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Chris the Lovable Jerk
Chris the Lovable Jerk

Okay, here's something funny about this character. I have a friend who still watches RWBY (I quit after Pyrrha's death, talk about shitty writing) and he's a very calm and collected person, wonderful guy and has helped me out immensely on my own RWBY fic and his knowledge of V4-5 has helped me out to incorporate the good stuff they've done and as long as I've known him he's always be pretty nice and amiable guy, and months before V5 came out he was talking to me about Khan, who was apparently mentioned in V4. He wanted to incorporate her into the fic he helps me write and was really interested about her, since she's the leader of the White Fang and wanted to see what she would add to the story, world and the White Fang itself.

This was the first time I've ever seen him genuinely angry, like he was legit pissed that this character was teased for a while and then tossed away after her introductory scene. So it was kind of a role reversal for our friendship, as I was the calm one and he was the angry one.

Man, Rooster Teeth sure likes to utterly waste characters and throw away potential recently, right?


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