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in reply to Ten Shadows

Eh, kinda? The moneychanger thing was mainly because Jews would come to Jerusalem from all over the region, and would need to exchange their money into Hebrew currency, which the temple required. The problem was twofold: one, they'd charge a fee to do so (against Hebrew law, since that hurt the poor), and two, that large amount and types of money being exchanged turned it into a miniature bank. If that wasn't enough, they also sold sacrificial doves that people might need, and charged through the nose for them.

So imagine coming to your house, and finding a gift shop illegally set up on your lawn that was also scalping the hell out of its customers.
“It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”

I have no idea what the anti-government radical thing is talking about, the Jews thought he came to kick out the Romans, but he was explicitly not there to do that. He had bigger fish to fry.


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