Chrissy Teigen Draws Blowback After Telling Tale Of Time She Got Fleeced For $13,000 Of Bad Wine
Chrissy Teigen, arguably a bigger celebrity on Twitter than in real life at this point, waded into controversy yesterday after casually flexing her riches in a tale seemingly meant to elicit sympathy.
The whole controversy started out innocuously enough: Teigen jumped into "Prompt Twitter" by asking her followers, "what’s the most expensive thing you’ve eaten that you thought sucked?" She followed with her example: a time a waiter recommended her a $13,000 bottle of wine (without revealing the price) that her and husband John Legend didn't even finish.
one time john and I were at a restaurant and the waiter recommended a nice Cabernet. We got the bill and it was 13,000 dollars. HOW DO U CASUALLY RECOMMEND THAT WINE. we didn’t even finish it and it had been cleared!!!
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) February 3, 2021
Teigen, who has a net worth of $75 million, drew the ire of her followers for her rather unrelatable problems.
haha yeah that would financially bankrupt me and ruin my life for several years at least
— Lauren (not a hologram) (@ActNormalOrElse) February 3, 2021
one time I was forced into an ambulance and I am still paying the bill for the under 10 minute ride to the hospital 4 years later so I get where you're coming from
— Joe Camel (@cocainekarate) February 3, 2021
Had 90% of us "accidentally" ordered a $13,000 wine, we'd be in jail.
Not saying rich people's experiences can't be different, but this is really tone deaf. Especially, given how many are suffering.
Maybe she could consider a sizeable donation to gain her desired publicity.— Becky🤪 Stop the ride, I need to get off! (@BPPubs) February 3, 2021
While people pointed out how unamused they were by Teigen's $13,000 plight, others joked that the waiter in the story was the true hero.
When covid is over I want to shake the hand of the waiter that tricked chrissy teigen into buying a $13k bottle of wine
— 💖e💖 (@eeeeowa) February 3, 2021
many are commenting on the fact that chrissy teigen has too much money and is out of touch but can we also acknowledge that this server is an absolute legend
— crispin is longing (@crispinoblong) February 3, 2021
The jokes and outraged comments of the masses seemed to put Teigen in a sour mood, as she lamented, "hey, not everything I say on my twitter is going to be relatable to you because it is my life and my twitter and my stories. I see your tweets, I get your jokes, you are so funny, yes, you really nailed me."
hey, not everything I say on my twitter is going to be relatable to you because it is my life and my twitter and my stories. I see your tweets, I get your jokes, you are so funny, yes, you really nailed me
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) February 3, 2021
She later attempted to take up the cross as "rich person people make fun of for a day" in a tweet some noticed bore a striking similarity to a certain Bruce Wayne monologue.
honestly, I will be that person for you. it is fun to gang up on me. I see the convos that bring you together in your owning of me. I make it easy. have fun.
— chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) February 3, 2021
she's the hero this website deserves, but not the one it needs right now. so we'll own her. because she can take it. because she's not a hero. she's a silent guardian. a watchful poster. a dark knight
— meaning machine (@EricThurm) February 3, 2021
As Harvey Dent once said, "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
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