is a lie" when posted pictures depicted something not being the expected cake. I have seen this question asked before and I feel I owe it the Internet to give a proper answer for once. I was actually surprised when Portal referred to cake in this obvious way. It's clear the high-ups in Valve had no idea what their mischievous staff actually put in there. The site mentioned in this text distanced itself from /cake awhile ago and it was separated to another site which was "not" the site in question. If you ever hear about "fail", "lolcats", "nom nom nom", "surprise buttsex" or "MOAR". This is the site that spawned them all, including cake. (never been harder to hit the "submit reply" button... Geez!) Edit: Before someone points out inaccurate claims, "site mentioned" is actually somewhat innocent of using /cake. They used /l and an offshoot site much similar to the original adopted /cake. Still the same audience. But I just wanted to clarify this.](
This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It
Meido Vanilla wants you to eat her delicious cake. Is this awesome?

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It
This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It

This Is Delicious Cake You Must Eat It