forgot to put "Hard Drive" instead of "Hardware"
here is the twitter link because the source name/url won't show up.
FINAL UPDATE: im sorry to say, that my old hard drive is DEAD, all my data from it are completely gone and there is nothing everybody can do about it RIP My Hard Drive.
UPDATE: dad says he is going to buy another extarnal hard drive so that they can move my data from my broken one to the new one…on christmas but i really don't want to wait for it and thats too bad, see you on xmas.
REAL UPDATE 2: sorry for my f-bombs on the previous update 2, i was trying to say was that im not getting smash ultimate until christmas because of my accident, and dad says he is going to take it to someone else that can fix it (cost $800), if not then i'll do this by myself.
UPDATE 3: dad says he is going to take it to his friend (in barrie) that is pro at fixing hard drives and there is an 50% chance that my data won't comeback, plus i'm now paranoid about doing it myself after watching all the hard drive videos.
UPDATE 4: my hard drive is now getting fixed, but dad says the disk is (maybe) broken but they might try to fix it. i wish them a good luck.
UPDATE 5: im not getting my old hard drive back this christmas, but i got a new hard drive and dad says they'll still gonna try to fix it, he dosen't know when but soon, also again merry christmas and happy holidays.
UPDATE 6: i found out that a small usb hub (i bought) can cause the external hard drive to won't connect to the computers, and i don't know if my hard drive was damaged by the drop or the usb 3.0 hub.
UPDATE 7: My Old Hard Drive won't be coming back this New Year's Eve/Day too, i think it might take a month (started since Week 3 of December) to finish fixing my hard drive, so anyways Happy New Year, i hope 2019 gives me a good luck.
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