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Yea I remember this thing. A friend of mine had an excess of these disks at the store he worked in, and gave me one of those disks. It was priced less than a dollar here, generally worthless.

Also, one noteworthy thing about this ripoff is that they actually managed to release a "Meet The Pyro" of their own before VALVe did.


in reply to Bill-Stan, Gaijin Supreme

Overwatch is what Quake was to TF2. It used a lot of concepts from it like TF2 using Quake's rocket jumping concept and fall damage mechanics and Overwatch using TF2's gamemodes and diverse classes but didn't outright plagiarize entire playstyles like Final Combat and (to a certain extent) Paladins where it's "Oh, that's Heavy" or "Oh, that's Soldier:76"


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