A reminder that this is a death cult | 2020 United States Presidential Election | Know Your Meme
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248 Views Created 3 years ago By VeteranAdventureHobo • Updated 3 years ago

Created By VeteranAdventureHobo • Updated 3 years ago

S Here's a sample of a letter - consider putting copies in the mailboxes of the neighbors you trust (media.thedonald.win) E O posted 1 minutes ago by HelsWhoHels 1 0 comments ahare nave hide deport block Hello Neighbor You are receiving this letter because, through the tumult of this election, you have stayed visibly steadfast in your support for the president. Or in some cases, obvious opposition to the corrupt political establishment more than support for Trump. This letter is going out only to those of you who have maintained the moral courage to display your patriotism in the wake of this election. Therefore, you can look down your street right now and know who else has gotten this message. These are your brothers and sisters in arms. Or soon they will be. This is not a call to arms. Rather it is a call to readiness. If you keep up with the news, you will already know that the naked fraud perpetrated in this election has been validated by the courts from the lowest to the highest, who refuse even to hear our cases. Whether controlled directly by some Democrat appointed judge who is friends with the defendants or by simple fear of making any decision of actual consequence, the courts have forsaken you and their duty to safeguard your rights as American citizens. Despite the desperate grasping of straws by the terminally hopeful, the reality is that any dream of a peaceful solution to the hollowing out of your nation by corrupt ideologue elites is dead. The real question now is what are you going to do about it? True, perhaps Donald Trump will pull a Hail Mary, declare martial law, and you can sit back and relax while he fixes all your problems for you. And perhaps there won't be another blizzard that knocks out the power for the rest of the winter. Would you argue you aren't a fool if you use that hope to justify not preparing for such a probability? Though I'm sure many of you harrumph and steam about the state of our nation, you still feel deep down like you really don't want to fight. Despite everything, you can still come home to a warm and lit house, sit down to a reasonable dinner, and watch the latest in mind- numbing entertainment. Why stand up for your rights when you could lose all your creature comforts? Well, the way our trajectory is looking right now, I'd say you have a good decade or maybe less to enjoy all those things while you have them. And when the twilight years of the America you knew are over, you will likely be so burdened by taxes targeted at you that you will not be able to keep your house. Your evening steak will be replaced by ecofriendly mandate with some pseudo-meat made of processed insects (no really look it up). And the entertainment you are allowed to watch will be so grossly pumped full of propaganda that even in your drunkest state, you will not be able to stomach it. And by then you won't be able to fight back. So the only option remaining to the true Americans is to resist. But this isn't 1776. I encourage you to avoid anyone calling themselves a militia until the ball really gets rolling. Rather, you should have "the talk" with people you know and trust. Begin making plans. Get creative. Clean, sight, and load your guns. January 20th is the latest possible date that the fight kicks off. And for those of you who scoff at everything in this letter, the good Mr. Samuel Adams has a retort. "If ye love wealth better than liberty... go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." Your neighbor


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