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President Valentine
President Valentine

OH, what a surprise! Heh heh, it's so sad that people think that stories like this, whether they are real or not, will really convince people, bigoted or not, any differently. So what if a Muslim saved someone?

What matters if that another person saved another person's life, you don't see articles like: Christian saves man from burning fire or even a shooting, who gives a crap if that he is Christian?

I know I sound like a fucking Conservative shitbag, but I find it a little sad that it has become a common thing that every time a radical-Muslim terror attack is made, sure we still have mourning, but just an immediate barrage of: "PLS DON'T BE MEAN TO MUSLIMS OR GIVE THEM SUCH A HARD TIME!" or make up shit like this.

Shocking surprise: Most people, besides a minor groups of assholes most likely on 4chan, are paying attention to the horrible event that caused said amount of death and suffering.


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