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Undertale - When Frisk asks about the Birds and the Bees

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Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme
Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme

in reply to Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme

18. Too Guilty (Asriel): "Well, actually…As a kid, I'm not supposed to know that kinda stuff…But during my time, here, as a flower, well…I kinda learned too much for my own good. And, I don't want the same to happen to you. So, for now, well…Let's just say 'ignorance is bliss', okay?"
19. Too Eldritch (Dr. W.D. Gaster): incoherent otherworldy babbling
20. Too Jerry (Jerry): [Unsolicited opinions on Asriel???]

Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme
Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme

8. Refusal (Asgore): "Sorry, Frisk, but I cannot tell you such things. Come back, when you're a little older."
9. Disgusted (Flowey): "You PERVERT. What kind of SICKO would ask a random stranger something like that, let alone a flower?!"
10. Indifferent (Napstablook): "oh…well, i don't really have an…actual biological sex, so…i wouldn't know about anything like that…sorry…"
11. Animal (Greater Dog): dog barking
12. Too Idiotic/Insane (Mad Dummy): "What? WHAT!? WHAT?!?! How DARE you ask me a question like that!? You know VERY well that, as a Dummy, I can't make babies, and as such, I wouldn't know a THING about that type of subject matter! So, WHY would you ask me a question like that?! Don't you realize that doing so would be futile, futile, FUTILE!? WHY?! …Are you MOCKING me!? Well, I'll show you what happens to mockers, around here! Those who mock shall get knocked! COMMENCE KNOCKING: Knock, KNOCK, KNOCK!!"
13. Innocent Child (Monster Kid): "Yo, dude, my parents said I'm not allowed to talk about that kinda stuff, which means I'm also not allowed to know about it, so I guess your answer's as good as mine…"


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