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in reply to Odie

I was vaccinated for rabies when I was going to be living in Africa for a while.

The vaccination can go in your arm, but it's probably the largest needle of the 12 or so vaccination variations I've had. It's huge.
It will genuinely leave your arm in pain for days.

That said, at least they didn't put it in my navel.

If you think you might be exposed to rabies, just bite the bullet and get the vaccination.


One time I got my hand impaled and, while doc was cleaning and dressing the wound, he notices my dog bite scars. I mention I concealed these from mom less because she'd spank me and more because of she told me that anti-rabies shots are applied to the navel/bellybutton. That's a lie to scare us, right?

Doctor looks me in the eye and says that it's true, all of it. Sure, the needles go around the navel instead of right in the center, but still, do not want.


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