Alas, Friendzoned Again!

We Look So Much Like a Couple Here / A Couple of Bestiesss
Gay Priest and Homo Vampire | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/

We Look So Much Like a Couple Here / A Couple of Bestiesss
A moment of silence for Danny... | /r/PrequelMemes

We Look So Much Like a Couple Here / A Couple of Bestiesss
Haven't had such a hoot n holler in decades | /r/ComedyCemetery

We Look So Much Like a Couple Here / A Couple of Bestiesss
A couple of bestiesss

We Look So Much Like a Couple Here / A Couple of Bestiesss
This is basically canon

We Look So Much Like a Couple Here / A Couple of Bestiesss
Press F to Pay Respects

We Look So Much Like a Couple Here / A Couple of Bestiesss