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I am AHO Right?
I am AHO Right?

Not gonna' lie, I'm kinda' scared about this game, because as creative as Kojima is, sometimes he gets over-ambitious and tries to do things that simply don't work, like having the sniper fight against The End last a real-world week, or making a cartridge seep blood-red dye onto the console, things which always got shot down at the (overly) critical Konami, but now that he's at Sony and they want to prove themselves as better than Konami by letting Kojima do whatever the hell it is he wants to do, there's a possibility this game will go full-on Molyneux and make The Phantom Pain look like complete by comparison. Already, it kind of has an indie feel to it, not graphic-wise, but content-wise, like one of those tryhard Myst clones on Steam. I hate to be the doomsayer, but that initial trailer doesn't inspire tons of confidence for me. Hopefully I'm wrong, though.


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