WMAF / White Male Asian Female - Images
Just one more drawing and they might stop fucking our women

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
4chan drawing (edit)

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
4chan drawing (original and no text)

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
Even people on Twitter bring their garbage takes on this subject. As usual

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
This silly picture was used in an actual book/guide. Reverse search it if you don't believe me

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
Hjor and Ljufvina with their children, Geirmund and Havard

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
Ken-sama and his Japanese girlfriend

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
WMAF in Pokemon localization

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
More Reddit seething
![1-|damnyoumad2 (score hidden] 50 minutes ago Asian women really love white guys and only white guys lol.. even after all the s--- going on in America and them treating minorities like s--- t -] thaheroyoudeserve -12 points 1 hour ago* Man, it's like asian women are biologically hardwired to reproduce with white men. It seems to me like white men always punch way above their belt when they date asians; and Asian woman's standards go up when dealing with their own men. Want an asian girl? Be white and average (or slightly below). Or Be a high income asian make who is at least 5'6. peme me sn ot epy 11-|vulpes21 [score hidden] 51 minutes ago He's a white dude. He could look like Quasimodo and she'd still date him over an Asian guy. pemlink mhet r reen r tHtwewy8123 [score hidden] 57 minutes ago Nah, he is just white peman noot sa parnt rpon py](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/187/700/b89.jpg)
![1-|damnyoumad2 (score hidden] 50 minutes ago Asian women really love white guys and only white guys lol.. even after all the s--- going on in America and them treating minorities like s--- t -] thaheroyoudeserve -12 points 1 hour ago* Man, it's like asian women are biologically hardwired to reproduce with white men. It seems to me like white men always punch way above their belt when they date asians; and Asian woman's standards go up when dealing with their own men. Want an asian girl? Be white and average (or slightly below). Or Be a high income asian make who is at least 5'6. peme me sn ot epy 11-|vulpes21 [score hidden] 51 minutes ago He's a white dude. He could look like Quasimodo and she'd still date him over an Asian guy. pemlink mhet r reen r tHtwewy8123 [score hidden] 57 minutes ago Nah, he is just white peman noot sa parnt rpon py](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/187/700/b89.jpg)
WMAF / White Male Asian Female
Me joining a WMAF thread just in time to witness the butthurt ricecel spamming BBC porn in retaliati...

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
white only

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
/pol/ however does hate Asian women for real

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
If you hate China, I have one thing to tell you!

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
5 years of owning this yellow beast! Great memories, but time to move on. She will be missed. 😢

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
WMAF couples collage (but it's without the angry Asian Redditor in the middle)

WMAF / White Male Asian Female
conservative guys with polynesian wives
WMAF / White Male Asian Female