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Overwatch - Ah McIntosh. Good to see you being incompetent as always.

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"My main point is it's important for games and comics to be OK with making male fans uncomfortable."

So, he thinks the path to LGBTQ acceptance is to offend people? That sounds like a terrible strategy. Look, LGBTQ people shouldn't have to apologize for what they are, but going out of their way to make people uncomfortable isn't going to win them friends.

I'm from a smallish city in the Midwest. I didn't really know any gay people growing up (except my uncle, but I didn't realize he was gay until I was an adult). Anyway, the first time I saw gay people kiss in real life was at the student union of my university. It blew my mind because it was a simple peck on the cheek, like something you'd see in "Leave it to Beaver." That moment crystallized for me that "Wow, these people are absolutely normal. That was incredibly mundane. Why are people threatened by this?" If you ask me, having a rather vanilla lesbian couple in the game is a great idea because it normalizes homosexuality. It makes people realize "Oh, this isn't as shocking as that street-corner preacher with the colorful sign said it would be." Maybe you can work up to Roadhog/Junkrat BDSM diaper relationship later. But the goal shouldn't be to make straight people uncomfortable about LGBTQ people. It should be to make them realize it's silly to be uncomfortable about LGBTQ people.


in reply to Platus

Trouble is, if we have to constantly worry about tropes and deciphering motivations and making sure everything checks the right boxes, we're never going to get anywhere with this diversity thing.

And the thing with McIntosh is that he complains about every damn thing. Nothing makes that guy happy.


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