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Doom - When people question me

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Duke Bruh
Duke Bruh

Doom lore is legitimately interesting. Not too complicated and straightforward.
That's funny considering how Carmack scrapped the plot for the first Doom game saying "plot in a videogame is like a plot in a porn movie,it's expected to be there but it's not that important".

Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Duke Bruh

I remember hearing somewhere that was one reason why Tom Hall left id Software, he got super pissed that the lore he wrote for Doom got scrapped by Carmack and people went with it because of Carmack having more clout.

Something similar would happen years later when the first Borderlands was being made, apparently one of the original designers of the game back when it was originally going to have a realistic style quit not just Gearbox but the gaming industry as a whole when it was decided to re-tool Borderlands 1 to have less story and cel-shaded visuals.

In the case of Hall I can at least understand why he was annoyed because as great of a programmer as Carmack is it probably is annoying the "tech guy" has more say over plot than the guy who actually likes to write story (IIRC didn't that sorta happen with Quake 1 as well?), but in the case of the Borderlands dev all I can say is "that sounds a bit extreme don't you think?" Also somewhat ironic as Borderlands 2 was much more plot heavy, even if it was more focused on comedy with jokes that inevitably became dated (though to be fair it's hardly the first FPS to have dated humor, Duke Nukem 3D from 1996 has jokes directed at things like the OJ Simpson trial, Beavis and Butthead, early Simpsons, and Independence Day).


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