Japanese Men Show Off Face Mask Panties On Twitch Stream

The Coronavirus outbreak has led to a shortage of face masks, protective wear used primarily in Asian culture to prevent receiving or transmitting sickness. In dire times such as these, what is a man to do but strap woman's underwear to their face?
Such was the scenario Twitch streamer Cjaysan discovered while streaming in Japan when he discovered two men with panties on their faces.
The men explained that the masks were for the Coronavirus, to which Cjaysan playfully added, "that's smart."
Strange as this may look, it may not simply be a case of pervy men finding any excuse to rub underwear on their faces. The Philippines government actually stated that bras, panties, and diapers could serve as a substitute facemask after Mount Taal erupted last January.
In case you were wondering, there is a market for actual facemasks that resemble panties and they are sold in Japan, but evidently they are sold out.
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