- Say, son, how are you so on-the-spot on the 80's culture? Don't get me wrong, I'm positively impressed, but this is really strange, you know?
- Fu fu fu… You're right to be impressed, Dad… There's no way you could posibly match my tremendous power… Thanks to[ Radio Head ]'s ability, every information that they communicate via radiowaves, I intercept, and decrypt, AND ASSIMILATE! Every bit of every emission, every-
- Did you learn about it on the Internet web?
- Yes.
- Was it legal this time?
- Maybe.
- We'll talk about it later. And stop making such stupid poses during the dinner. That's disturbing.
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Triplem Moderator
Apr 26, 2019 at 05:26AM EDT
Apr 25, 2019 at 11:09PM EDT