Hot Twitter Discourse Of The Day Surrounds Debate Over How Climbing Mount Everest Affects One's Potential As A Romantic Partner

Published August 10, 2022

Published August 10, 2022

In the dating corner of Twitter (often the source of bewildering viral stories), discourse has erupted over just how impressive it is for a potential mate to have climbed Mount Everest twice.

The story begins with Twitter user @IsabelHagen_, who attempted to underline just how hard dating can be by recalling an experience in which she'd matched on a dating app with a man who had climbed Mt. Everest twice.

"He was still single. Using an app. That’s how hard dating is holy shit," she wrote.

As any single person wading through the myriad dating apps knows, it can be hard out there. But Isabel's tale raised the question for many: Just how impressive is it to climb Mount Everest twice, and is such an accomplishment enough to raise one's stock as a potential mate?

Not so much, according to many Twitter jokesters, a number of whom probably haven't climbed Mt. Everest once let alone twice. Part of the reason for this is because climbing Mt. Everest has been made substantially easier in recent years by Tibetan Sherpas who serve as guides for tourists making the climb. Others argued that one's physical achievements have no bearing on their sexual attractiveness or romantic compatibility with others.

Others posted jokes about the plight of this man, able to conquer the greatest physical challenge known to mankind but unable to find love.

For what it's worth, Isabel described the anonymous man as "cute," "tall" and "nice" in follow-up tweets to her original posts, meaning his Everest summits aren't the only thing he apparently has going for him. We wish him the best of luck in climbing the ultimate mountain of life — finding true love.

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