Those 12-foot Tall Halloween Skeletons Are Becoming Glorious, 12-foot Tall Christmas Skeletons

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Last spooky season, Home Depot hit a home run when it started selling gargantuan skeleton lawn decorations that would surely make any owner's house the spookiest one on the block. However, the 12-foot skeletons weren't cheap, coming in at $300 a pop, and when Halloween ends, what does one do with their massive, possibly-gag purchase? Why, simply trot it out again for the next holiday.

Washington Post writer Maria Judkis has been keeping up with some purchasers of the skeletons and has learned that several have delightfully bucked the rules of traditional holiday decor and put up the skeletons again, first for Thanksgiving and now for Christmas.

The skeletons have pulled double duty as Jack Skellington, The Grinch, The Nutcracker, and the Abominable Snowman. Others have found their skeletons to be admirable Christmas helpers, positioning them such that it looks as though they're decorating their homes with macabre Christmas cheer.

While the massive skeletons are certainly not traditional Christmas decoration, they do look significantly less threatening than, say, a 12-foot-tall Santa or Jesus firgurine.

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