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Decided to delete my comment here since everyone kept misunderstanding what i was trying to say and i got buried for it so i'll take the part i meant more clearly and reword myself, sorry for the bad english. I originally misunderstood this image and thought it was mocking the late child who decided to take his own life. Clearly i was wrong, it's mocking BBC, rightfully so, who are exploiting and capitalizing this tragedy for clicks and outrage news.

It's debatable how much at fault the father is here, especially when you consider he is likely latching his grief onto things/trying to cope with his son's suicide, the counter argument is that, what kind of a father does not see the depressed suicidal tendencies of his own son and then blames it on a game. It's something i myself am not clear on, as i know he is mourning yet i am cynical of how supportive he was of his own son.

But without a shadow of a doubt, BBC is scum here. The fact that they're using this tragic event as the age old clickbait of "vidya keels????" is so scummy, and i'd argue, even worse than your average old out of touch news. It's awful to try and make an argument that games turns people into murderers just to get clicks, but it's even worse, ten times worse to try and "argue" that people decide to commit suicide just because they play video games. It's absolutely disgusting to try and jam the entire events leading to someone's final moments into "played vidya lmoa" just to gain clicks. Despicable.


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