"CS:GO" And "Team Fortress 2" Source Codes Leak, Leading To Fear Of Dangerous Exploits

Published April 22, 2020

Published April 22, 2020

The 2017/2018 source codes for CS:GO and Team Fortress 2 leaked earlier today, leading players to fear for their PC and account security.

The source of the leaks is unknown and speculation is currently rampant, both about the leaker and the severity of the leak. Players fear that the leaked code could allow hackers to perform game-breaking exploits and potentially remote code execution, which allows hackers to run code on another player's machine. Videos and screenshots of such hacks have been circulating on Twitter, but their veracity has not been confirmed.

As of the time of writing, there has been no official statement from Valve regarding the leaks, leading players to come to the general consensus that it is unsafe to run either game until people are sure about the severity of the leaks. Community servers including Creators.TF and Red Sun have suspended operations. According to a Creators.TF mod:

It’s possible to do something with your PC files. Cathook developer said he discovered a way to Remote Code Execute (RCE) on TF2 just by you being in the server. So it’s easy to get a virus, execute code that turns you into aimbot, or delete all your inventory by just playing.

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