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Mr. Candles
Mr. Candles

in reply to Snickerway

So you would rather have it like Canada, where Quebec runs the entire country and if you live on the other side Fuck You you're not from a Big City? Because that sounds like throwing them to the wolves.

You wouldn't believe how pissed people are outside of Ontario and Quebec due to that problem; at least the electoral college TRIES to solve that.

Hell, I can also give my own country as an example of why that kind of ultra-centralization gets you to bad places. One city is half the nation in population, and when it comes to presidential elections every other place has kind of just given up on elections entirely.

Every place is important, every person is important, and fucking over one because "there's just not enough of you over there" and letting people that have zero idea how you live or work run everything? That leads to resentment.
And resentment is a killer of nations.

Le Happy Probopass
Le Happy Probopass

in reply to Snickerway

>That’s how democracy is supposed to work.
A direct democracy yes. The USA are a republic. I doubt that you actually think that a junkie family that has lived their whole life on welfare and shat out 20 kids in the process should hold more power in i.e. matters of taxation than a middle-class family of five people who all hold honest jobs and live their lives purposefully.


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