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I honestly just want them to give us an announcement that they'll just patch the rest of the pokemon in with a future update, if they're this strapped for time. What fans are asking for isn't even unreasonable, we just want either a delay in the game or a future update patch to add the rest of the mons in at a later time. Fans also don't want their pokemon trapped and confined to a paid subscription service Pokemon Home app, even with pokemon bank you could take your pokemon in and out at will. It doesn't make any sense when a multi billion dollar franchise like pokemon can't either hire more staff to work on the game, or just outsource staff to help them meet their deadline. Then once they meet their initial release date, they can add the rest of the pokemon in with an update. And boom, problem solved.

But now because of this missing feature that fans have had in the game for over 17 years, this Nintendo Treehouse Pokemon video is one of Nintendo's most disliked videos on record, and frustrated fans keep bombarding both the Official Pokemon Twitter page, and Gamefreak's twitter page on a daily basis just to add rest of the pokemon back. I hate to say it but whoever thought it was ok to remove the feature that's made pokemon money for the last 2 decades needs to be replaced or fired all together. This is a train wreck, it makes me concerned who's running their upper management at that company in the first place.


Battle Revolution animation would be the best if the attack animation were more than 10 times faster.
Otherwise I like Stadim and the Game Cube games the best.
The Switch Version feels like we are still playing on handhelds (which still is true but I expected a little more from a Trible A console came).


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